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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Disagree. I have a lot of friends for whom El Paso is still very front and center in their minds. Go figure they’re members of the targeted community.
  2. https://jimmywallaceguitars.com/ Post pics when you get it. He needs to gtfo.
  3. Lol. No lie. Anemic probably describes my bass tone. Then again, I haven't been searching for The Tone on bass nearly as long as I have on guitar. Lots for me to learn there. When you record bass, do you typically go direct? Mic'd amp? What set up were the guys who had great tone using? You're going to tell me it was just in their fingers, aren't you? AREN"T YOU!!?? Dammit.
  4. The secret is to learn Tommy Shannon's bass line. Then all will be revealed. In fact, whenever I'm having a hard time with a tune, I typically say, "fuck it" to the guitar line, and pick up the bass. If I can internalize the bass groove, the guitar part becomes a lot easier.
  5. Having spent a lot of time with that tune, that's no lie. Still gets people moving. Impossible to stand still with that one.
  6. What's the latest on the weather/ ground conditions in Ukraine?
  7. Unplugged went on a roll about then. It was so good making so many acts rise to the occasion, stepping out of their electrified comfort zones. One of my favorites was LL Cool J's stint. I recall the look on his face as the power of a live band behind him, coupled with the reaction of the crowd, hit him square in the feelz. Pure joy.
  8. The Wilco one is pretty pretty on point. Pixies (got my tix for this latest tour holla!), less so.
  9. Above the case holding it, they had the MTV performance playing, just in case there was any doubt.
  10. And for the grand finale… Recognize this? Let me refresh your recollection. Think you have a shot? And that’s it for this year.
  11. Lovely custom color Firebirds. I don’t have a mini bucker guitar. Hmmm. Unusually colored Mustang. Some fun modern Fenders.
  12. I saw this blue 345 on Reverb for an insanely cheap price and I didn’t buy it. I’m kicking myself now. A couple of pretty flame tops. This Murphy lab shit is getting out of hand though price wise. I thought this was pretty unusual. Another couple of early LPs.
  13. I was just reading about this weird Epi that has all sorts of onboard effects. It needed a special amp. Any Bon Jovi fans? Been on an arch top kick lately. I love these.
  14. Jimmy Wallace always has cool stuff. Strat row. I think I took this same pic last year. Electric mandolin. Pretty sure this is there every year. Vees and a Moderne
  15. Drip edge JBL Twin. Pretty rare bird. Nice set of Voxes. SRV documented Strat. Desperately want this ES-350t
  16. I love weird stuff like this. A bevy of custom color offsets. Nice gold top and Round Up. I’ve always wanted a Switchmaster. This is the only one I saw. Maybe I’ll pick it up next year. Weird Ibanez and weird LP. Maybe an Aldo Nova version?
  17. A bundle of Tweed goodness. This PRS caught my eye. A couple nice custom shop Teles.
  18. Two broadcasters. This one dyed red (faded to orange) by a guy who was a Tech fan and played in Lubbock. Someone got a screw count?
  19. Rack of amazing stuff. Lucite!
  20. More Heritage. 55 LP Custom. I really want one of these with the neck staple pickup. This is really cool. Original Rosewood Tele made for Elvis.
  21. Well it’s that time again. I made it the guitar show but it was late in the day and probably a good 1/3 of the booths were already packed up. Still got some good shots though. Here we go. The heritage auctions booth is always great for very high end or unique stuff off the bat. If you’re into these the auction is Tuesday. Pretty Pauls. 59 left, 52 right. A whole rack of cool vintage stuff. This one was pretty cool.
  22. To be fair, those Ukes did not look like they were in the mood to be taking prisoners.
  23. Getting people running before you’ve even started your offensive is pretty good psyops.
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