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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. Definitely. The meedya and Big Tobacco were certainly in cahoots. I mean, you would think if it was smart, Altria would just buy Juul, but I'm sure it was cheaper to work with the authoritarians to hurt business.
  2. Can I perform the Crocodile Dundee test first?
  3. I posted an article earlier in this thread that showed the % vaccinated among NYC teachers, public hospital workers, cops, fire, and bus-subway employees. Your really proves my point: there is a gap between what people report they did vs. what they actually did. The most shocking besides teachers was public hospital workers were ~60% vaccinated. Cops and fire were lower and transportation was the highest at ~65%. It just continues to affirm that vaccine hesitancy is not exactly in line with what the meedya or others portray.
  4. This is where I shake out. Every adult has had the option to get the vaccine. If you refuse that's on you, not me. Don't punish me for your refusal to make a common sense decision.
  5. We used to call this Mrs. Degree.
  6. Sometimes a little common sense, smell test is helpful. Since 2019, < 350 kids have died from covid-19. Does that gel with 16,000 kids hospitalized in a month?
  7. Apologies - I wast trying to edit but my internet has had rona. I mis-spoke - it was the UFT - the NYC teacher's union, so my bad. I'm not sure about all the other crazy conspiracy stuff you mentioned though.
  8. Read the thread. You can figure it out. If you can't ... honestly could give two shits.
  9. That goes for most of the films in these genre. There is not money or fame to be had with "yup, he did it." But you can get lots of fame and sponsorship by parroting miscarriages of justice. I've always found significant gaps between what these movies portray and what the actual evidence or court transcripts reveal to be fact. It just sucks because we have a lot of people angry about things they should not be angry about.
  10. Remember all the hysteria a couple years about about kids vaping ... they were not dying from JUUL pods but that's what the meedya told us.
  11. As we learned in elementary school, talk is cheap. It is interesting that in additional to rejecting the mandate only 60% of AFT members are vaccinated. There obviously is a gap in between what people say and what they do. Of course, I am assuming (reasonably) that the AFT speaks for the significant majority of teachers.
  12. I don't know. As boss you have to expect some level of respect. Johny definitely was more measured and rationale, but he also got the additional earned respect from his gray hair. Tony clearly is self-conscious about being so young and overreacts at every tiny slight real or perceived. Him losing his mind over Uncle Jun's varsity athlete comments is a great example. He did not connect that you earn respect do not demand it. I'm sure it's been done, but it would be fun to get a management consultant's evaluation of Tony's leadership. It is so typical that the more an organization preaches its values the less they adhere to them. I mean those guys talk about loyalty and honor and "this thing of ours" but those guys have zero loyalty or honor to anyone be the dollar. It's not like they're criminals or anything.
  13. Nothing to add to the good column, but I'm most excited about a renewed Arkansas rivalry, which for much of the 20th Century was the greatest rivalry in college football. We go to church with a bunch of pigs, and Texas still is in its head more than any secsecsec school. My concern is our ability to step up to the competition. Since 1997 we have the same amount of XII titles as Baylor. We have not exactly been dominating the XII, so we better step up or its going to be more 80s and 90s.
  14. Midway through season five ... Tony's illogical loyalty to Christopher is his largest strategic mistake. The mob is akin to dynastic monarchies where blood is placed above talent. Christopher is among the worst soldiers in the family. Tony should have ignored Tony and capped his ass after the Adriana debacle - of course he should have never let him rise so fast to the anger of particularly Paulie and the other capos. He has not a single redeeming quality.
  15. Interesting. I did a quick BOE and adjusted for people older than 14 I got 59% and 48% vaccination rates for whites and blacks, respectively. Hispanics adjusted was 57%.
  16. Obviously traffic makes me surly ... why are Texas highway intersections constantly designed so that the entrance onto the highway is 100 feet in front of the exit from the highway so entering and exiting traffic have to cross - especially dangerous when entering traffic should be accelerating and exiting traffic should be decelerating.
  17. I get this is controversial and people on NextDoor are always yelling at each other and posting images from the traffic code ... but I don't get why people turning left across a divided intersection suddenly go British and pull into the left lane of the median. If an oncoming car is turning left then you're basically blocking each other's views of oncoming traffic. Add the complexity of what if someone is attempting to go straight in the perpendicular direction ... where the fuck is that car supposed to go? As I said, I get the traffic laws seem to diverge based on the width of the median, but who the fuck can get out and measure in traffic (much less carries a measuring tape to do so). There probably is a reason but it seems illogical vs. pulling across into the right lane of the median so you have a clear view of oncoming traffic.
  18. I did want to inquire what would bring Mr. Wolf in contact with such a beast in the wild.
  19. I do feel like Vic (Mackey) is in a unique position to weigh in on those parts of our society that have bricks lying around in their yard for such an occasion.
  20. Thank you (I think). I mean I agreed that there is really no way to quantify who is the most "pro-vaccine" and admittedly I was making a non-data-based, qualitative assertion. I remain surprised that NYC teachers do not have a 90% vaccination rate.
  21. I think that's the inherent weaknesses of trying to put people in simple boxes (as we all do and have forever). If you look at the data, it actually bears out your experience: vaccination rates heavily decline with age, so one would expect a hipster to have a lower Pr(vaccination) than a middle-aged person according to the data. Similarly, the biggest gap between the memes and the data is that anti-vaxxers predominately are deplorable MAGA people ... unless one believes deplorable MAGA folks are African-Americans and Latinos in large, Democratic cities. Some of the lower vaccination rates are in places like Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and New York (and the racial gaps in terms of hesitancy are obvious across the U.S.). That being said, I generally find it weird for people to discuss their personal health decisions regardless of topic. I never get the flu vaccine for my own reasons, but I never volunteered that to friends much less strangers. What I found most interested about the New York data is I suspect there is a big gap between what some are virtue signaling and what actually is occurring (said another way a lot of the people that post the vaccine Facebook theme have not been vaccinated).
  22. Virtue signaling has been a key part of Covid-19 since day one, so not terribly surprised.
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