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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ultimaton

  1. I'm told Tom Herman is the source of the leak that lead to Durkin's suspension [/Maryland $9.95'er]
  2. Executive at Kawhi Leonard's agency has long history of anti-LeBron comments For those that don't know, Joseph Sutton is the trust-fund kid who's New York real-estate mogul dad basically bought him Impact Sports, which is the agency that represents Kawhi (and basically only Kawhi). Oops.
  3. Agreed, and honestly it would be a lot less "detrimental to the league" to just have these guys come out and publicly voice their intentions instead of having to rely on social media rumors and innuendo, but what do I know.
  4. Nate Robinson fined in 2009 after trade demand made by his agent. Rudy Fernandez fined in 2010 after publicly demanding a trade. Maybe it's not a fine anymore in Silver's NBA, but it was considered 'Public Statements Detrimental to the NBA' under David Stern.
  5. Unless he's been cleared by the Spurs to seek a trade, It's technically against league rules for him or his agent to say anything publicly without risking a fine. That's why these things are always done by 'sources' and the like. His silence speaks volumes.
  6. I'm pretty sure it has, but I'm just not sure that Pop/RC agree. They were listening to offers, but not actively shopping him. As ridiculous as it seems, they think they can him.
  7. I think it definitely negates a lot of urgency the Lakers may have felt to get Kawhi, and probably ends any thoughts about that 'godfather' offer that gets us to move KL. That said, I'm pretty sure Pop/RC's preference was to keep Kawhi and try to make it work -- improbable as that may be -- so I don't think this changes things too much on their end.
  8. I think that just meant Pop didn't leap across the table to stab Uncle Dennis in the eye with a fork.
  9. Naw, if he really had a problem with LMA getting the max or taking away his shots, we'd have heard it already through Uncle Dennis' ventriloquist dummy Jabari Young. I still content this is ultimately all about Uncle Dennis and Mitchell Frankel trying forcing the Spurs into the supermax.
  10. I don't buy it. Kawhi's group don't seem to have a problem throwing guys like Pop and Tony under the bus, but doesn't want anyone to know they have issues with LMA?
  11. It's him, unfortunately. The meeting with Pop was reportedly canceled/downgraded to a phone call by Kawhi's "group" after all this leaked, and Pop is apparently back in San Antonio as of last night.
  12. His uncle's thinking would be that Kawhi would more than make up that $70MM with a larger, KD/LeBron type endorsement deal will fall into his lap once he's in a Lakers uniform and out of "podunk San Antonio." How they plan to do that with a guy with the personality of an automaton that's fallen off the face of the earth for the past year, I don't know, but I'm sure his uncle's got a scheme or two cookin' up.
  13. Tim Duncan Manu Ginobili Michael Jordan David Robinson Charles Barkley
  14. This shot of Ricky in his natural environment made me laugh (and jealous).
  15. WTF Criminal Serial Comedy Bang! Bang! How Did This Get Made? The Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project
  16. Shovel Knight is a great throwback to the glory days of the NES -- it's probably the best modern 'retro' style game that I've played. Splatoon 2 is great. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle was a nice surprise and I had a lot of fun with it. I played Arms for a little bit and didn't really care for it. Need to give it a second chance. I'm playing through Kirby: Star Allies now, I usually really enjoy the Kirby games but this one is kind of meh.
  17. Soungarden + Nine Inch Nails at the Austin 360 Amphitheater in 2014.
  18. Garbage/The Smashing Pumpkins at the Erwin Center in '96, I was 14.
  19. Honestly, if I had the chance to run Geoff Fischer down in a large truck, I'd probably take it
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