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Everything posted by F250

  1. F250

    Texas Primaries

    I'm here to be told by the whites that being a Mexican these days in Texas has always been like this. Get out of your fucking bubble every now and then.
  2. F250

    Texas Primaries

    The shoe thing is the equivalent of Trump taking a picture with a taco salad. That is nothing like what was happening in the 90's and early 2000’s which was actual attempt to connect with the Hispanic population.
  3. F250

    Texas Primaries

    I was addressing the blatant racism that is now part of the Texas GOP that wasn't there twenty years ago.
  4. F250

    Texas Primaries

    There was a time in recent memory that Texas portrayed itself as a Western state while covering up the Confederate past. The state was still conservative but put on a Western libertarian facade. Now we are back to being an outward Confederate red state lumped in with the South. Texas went all in on NAFTA and the Texas GOP didn't float the immigration crisis. Shit, at one point Perry was pissing on Trump's idea of a immigration invasion and border wall. Bush as governor was giving speeches in Spanish and the Texas GOP was courting the Hispanic vote. Texas wasn't even like this 10 years ago. Under the Trump and Abbott era Texas did some major fucking backsliding. It wasn't always like this.
  5. I have people spread out across the globe too. Sometimes I have to deal with shit in India, Japan or Australia and end up burning the midnight oil. Europe isn't too bad unless I have to deal with corporate on the West coast the same day. That's where I end up starting at 5 AM and finishing up around 7 PM. However, I often get several hours off in between the Euros going offline and the Californians coming back from lunch. Every now and then I'll take a 5 PM nap until APAC comes online.
  6. Yeah, that is a given. But they do spend a lot of time prepping you for different scenarios. Shit, they really cover all the bases when it comes to people getting a divorce or being approached by an attractive stranger at a bar. They just don't prep you for the dude in Mumbai pretending to be a hot 21 year old instagram model from Ukraine. I guess they figured nobody would actually commit treason without getting some real titty action.
  7. To be fair, they don't really spend much time training people about catfishing. They do cover all kinds of scenarios about people you might encounter in real life but I don't think I've ever seen a catfish scenario. This is the dumbest shit I've heard of when it comes to classified leaks.
  8. I normally like Joaquin Phoenix but his Napoleon was clownish. I did laugh at him falling/sliding down the stairs then yelling "they are trying to kill me." Not sure if that was intended to be funny or not. Didn't need to see him humping like a horny teenage rabbit that is losing his virginity throughout the movie. Was he supposed to be on the spectrum? Overall this was a terrible movie.
  9. He isn't wrong. The interesting character development has been limited to Crosby and Rosie. Unfortunately, a lot of screen time has been dedicated to Buck and Bucky but the actors are about as interesting as cardboard cutouts. Better actors would have breathed life into these characters. They are ruining the curve.
  10. We looked into this a few years back. Her grandparents migrated from Ireland so the ancestry qualification looked to be doable. Then she divorced me.
  11. Does this one religion practice pedobaptism? Because I am down with burning advocates of credobaptism at the stake. I would also like to see a law that allows for the beheading of anyone that promotes the Canons of Dort. Papists should have all their legal rights revoked as well. Do Catholics even qualify as people?
  12. My primary doctor will spend a good 30 minutes with me shooting the shit about football. The first visit I had at his office the topic of high school football came up. It turned out we attended the same school and two of my coaches played with him in high school. They did back to back state championships. I kid you not, he retold the entire story beginning with "we first came together in 7th grade." Almost an hour later he finished the discussion and then left to see another patient. He probably spent less than 5 minutes addressing my health.
  13. He prefers his kids not mingle with heathens at their private school.
  14. Hmm... No reference to Yaroslav the Wise or Dmitri the Dyslexic.
  15. Time to nuke this thread. @Axiom of Choice come on down.
  16. Me for about 2 seconds after clicking on this thread and seeing the CR menu load again before realizing it was a screenshot.
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