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Everything posted by statsman

  1. I have been called every kind of idiot for not understanding what they expect Israel to do, while they refuse to spell it out. I guess, Israel is to only use bombs that kill combatants, and not the innocent civilians next door? The soldiers are to use the rifles that only shoot bullets at the combatants, and are set to only stun the human shields? I’m starting to think that there is a quiet part they don’t want to say out loud.
  2. Have you ever thought that Hamas is committing genocide on the Palestinian people? That the best chance for Palestinian survival is for Hamas to be eradicated, as soon as possible?
  3. This is America. This moral dilemma has already been solved. The US was once faced with a vicious enemy that claimed not only willingness to die for their emperor, but also a desire to die in battle for their emperor. This enemy was sheltered among innocent civilian population centers. The US solved this Gordian knot by nuking two innocent civilian population centers, getting it through their thick skulls that they could all die, without killing any more US soldiers, and not accomplishing anything. This isn’t hard math. The Palestinians and their supporters are gambling that their foes possess more humanity and morality, more compassion than they do. History shows that’s a dumb bet.
  4. In the UN vote, Ukraine voted for condemning Hamas, and abstained on the vote calling for a cease fire (the U.S., Israel and 13 others voted against and it passed). I kind of get it- Ukraine is in the middle of an existential fight and doesn’t need to make enemies, Israel has unusual ties to Russia (there are a lot of Jews in Russia), but… it’s not a good look.
  5. The White House and Israel say Hamas is exaggerating the toll, but U.N. experts believe they are likely to be correct and even undercounted https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-death-statistics-doubted-by-the-u-s-remain-a-subject-of-controversy-90ead302?st=my59eq1emxt48ol&reflink=share_mobilewebshare
  6. Ha-ha! You got me! I really am not the brightest. Since you have this all figured out, what should Israel do- its most hostile neighbors killing and stealing its citizens, and taking harbor in civilian population centers?
  7. Israel’s first concern is their children, maybe a couple dozen, taken and held hostage in Gaza. That is their first concern, and it should be. Think about them, Linux. Try to find a little sympathy for the Jewish children, terrified and captive. Go ahead, denounce Hamas as cruel monsters.
  8. When will Hamas release the hostages? You want Israel to act to relieve civilian suffering? That is a simple and reasonable thing to expect Hamas to do.
  9. 1948. And Nixon was damned late in 1973. And I don’t believe they have ever asked permission to assassinate an Iranian physicist.
  10. It’s clear the Palestinians have no interest in a two state solution. I will give them the benefit of the doubt, that they (most) would be ok with another Jewish diaspora instead of a Holocaust repeat. The idea is: make Israel so uncomfortable that, like the French in Algeria and the British in the Levantine, that they…leave. The problem with that idea is that there is no place for Jews to go, in the world. I used to think that Israelis would always be ok in America, but that doesn’t look sure any more. They are two generations from a genocidal event and Israel is all they have. They’re not going anywhere. In the west, “never again” means that we will never look away from a genocide (spoiler- ask the Tutsis if that’s true). To Israelis, “never again” means they will never, ever rely on another people or state for survival. So, it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
  11. Good point, and my comment about gas prices- there is an alliance of Iran, Russia and China, and of them- Russia wants higher gas prices. Russia supports Iran in their efforts to start trouble. Know who else wants higher gas prices? The 12th Man Foundation. Add them to the axis? (No CR)
  12. The last thing the WH wants in 2023 is a spike in energy prices (would hurt politically, and also help Russia). I suspect that affects the severity of the responses to Iran’s troublemaking
  13. College football badly needs NFL style headsets. As mentioned in Paul Wadlington’s podcast, we need to know which coaches are voting against them.
  14. My workplace has a MSnews news feed from multiple sources. I don’t click on the sketchy ones like “Z News Live”. I noticed earlier today there was a blurb from them saying Russia destroyed an ATACMS. I didn’t click, and thought “either it’s true or it’s not. If it’s true, we’ll hear a lot more about it”. Thanks for the post, and is there a transcript of a translation?
