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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. Similar here ... I LOVED the Olympics as a kid, but did not much watch this year. Agree with above I wish it was just the core "Olympic Sports," including the "weird ones to Americans" like bi-athalon a water polo. It started to jump the shark when ballroom dancing and X-games sports were added. As I got older and realized the politics and economics of it, that really soured me. I was in Beijing in 2008 and saw thousands of hutong people displaced so the city would "look pretty" for the international viewers. Kind of sucks to lose your generational home to impress Bob Costas. And the interwebs really destroys it - much more fun to watch (at worst) tape-delayed and not knowing who wins.
  2. Sorry. Honestly. I thought this was "dumbass things we see on facebook." I seemed to have triggered the MAGAs and the anti-maskers.
  3. Beginning of S6AE10 - the gardener asking for some financial support. Fruck Tony. Glad he's dead.
  4. My thoughts exactly ... second only to the Zoomers.
  5. Watched a couple episodes. Not Oscar-winning but fun and already seen Alexandria Daadario's funbags.
  6. What are you talking about? I am not anti-vaccine. I think you might just be reflexively going to talking points. I think we probably agree, so I'm not really sure from where the vitriol is coming.
  7. Yep. And will continue to do likely until the end of civilization.
  8. I could honestly see it have 32 teams at some point. I think it is looking to be the organization that owns college football.
  9. Is there any truth to the secsecsec change started by SWC fans to poke fun at pig when it left in 90?
  10. I think you're missing my point, which is because the vaccines are effective and every adult has had the chance to get it then covid risk is on each individual and not on others. If one believes the vaccines work then one should reasonably feel comfortable returning to normal at whatever one's particular level of risk. Said another way, acting like an adult. That was my initial point: I should not have to change my life because someone refuses a basic, common sense step of getting a vaccine.
  11. No, I'm pretty good at math. So what percentage are the vaccines? How effective are they?
  12. https://www.wsj.com/articles/behind-the-rise-of-u-s-solar-power-a-mountain-of-chinese-coal-11627734770?fbclid=IwAR29Wrnl4oNh7mrrfIMK_mMIo2-zmX2985YPd7gKSYghfOo-KH5W9QQA6vA Sad that solar, wind, and electric cars are worse for the environment than the status quo. Nuclear is the smartest way to go, but the meedya has everyone terrified of it. Even the frogs love nuclear.
  13. "College" football salaries might be higher than NFL salaries in five years given NIL.
  14. This looks amazing but I feel like my passion for confronting cultural appropriation will forbid me from seeing it.
  15. How? Do you believe the vaccines do not work?
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