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Everything posted by AUinHsv

  1. testing - found I could host on my domain
  2. Mine was early 1900's. sorry about photobucket but after reading the forums items I have no idea where to move photos to. Other sites seems to work and then not work
  3. Wasn't going to mention it but I do remember the KA's at Auburn having the Old South parade thru town. And NO it was not only at Auburn. Pretty sure every southern campus had it. Know Alabama banned it a few years ago
  4. I know a couple of fraternity brothers of mine that better not run for office - especially on any anti drug platform
  5. The Atlas was not "squat" which complicates the search. Two links - 50's and 60's. Maybe the Convair Atlas in 50's. If my Dad was still around I bet he knew that one since he worked there until moving to NASA in early 60's https://fantastic-plastic.com/1950s_concept_spacecraft.htm http://fantastic-plastic.com/1960s---spacecraft--missiles.html
  6. Took a quick look at ebay and there are multiples out there
  7. Just an awesome movie. It would be real difficult to get that many of today's comedians in one movie. Plus Spencer Tracy.
  8. Interesting that the altime record is about the equiv of 9-7 and that gets coaches fired these days
  9. From what I have been reading on other forums there is a distinct shortage of Rolex sports models. Apparently most dealers have Datejusts and other similar. On the other hand I haven't liked many of the Rolex line in last few years - too big and too much added bling. Very happy with my older Sub
  10. Considering that Watergate was not full of Mensa candidates that is saying a lot. The initial burglars got caught because they taped a door lock. Except they taped it with the tape going horizontal instead of on the edge. And after the guard found it and removed the tape they replaced it and the guard found it again and called the cops. Kinda obvious there.
  11. By loaded I meant - of the 15 only 2 jump out as why are they there. I agree there are only a few sure things but the rest of the players are very high calibre with exception of maybe James or Seymour.
  12. I believe that was Alex Hawkins who said something like that on air - about the last time he was heard on air
  13. Showing my age but it's cool to see what they did without all the CGI and special effects that every network seems to add these days. However the first down line is very cool
  14. Just keep matriculating the ball down the field
  15. Kinda like a question one player who liked to sneak out asked Lombardi - when does breaking curfew end and getting up early begin?
  16. Kinda watching it and think I saw arizona was on north also.
  17. That's why you find a way to attach the garage door opener to the bike after putting it up there. Of course that rule didn't help a friend who did all that and then hit a low hanging tree limb
  18. We need this generations Alexander Butterfield to show up
  19. I went to Mecums when it was in Austin a few years ago and remember seeing a lot of average cars on Friday. By that I mean they were not garage queens that never get driven
  20. Exactly - someone did a special for I think 30 for 30 and proved from a physics view that the ball had to be hit by Tatum. Even if it hit Fuqua in the back it isn't changing directions. Now the real unanswered question on the play is did Harris catch it cleanly or off the ground? No photos or videos exist either way to my knowledge
  21. Very accurate and knew Walsh's offense. That offense was revolutionary back then. Walsh relied on timing between QB and receivers more than anyone before. His patterns were developed knowing that a QB was going to drop a specific numbers of steps and then throw to a specific part of the field for many of his plays. Walsh also figure out that a four yard out was better than a three yard run but you had to hit the receiver and Montana had accuracy to do it. I may be wrong but I also think Walsh was first to fake a handoff and then throw the four yard out to the same back. Again timing. In addition Montana never lost a Super Bowl and lead one of the greatest Super Bowl winning drives ever. I would put Brady ahead based on nine SB's versus four.
  22. Problem is that everyone that has a "similar" car (meaning built in same year) now thinks their car is worth just as much as some at BJ.
  23. I may be wrong but I remember it being Mark Washington.
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