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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zombie

  1. It may have been better in the short term for Labor to sign on to Leave. But in the long term, if Brexit blows up in the U.K.'s face and they have severe economic turmoil, the Tories own that disaster and could be voted out of office for a generation. I think Labor is smart to bet on turmoil as most economists agree Brexit is an idiotic endeavor. I guess we'll find out either way.
  2. An interesting effect of partisan elections is that passionate followers, whether Biden folks or Bernie folks or others, become so certain that they know how elections will play out. They look at elections through their rosy glasses certain that only their candidate can win this or that election. You don't know. You hope. It's annoying when you act so certain but you really have no better idea than any other politico how our fickle electorate will vote. Maybe Bernie would be great in the general. Maybe he would get destroyed. I would certainly advocate hard on his behalf. But I'm aware enough to know that if it's him versus Trump, Trump may successfully scare a bare majority into rejecting Bernie as some scary socialist.
  3. My aunt got into thus stuff after my grandparents had both passed and learned that she and my mom have a sister (and me an aunt) they never knew of that lives in Austin. I haven't met her yet, but it's interesting to learn something significant about a grandparent you didn't know.
  4. Yep. Should be at least a second degree felony if we're serious about deterring this behavior.
  5. That's fair. I agree the article is devoid of important details.
  6. Why did it supposedly happen at this bank but not Chase, which is a pretty large sophisticated institution that I imagine has similar safeguards in place.
  7. Yeah, that's the point. The bank chose to escalate what could be innocent confusion on the bank's part by calling the police on this black guy. Maybe they do that all the time. Or maybe they do it more often with black people. Discovery will help illuminate the facts. The fact that Chase deposited the checks and did not call the police on the guy seriously undercuts the bank's position.
  8. Why is the second suit ridiculous? The bank called the police on him instead while they told him they were working to verify his checks when they weren't. If I'm his lawyer, I'm using discovery to see how often they've done and the race of those they've done that to in the past. If they call the police disproportionately on people of color, then perhaps the discrimination claim has legs. The fact that Chase deposited the guy's checks right after all this seriously undercuts the first bank's defenses.
  9. [Surly 1%] Why not a second sink in the island?[Surly 1%]
  10. Truth is a defense and Tulsi's conduct has given rise to the legitimate perspective that she is a witting or an unwitting Russian asset. NYT v. Sullivan states that the First Amendment protects open and robust debate on public issues even when such debate includes "vehement, caustic, unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials." A public official must prove a libelous statement was made with actual malice, meaning knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard to whether it was false or not. How does Tulsi disprove she is not an unwitting Russian asset and that Clinton had no basis in believing she could be one when objective observers can point to conduct by Tulsi that is seemingly pro-Russian? I'm not a big Hillary fan, but I hate frivolous lawsuits and public officials who are petty bitches that use litigation to attack their opponents ala Trump and Nunes.
  11. Yes, we are discussing Richard Gottleib and Carole Gottleib in Georgetown, Texas. Richard Gottleib and Carole Gottleib in Georgetown, Texas are whom we are discussing. Actually, is whom or who the appropriate pronoun to use when discussing Richard Gottleib and Carole Gottleib of Georgetown, Texas. I wouldn't want to use the wrong pronoun when discussing Richard Gottleib and Carole Gottleib of Georgetown, Texas.
  12. Alicia Vikander is my dream girl. Her accent drives me crazy.
  13. Lol. Come on dude. You're on Surly. Read between the lines.
  14. Yeah, he was one of the first actors I thought. He was brilliant in Narcos.
  15. I've done a few recent trips to Argentina and started getting into Argentine cinema where I can find it on Amazon and Netflix. I came across a Spain/Argentina movie called Truman with an Argentine actor named Ricardo Darin and really appreciated his performance. He has a cinematic and charismatic quality that is hard to define, he is just very enjoyable to watch. Since I saw that first movie with him, I've found 5 or 6 other movies he's in that I've likewise enjoyed. Anyhow, I thought it would be interesting to start a thread to learn of actors from other countries that might not be especially known by American cinema viewers that would be worth knowing about and whose movies we should seek out.
  16. Nobody should call Richard or Carole Gottleib at their listed landline number of (512) 347-1082. That would be wrong.
  17. Agreed. I lived in London for a time and while there is certainly a concentration of talent in certain upscale parts, the vast majority look like Alabamans with worse teeth if that can be imagined.
  18. Are you just trying to up your post count?
  19. I'm referring to the royals, not the UK. The Bill of RIghts in 1689 affirmed parliamentary supremacy over the monarchy. The Reform Act of 1832 further diminished the already limited power of the monarch. In terms of actual power, I think my assertion is not especially controversial or disputed by historians. But I agree that I'm not particularly knowledgeable about the UK beyond some Wikipedia browsing, so I could well be off on my understanding.
  20. They haven't run the world in 200 years and more realistically closer to 400 years. They have been nothing more than glorified mascots since then. MM may not have been A-list, but I read she managed to make 4 or 5 million and did it through her own hard work. I find that far more impressive than merely being born into a family and making quaint speeches at supermarket openings.
  21. True. A celebrity usually worked hard and earned their status like Meghan did. The royals were just born into it. I have a lot more admiration for Meghan than some inbred royal who did nothing to deserve their status.
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