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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. My votes: Best movie for reminding you of the Texas you may have experienced when you were tiny and everything seemed kind of mythological and scary. (Mine was Bracketville circa 60s) - Last Picture Show Best movie for reminding you of your big Texas suburban public school - Dazed and Confused Best movie for capturing how time flies in Texas where you go to school and then need to get a job and get married and raise children who go off to school. - Boyhood Best all around Texas movie - Lone Star
  2. Yep, but just think about it. You retire from the Supreme Court and then cool your jets at as a prof at Stanford/Harvard/Yale/Princeton/(Texas)? I appreciate your sentiment but the 80 fucking year old lady fucked up. I'm hoping future octogenarians (and septuagenarians) gamble a bit more thoughtfully.
  3. Look you boys, you all need to focus on getting riled up about World Cup, and then everything anything good that happens this fall in pointy ball will be gravy.
  4. Does idiocy rule in the jury box? Have a trial attorney just figure out how to play that game? To me, if the issue is that a jury ultimately will reach the truth, or the correct result, then the culprit regarding American democracy isn't general "idiocy and anger". It's the structure of elections and the $$$ that perverts the system. If you think that any group of more than one is ruled by "idiocy and anger" then yeah, the Brisket approach, explained in that shorthand, makes sense.
  5. I do think it matters but I just think that the Dems are a pretty broad tent cobbled together with masking tape. I'm voting to sow the Republican Party with salt, but the message I want is pretty moderate on most issues other than climate and I'll acknowledge it won't appeal to anyone who is progressive on economics. So any message designed to keep the Dems together -- that's just going to be tough. In terms of convincing anyone who bought into the Rs bullshit? I think ANY thinking about that is overthinking. Any message that would appeal to these dolts is going to turn Dems away. Unless, as you say, its just clever shit like the Lincoln Project stuff, but to me the Lincoln Project really is just clever shit. My message to Dems marketers - "Don't be Stupid, We're All Counting on You. Let's not ever say Defund the Police, Okay". To me the only message that MIGHT sway folks on the edge is the "protect our democracy" message. They need to come up with something that is a more clever drumbeat on that - public service messages delivered by ex-Republicans and military folks, etc.
  6. You have amazing faith that the American people will all of a sudden respond favorably to a strong message. WTF gives that kind of faith?
  7. Didn't see anything that fit. Attitude: Good. Obviously, the prevalence of extreme stupidity and the literal deification of idiocracy is exhausting, but you just need to put your stoic big boy pants on and try to avoid the noise. The fact that one can vote and speak up at the very least provides some direction - get involved in the lower level races where you can. I've decided not to give any money to politicians so all I try to do is a bit of working for individual candidates and sport a yard sign or bumper sticker now and again.
  8. My Salinger Year (2020) I think this was not good although I kind of enjoyed the trifle. Ran kind of like a long Modern Romance episode.
  9. Fell asleep during the show. Re-watch is not on the bucket list.
  10. If Bill Buckley came up from Hell/down from Heaven, and saw what was being done in the name of "Conservatism", he'd never stop throwing up.
  11. The only conservatives in America today are left leaning moderates.
  12. I'm comfortable with great. And I'd start with Sabrina, One, Two, Three and Sunset Boulevard. Open to change as I revisit a bit more chronologically.
  13. The Lost Weekend (1945) Jeez, what a lousy drunk. Didn't particularly enjoy this, but glad I saw it. I've never really been a particular student of Billy Wilder but he's obviously great and I think I need to line up some of his movies to get a better grip on him. The story to me seemed a bit overly simple on initial viewing but after following up on the backstory (and thinking about my own experiences with folks who were a slave to the bottle) it rang a bit more true. The "New York" street scenes were cool.
  14. Open to critical analysis but I think a critical thinker would assume, based on the large number of persons in our country who are willing to believe in perfectly obvious lies and disinformation, that the correct starting point of critical analysis is that the vast majority of poll respondents may have been uninformed, or morons.
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