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Everything posted by F250

  1. Me for about 2 seconds after clicking on this thread and seeing the CR menu load again before realizing it was a screenshot.
  2. It's like a freshman year pot smoking session.
  3. The Gene Wilder Wonka was nightmare fuel to me as a kid. I'll take the funny, upbeat and lighthearted version.
  4. The next time I met someone that mentions their German heritage, I am going to kick them in the gooch.
  5. That makes sense. I think the Jimbo saga really shined a light on aggy over there. There might have been more threads about Jimbo in cfb than Michigan's cheating scandal.
  6. Yeah, r/cfb attracts all the low t college football fans. Talking shit gets you down voted and aggy will down vote the shit out of you for the slightest joke at their expense.
  7. A reminder about the Admiral's greatness.
  8. Younger ones do. The forty years and up don't really seem to care for it.
  9. Retail theft, solar flares and the theory of everything is serious business.
  10. We just need one of the UFO crazies to join this thread and we will have ourselves a stew.
  11. Didn't they try doing something about it 30 years ago?
  12. A Dollar General version of a Blue Origin trip for the low price of $125K just to see the entirety of Florida.
  13. So it turns out Pimphand is a prophet and we are sheeple.
  14. You need to do something, Mr. Teasdale.
  15. Joseph Stang having the last laugh. Surly AT&T customers.
  16. These are the questions Nicole asks before killing you and dumping your corpse in the lake.
  17. I believe it is TwiceHorn that usually brings up the fact that there are so many laws out there that anyone could be charged for a crime. This seems to be one of those laws. Although saying this isn't probably a legal defense. There are a million useless laws on the books. I'm pretty sure I've broken a dildo law at some point in my life. Is it illegal to drop off an exposed used dildo in someone's mailbox? I forgot what I was talking about.
  18. I just started watching this series. It's a pretty good show. It seems to be more of a V for Vendetta prequel than Batman. Initially, I didn't realize it was set in the V for Vendetta universe until I noticed London seemed like a really fucked up place. It kind of feels like a 1984 series than a superhero origin story.
  19. Did you ever cover WWII in your history courses or was that considered current events.
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