  15. Google “George Smith Texas A&M fullback”
  16. I agree with that argument. There are other arguments, too, that are good. Fact remains, we dropped nukes on civilian population centers. I believe it is possible to approve of the decision without being proud of it. (Insert gif of Truman handing Oppenheimer a tissue)
  17. In 2009, when Venables went to Tuscaloosa to brief Bama on Texas’ tendencies, did he also share signal info? Did Texas signal plays back then?
  18. I don’t know how the story of Chip and Joanna Gaines ends, but I expect it to reach new heights of horror.
  19. Baylor gave Briles a multi-million dollar settlement, instead of firing him for cause, because his attorney made it clear there would be a trial otherwise, and everything would be out in the open. Baylor’s initial plan was to fire him for cause, but his attorney dared them to try. Baylor has been consistent through this- paying millions for silence. They have that shiny stadium that celebrates a Heisman and Big XII champions, and they have paid tens of millions to keep people from learning what it is built on. The whispered allegations will stay until Baylor actually comes clean with all that went down.
  20. -there is a disconnect between the image and culture that Michigan has built over a century, and the brazen way Harbaugh has leaned into flagrant rules breaking. I don’t think the administration will be as unified in protecting him as a the Buckeyes’ or Sooners’ would be. - the first test of that theory will be in how cooperative Michigan is with investigations - rules are as strong as their enforceability. If you had a “Rain Man” on the sidelines, watching the game in real time and deciphering the signals (what Stoops and Venables claimed to do), that’s not a violation. Sending a scout to do that, in advance, is a violation, but how would it be prevented? Video-ing sidelines is the next iteration. This is absolutely an example of a slippery slope, and the reaction will be to either one up with firmer rules and stiffer penalties, or dropping the rule altogether. - allegations that Michigan hacked into the Buckeyes are very serious. That’s illegal as well as against the rules. - this whole signaling business began almost 20 years ago, as coaches sought ways to take decisions out of the hands of extremely talented, but raw, quarterbacks. Before then, the game requires QBs to really learn an offense, different defenses, reads, and what to do. Signaling in the calls made the game a lot more exciting, but created this opportunity for stealing signs. No matter what punishment Michigan gets, I expect teams to get more secure with signals, or put more decisions on the players, or both.
  21. (I’m not proud of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. All I can say there is- we were at war with monsters and to defeat them, we did monstrous things)
  22. It’s a hard one to unravel, even for us graduates of the University of Comancheria at Austin. I grieve for the Palestinians. It is a real humanitarian crisis. I don’t expect Israel to relieve the crisis. Hamas has taken a couple hundred hostages, civilians, children, to keep the IDF from storming in, and that is an effective tactic (do you grieve for the hostages?). Letting Gaza stew in famine and disease is the only counter tactic Israel has. Taking care of Israelis is Israel’s job. Taking care of Gazans is Hamas’ job. I don’t blame the allies for the humanitarian disaster in 1945 Germany; I blame the Nazis for starting the war they could not win, and fighting so cruelly. I don’t blame the US for the humanitarian disaster in 1945 Japan, not even Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I blame Imperial Japan, for starting a fight they could never win, and fighting so cruelly. I don’t blame the north (counter to how I was raised in Georgia) for the humanitarian disaster in 1863 Savannah and Atlanta. I blame the CSA for starting a war it could never win. I don’t blame Israel for the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. I blame Hamas, for starting a war it can’t win, and fighting so cruelly.
  23. I’m trying to figure out what you think Israel is occupying. Are you saying it is occupying the Gaza Strip? The West Bank? Or are you saying that Israel is occupying the territory that my map calls “Israel”?
  24. Question- you call Israel an “occupying force”. Please describe the geography of the land they are occupying, its borders and such.
  25. Just wait until we really start winning and those revenue numbers will blow higher than anyone can imagine.
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