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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. I've also noticed in some of the more recent videos that there are siginifcant grass fires. Grass fires start in the spring when things are drying out. They quickly die out when the grass is wet/muddy.
  2. You should know by now, that in the USA, redemption is for rich white peoples.
  3. Great. More taxes for the poverty to prison pipeline.
  4. it also has a nice yellow tone to the paint that #1 doesn't. I vote for #2.
  5. Sounds like he's being sent away from the Royal Court.
  6. This seems like it fits here.
  7. “And did I mention she said he had a tiny little dick? I can’t say if it’s true he has a tiny dick, like they say he has tiny hands. But they say that’s what she said. About the tiny dick that matches the tiny hands.” - Ron DeSadtits maybe, 2023
  8. They have some they keep for parades and such. I’m sure these are some of those. Besides, they still haven’t made it through their T-54/55s.
  9. These seem like parts planes. Further, this is not a manned air war, which makes all this talk about MiG-29s and F-16s seem like a second tier concern.
  10. This is badass on so many different levels. There’s the core truth, there’s the delivery, there’s the fact that his saying it with pointedly selected words in English and not through a translator. Yeah, you’re pretty cool. Sorry we missed that.
  11. Side note - there’s a well maintained RB-47 at the USAF Museum in Dayton with the full recon package and stories to go with. Don’t miss it if you go.
  12. Confusion with only develops with the self realization of their own cognitive dissonance. Hence they see things with perfect clarity.
  13. That would be the ultimate redemption of Kazakhstan and perhaps open up the door to a Borat sequel where he is making fun of the Russians for being ignorant and backwards while Kazakhstan is a space faring nation. Can’t fucking wait.
  14. Hang on now. I’ve been told the world needs ditch diggers too.
  15. Chad Jr.: What has 178 teeth and holds back a monster? Chad:…. Jr.: My zipper! First big schlong joke. I’m shedding a salty tear.
  16. Those below tree top approaches never cease to amaze me.
  17. She clearly hasn't seen that video of the one alligator ripping off the other alligators leg, apparently just for being too close.
  18. I saw that they are considering giving Aim-120s to the Ukes. Is there enough reach on those to launch against the Bears launching from Belarus/Russia? General question not only for 956.
  19. Well, there it is. Looking forward to the inevitable tweet showing this barbarian has been blown to bits.
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