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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. That would be the ultimate redemption of Kazakhstan and perhaps open up the door to a Borat sequel where he is making fun of the Russians for being ignorant and backwards while Kazakhstan is a space faring nation. Can’t fucking wait.
  2. Hang on now. I’ve been told the world needs ditch diggers too.
  3. Chad Jr.: What has 178 teeth and holds back a monster? Chad:…. Jr.: My zipper! First big schlong joke. I’m shedding a salty tear.
  4. Those below tree top approaches never cease to amaze me.
  5. She clearly hasn't seen that video of the one alligator ripping off the other alligators leg, apparently just for being too close.
  6. I saw that they are considering giving Aim-120s to the Ukes. Is there enough reach on those to launch against the Bears launching from Belarus/Russia? General question not only for 956.
  7. Well, there it is. Looking forward to the inevitable tweet showing this barbarian has been blown to bits.
  8. Goddamn that sounds awesome. Add a stage to play/sell guitars and you have the trifecta.
  9. Nope. I think that about covers it.
  10. They are poisoning their own women. It’s already a nightmarish disaster.
  11. Mrs. F (in pre-Mrs. days) did this with a .50 cal cartridge she took off a B-25 she went diving on back in the 80s. Except in those times, in Micronesia, the security was much more lax. FiL didn't find it until they were back in the States. He was miffed, but it's his favorite "listen to what this yahoo did" story to tell about her. Funnily enough, neither of them know where the cartridge wound up.
  12. I mean, if we're going to be elitist, shouldn't we be really elitist? Shouldn't only college educated people be allowed to vote? And maybe you get a double vote if say, you went to the alma mater of your state? Maybe if you have a JD you get an extra one on top of that? It's a modest proposal, for sure.
  13. I love all this. Having someone else to play with is huge. It helps if they're better than you, but if not, you can still make it work. You'll notice the key point here is just to start doing it. You'll suck on some stuff and do better on others. The more you get out there and do it, the less you'll suck. You may still feel like you suck, but trust me, you'll suck less each time. Once that count off goes and you're in the tune, all those butterflies sail away. At least they do for me.
  14. You hear all those people chatting in the background? They don't care if you missed that 7th chord, or flubbed a note in the solo. As long as the boy is buying drinks and the girls are dancing, you're doing what you came to do.
  15. It's a pretty long list, but we can start with power hungry religious zealot men.
  16. You oughta know not to stand by the window Somebody see you up there
  17. The 60 year old Soviet IFVs with improvised turrets posted back to back with Strykers rolling off the boat is quite the study in contrasts.
  18. Then, there's this. Could equally go in the Airplane Fanatic thread... https://www.carandclassic.com/auctions/1972-john-dodds-the-beast-8bEqL4
  19. That's an odd one. I know that NATO won't accept a nation at war. But what if a NATO nation annexes a nation with a frozen conflict?
  20. I have both yet I never can shake the feeling I need something else. Strange.
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