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Everything posted by Updawg

  1. Amber started this shit. It’s all her fault. This guy was just being a patriotic citizen Terrible story and scary. Would suck to die that way because you had to mow your yard.
  2. I think he tried to kill him self and fucked up. Will see what the powder says if legit
  3. Been going on in Texas forever. Overworked staff and underpaid. It’s a brutal job, I’ve only known a few last past 10 years. The agency is very defensive and rightfully so Texas would rather outsource it as much as they can. But yeah, once you are born you are fucked in Texas
  4. That’s interesting. This shit is escalating quick. FBI may be involved soon. I bet a lot of people are shitting bricks right now
  5. I’ve been thinking about doing that. Where did you get them from?
  6. Mine splits them m-t then all on Friday. Middle school in SW Austin Covid emails everyday and they are good about masking.
  7. Is it working or no? I’ve been seeing more stories lately. It’s interesting
  8. Another tradition they have is finding controversy in all of their traditions. Every year is a new controversy whether it is uncover, horse laugh, etc So fuckin weird. How do they keep up with all that shit.
  9. So far. But just get through the next few weeks of her finding her new home. It sometimes takes a bit for them. But good for you. It will be worthwhile. Lots of walks and exercise and socializing is key
  10. We ain’t gonna get shit in sw Austin
  11. Finally worked up the courage to mow the yard a little while ago. Hot as shit and no breeze in 78749
  12. Or maybe inheritances flood. Lots of new king ranches and house upgrades done by an inheritance windfall. Big transfer of wealth
  13. The kids are resilient. They will bounce back. We just have to do a better job coaching
  14. It is pretty cool and that company is growing pretty quick. Interesting times
  15. Read the book which was pretty good. She better not get off. Destroyed quite a few lives. Definitely will follow this trial.
  16. If that’s an option I would do that for sure. Purge and get rid of shit. A trailer would be cheap to rent as well if you need it
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