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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Zhorn96

  1. Now THAT is a porkable booty. Long live South Florida
  2. Oooooooohhhhhh, you need to use big red, not Dr Pepper. No wonder it wasn’t working
  3. Is that Jayhawk in prime buttfucking position? And is the Husky doing Prancercise?
  4. They lost a starting Guard to Mizzou and backup Tackle to Cal over the weekend. Heard their star Tackle got money whipped to stay. Haven’t heard anything else. Their old OL coach is at Mizzou now.
  5. Headed to Cal this weekend. They need a starting quality TE and are willing to pay… I mean provide lucrative NIL opportunities… to the right young man
  6. Or Aggie's version of Penthouse Forum. "I never believed anything like this would happen to me. My aggy sister and brother in law had dinner and drinks one evening with leon and his family in the Cypress area before he headed off for training camp with the 49ers..."
  7. Liucci dong gif in 3… 2… 1….
  8. 3 stars are the building blocks of all 6-6 teams
  9. It’s what I fantasized TAMUs roster would look like when their exodus started
  10. I mean, I think I mentioned on here once before but when I was a valet in college, Mikie always tipped a dollar regardless of whether he was bringing his wife or any of his blond, early twenties “nieces” to the restaurant we were working at. So I’m good with people calling him cheap
  11. Even better, my first job out of UT while I was taking a decade to get my shit together, was to run the mailrooms of a variety of the big firms in downtown Austin. Got some good stories out of it, including possibly the least surprising bit of news ever. “Z, I need you to do all the copies yourself. Highly confidential!” So of course I read the filing… our firm was defending Dennis Rodman for knowingly banging a chick while he had a herpes flare up and she sued him. Well no shit, girl. Dennis Rodman? Herpes? Color me shocked. Made me sad thinking about Carmen Electra though… that poor vagina of hers smh
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