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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. I have some ocean-front property in Arizona.
  2. Probably been posted but interesting data from USA Facts site. - Women vaccinated at a higher rate than men - Rate of vaccination decreases with age - Bleks have the highest vaccine hesitancy
  3. Re-post: rewatch makes me really hate Tony and glad he got clipped. He's a terrible person and a terrible boss. I mean the big stupid oaf makes some freshmen-level mistakes. I did not realize how incompetent he was the first time around.
  4. You cannot make this stuff up. I could write the script.
  5. No company has a more exaggerated bang-to-hype ratio than Apple. I am constantly amazed at how its customers get in line to be abused by it.
  6. I oppose the death penalty, but I agree with your sentiment. But as I noted, I think that's the case in virtually all of these celebrity cases.
  7. For me it provokes sympathy and a recommendation to spend some time here: https://library.austintexas.gov/ The covid canard is a chuckle as well.
  8. Waiting too long to edit so apologies for the double post. Bret Weinstein makes some interesting arguments in favor or more focus on prophylactic care. It is a little wonky for non-academics but some interesting ideas. Trigger Warning Below
  9. This is not helping either given the record levels of crossings. It does not feel like we have a comprehensive strategy.
  10. This probably will shake out to "professional" conferences and "amateur" conferences - not literally but a few with large alumni bases with big NIL salaries and those that keep them small or avoid it all together. It will be interesting to see how this ultimately lands with faculty and administrators. I am sure having your students making exponentially more than the professors will not sit well with many. I could envisions where schools like Duke, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Stanford, etc., might take a step back in athletics vs. spending more money on football players.
  11. I would prefer not to go to the SEC, but the big silver lining is just making aggy crazy ... just because of craziness like this.
  12. That's fair in this particular issue. It is more about people tending to take extreme, blanket positions and then taking the reverse depending on the T-shirt.
  13. I get the feeling no one really has thought this through .... color me shocked.
  14. You don't spend your days getting outraged about what some sheriff deputies do in Florida? Geez man, get a life.
  15. Come on guys ... definitely need to re-calibrate your sarcasm meters.
  16. That's the greatest fun of attempting to intellectually discuss issues that everyone should be concerned about - half the challenge is figuring out where the goalposts have been moved.
  17. Okay, I'm having a brain fart. What was the name of Tony's twin brother that Spoons whacked?
  18. Putting this here because it is such a current event. I thought this podcast with Don and Sandra Samuels from Minneapolis was one of the best discussions of this topic I have ever listened to. It really brings a nuanced and multi-faceted approach to an issue so frequently discussed in black and white. I would recommend a taking a listen if you're actually serious about these issues. The first part features another guest ... think they're about 30' in or so but it is obvious who is who. The Megyn Kelly Show
  19. Obviously confirmation bias, but re-watching the conversations between Johny Sack and Paulie take on a darker twist. On Patsy ... I get revenge. I get the long game. Two refutations: 1. Professional - he's in a good spot with Tony and stability is good in this line of work unless you're #2 or #3 or a competing family; he whacks Tony there is a decent chance he gets got in the post-hit chaos 2. Psychological - as we at Tony's pool ... Tony killed his twin. You do not outsource revenge for that. He would want Tony to know that he killed him. I just cannot ever buy that he would hire a hit man to avenge his twin.
  20. I live in a similar area in another metro area and agree 100%. And I don't doubt @royiv experience either. Like every other opinion in 'murica, we have a particular segment that feels morally superior and must constantly express that superiority by degrading anyone that does not see the world the way they do. I'm more of a live and let live and don't feel the need to virtue signal about others' choices. The great thing about America is we have lots of options and folks can find whatever works for their families.
  21. Any school-related advice? Taking oldest there for college visit soon.
  22. This quiet part said out loud includes more information content than any other post in this thread.
  23. Regrettably it feels like this story is already out of the news cycle.
  24. More interesting data from Israel. Trigger Warning:
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