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Certifiably Surly
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About SurlyGator

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  1. So, it's almost football season again, not to mention the Olympics as an early appetizer, so it's time to subscribe to a live TV streaming service again. The past few years I have done YouTube TV from August to January, and antenna plus other streaming subscriptions in between. Almost exclusively used for sports. DVR is nice but not a deal breaker. Should I look at any other options before renewing with YTTV yet again?
  2. T minus one day to Foos and Pretenders in Cincinnati. Four tickets, three going, so we will have elbow room. Stoked.
  3. This is the kind of karma I can get behind! I haven't voted in the poll, bad juju, but I'm expecting a 5-7 type season and fingers crossed all you Nostradomuses (Nostradomi?) are accurate.
  4. I plan to drink heavily this Fall.
  5. Man, you guys are spoiled when it comes to Tex-Mex. I haven't lived in the Lone Star State since I graduated college in 1991. Six states throughout the Southeast since then now finds me in Nashville. Chuy's blows pretty much everything Mexican or Tex-Mex around here out of the water. No exaggeration. There is one Uncle Julio's, but that's about it for competition. I miss competition for my Mexican food dollar. If it becomes more Olive Garden-esque, they may get a Molotov cocktail through a window.
  6. The comment under the meme is better than the meme. Nutjobs abound on both sides.
  7. Apples and oranges comparisons here. Both of those were close contact, not direct asset protection. Both were likely suicide by cop, heck Saturday's probably was too. In direct asset protection scenarios they tackle the suspect (if possible) and cover the asset ASAP simultaneously.
  8. Can you think of an incident where SS took the first shot? Imagine the shitstorm if the SS sniper fired first and the guy on the roof turned out to be some local LEO who decided he was more 'help' from an elevated position? That would have been an extremely tough shot call for the incident commander to make.
  9. 99% chance this is the case. Whether it's actually true or not, 100% chance this will be the narrative once SS is talking to the media.
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