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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. I may be wrong, but it seem like since January our military has been laser focused on defending the homeland from cyber or military attacks. I mean after four years of distraction, it seems like they have really doubled-down and focused on possible threats and refused to be distracted by silly bullshit.
  2. I'm new here, but I get the sense that this forum tends to lean heavily snowflake, so I do not want to ruffle any panties. I honestly could give two shits about gay marriage. But I am a science and data guy. Is there any data that quantifies marked improvements in quality of life post Oberfell? Again, you ladies keep your daggers in the curing solution - I am just wondering if this was just a culture war distraction or if there is quantifiable and demonstrable data that shows this made QOL improvements.
  3. One wrong turn saved that Beeper guy from being interviewed by Chris Hansen.
  4. It is only confusing for you and your fellow micro-penisers.
  5. This just seems pretty easy to me. If you're getting your dong out for others to see, you go to the men's room. It is just not logically consistent - if a guy goes to a park and flashes a woman or children, he gets arrested. If he does it in a spa, he's cool?
  6. The old English were right when they considered actors on par with hookers. Amazing how much value our culture places on individuals who do nothing more than entertain us. I mean by that analogy my dog should be a billionaire. Acting might be the most over-value profession in the history of the world.
  7. IIRC, two things drove the insanity, and both "well intentioned" as often used to justify terrible policies: 1. Variable compensation - to better align incentives, companies started paying less in fixed and more in variable comp (stock bonuses). It was "risk free" in the sense that the value corresponded with the growth in the stock price, so boards were more willing to place big bets 2. Private equity - the big PE run of the 80s, really starting with Ross Johnson and Nabisco, launched the idea of the "golden parachute," which was designed as a disincentive for leveraged buyouts. Although obviously do not it really worked Regarding non-profits, many of them - even the well known ones - always have been Ponzi schemes, and their CEOs got their part-time, who cares boards to track their comp to companies ... because you know, running the United Way is just as hard as running Exxon. And governments and ISDs ... the usually voter apathy and lack of public service ethos - too many idiots get elected to school boards.
  8. My McCombs ethics paper was on CEO compensation. I'm going to screw up the numbers, but in 1970 the ratio of CEO pay to average was like 12-1. In 2000 it was more like 400-1. And it is definitely not limited to private-public companies. Non-profits and governments - especially school boards - are some of the worse offenders when it comes to insane CEO compensation, and the latter are by far the worst at rewarded terrible performance.
  9. I have to wonder how stupid that chief has to be ... clearly too stupid to be a cop much less chief.
  10. While not quite as harsh, I agree 100% with the poster above about shame. It is a very powerful motivator, and you can easily draw correlations between the removal of shame / acceptance of a particular behavior to its exponential increase. This is only going to get worse with the fatties. My wife shops at a few sexy stores, and every one of them now has fatties prominently displayed - the VS catalog has basically become a community college catalog of heifers. Health weight already is getting pulled into the "white supremacy" list of sins, so that's not going to help either. At work, we're already getting woke emails about "body shaming" patients wrapped in all the DEI bullshit. So yeah, it is only going to get worse.
  11. i agree, and that is reasonable to an extent. But there were many other "Say Their Names" that lacked video, so I think that is not fully reasonable. Michael Brown the most obvious, so video really is a red herring IMHO. Again, Brittain, Shaver, and Timpa were not even accused of criminal activity - that seems like the poster children for "Defund the Police." I am struggling to understand why they are not receiving as much attention as Michael Brown, Jacob Blake, George Floyd, Breaonna Taylor. Will we see NBA players wearing their names during the Finals? Will we "say their names?" I will be curious to see if we see NFL players with "Hunter Brittain" on their helmets next fall. FTR I fall strongly in the camp of police reform, but I like my opinions, principles, and outrage to be equally applied across similar realities.
  12. So by that logic we should be seeing round-the-clock coverage of Hunter Brittain. Oddly I do not see it on the CNN chyron, and a quick online search did not pop myriad national news stories. Seems like the shooting of an unarmed teenager actually not in the commission of a crime is among the absolute worst examples of police brutality we've seen. This case plus Daniel Shaver are exponentially worse than any other cases that have gotten national attention. Why do you think the Defund the Police crowd has not gotten behind this to promote the agenda? Maybe you can post a link to an LeBron or AOC tweet or something about it? Should all white men be scared to walk down the street for fear of getting murdered by police?
  13. I feel the critics. The entire weird Billet's picture sexless man thing is why I'm reading this Idiocracy ... did reading Cloak Room threads make me so brain-dead that I do not recall how Bosch's dismissed-disgraced, rookie, ex-girlfriend returned to the force? She was ashamed and shit-canned in season 1 or 2 ...
  14. I still am trying to understand who in their right mind would open any legitimate business in the hood.
  15. This ... and Title IX, which I do not see how does not kill all of college athletics if this is allowed to stand. There is no way NIL, college athletics, and Title IX can co-exist. Power will shift from schools based in small, college towns to larger cities where NIL can more easily be monetized. This is going to be a shit show. I for one am glad I don't have a long-term obligation to a south end zone suite.
  16. That's probably part of it but Amazon bought PillPack a few years ago and has been trying to move into health care (despite its epic JPMorgan fail). This is just corporate strategy. As noted, this is a great example of the stupidity of 'murica ... let's celebrate cheap insulin sold in a store full of diabetes-driving crap. A better strategy would be stop selling fatty, processed food.
  17. One of the things I like about the TV show vs. the books is Edgar. I like the edge he has in Season 7. Bosch's worse moments in the show is when he's judging Edgar for being ... Bosch.
  18. I agree with you. If you're free this weekend, let's grab a beer downtown by that little Irish place next to the Tony Timpa statue and discuss the complexities of gun violence and policing.
  19. That's too bad. I'm over everything having to have simpleton political crap mixed into the secret sauce. The Wire is one of my all time favorite shows largely because it invested in examining complex social-political issues and took the time to do so from diverse POV ... that's worthwhile but feeding easy-to-digest red meat to the Idiocracy just muddles the story.
  20. Not sure I'm ready for Sam's Choice pharmaceuticals.
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