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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. we had David Duke and some fuckos from Jimmy Swaggart Bible College assail us with a veritable cornucopia of hatred from the confines of Free Speech Alley.
  2. to this day i still cannot wrap my mind around a co-ed treatment facility...
  3. still have all my cassettes and 8 tracks of VH up until Hagar joined. Fair Warning was a game changer for me and to this day i still consider it to be EVH’s best work. i’m blasting it right now, in fact...though in digital format. sigh...
  4. so is mine here in Waco; best doc i’ve ever had, in fact.
  5. that right there...that's rich in irony, cynicism and truth...that's the Surly motto.
  6. taped to her leg...like a sweet potato.
  7. you will never have a season as great as that.
  8. i’m here, buttfucker. we lost, we suck, we’re young, we’ll get better. still lit you up last year. enjoy your season. edit: that’s to sidis...the buttfucker.
  9. allergy to something. sounds like he had an anaphylactic reaction.
  10. side note...i do like the gags on the female cheerleaders
  11. this as weird AF looking at a vacant Death Valley. but fuck it...i’m finishing up a quail, chicken and andouille gumbo as i type, my boys have come out the tunnel and i’m fires up. Tigers by 17.
  12. hard to hate the guts of someone who’s gutless...
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