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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Seems more like trying to distance themselves in the same mold as Russia. But rather than shrugging and saying, “What little green men?” They’re saying, “These are RUSSIAN little green men in Russia. Who we have no problem with.”
  2. This. We’re hopeful that there are nascent western style democratic leaders over there, just waiting for us to create enough of a breather that democracy can take root. But last time we did that we got the drunkard Yeltsin and eventually Putin. Really what we have is a bunch of wannabe Putins running around. It’s not that they don’t like the oligarchy and corruption, it’s just that they didn’t get theirs in this version. So they want to take out those in charge now and so they can sit on top. But right now for Ukraine, the enemy of my enemy is my friend where it’s win or be eliminated.
  3. Someone post the detergent commercial where the cute Chinese girl drops an African in the laundry and he comes out a handsome Chinese man.
  4. But where is he going to find an Me 110? Maybe a Russian swamp…
  5. To be fair, it was a pretty short video. No telling what happened afterwards.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yinzer?wprov=sfti1 Local of the ‘burgh. Can be found crushing multiple cans of IC Light.
  7. I further assume they're thinking about getting out rather than locking themselves in. But those tanks just immediately burst into flame. If those guys synapses even have time to tell their brains what's happening, they're incinerated before they can do anything. Unbelievable. Although it could very well be that particular tank was abandoned.
  8. How long until the Putin decides to level towns inside Russia to rid himself of the Russian freedom fighters?
  9. It would be something if a bunch of Americans with prior F-16 experience quit the USAF and just happened to join the Ukrainian Air Force. I mean, it's not a new idea.
  10. The Great Santini is the perfect movie about this. The Wild Blue and The Right Stuff are both pretty danged good written encapsulations of those dynamics. There are no shortage of big egos in dangerous professions. It comes with the territory. The other side of your accurate coin is that sometimes those assholes attract some pretty damaged people themselves. And also, there are plenty of families that adjust ok to that one big ego in the family and overcome. Anyhow I’m way out in the weeds. I hope for their sakes the Ukes have some guys up to the task of filling those cockpits. I’m confident they do.
  11. If you want a guy to climb up on a jet engine filled with gas, hauling around explosives while being shot at, you need that someone who is a bit of an asshole to do it. They need to believe they’re a bit better than the rest. Otherwise you couldn’t get anyone to do something so crazy. My uncle was a fighter pilot in Vietnam. He was a bit tweaked before he went or so I’m told. Always an adrenaline junky. I can verify he was a bit of an asshole. Just a touch, but enough to note.
  12. I saw this set up over Spring Break...at this museum: https://en.natmus.dk/museums-and-palaces/danish-war-museum/ Maybe they ought to pull it out and send it to Ukraine.
  13. I gotta say, I just really don't understand the push for F-16s. Please explain it to me. Like, within the US political sphere, I get it. If the GOP says, "Biden won't give Ukraine F-16s" and they can use that as a talking point, fine. But it doesn't seem to fill a niche that they need right now and it seems super resource intensive. In other words, they get get a bigger bang for their buck out of other systems. It's a head scratcher to me. Unless they want to reach out and touch some Bears out over the sea.
  14. Au contraire. This one was never converted into a mosque and the only thing separating it from the Hagia Sofia is a wall. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagia_Irene There were no concerts on when I was there (because of the danged covid).
  15. Can you imagine this happening in Russia? Those guys are smiling. Not just for the camera smiles either.
  16. Everything in this life is a compromise, my friend.
  17. I always always always watch the TX/ou game in the beer tent. Great vibe.
  18. How did Constantinople get the works?
  19. Should I know what Mr. Norms is? Seems like he's really in love with his own name.
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