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Everything posted by AUinHsv

  1. Always been one of my favorite Rolex models. really don't like much of their latest sports line. Keeping my 25 year old Sub for a while
  2. Kinda OT but one of my best friends growing up went to Earlham as did his parents. He played soccer for them.
  3. or the opposite. Around 2010 some genius at IBM built and distributed templates for powerpoint we were required to use. Except he used some obscure font one one or two of the types of slides that was not part of the regular powerpoint stuff so everyone who used his templates and probably everyone who got a presentation with them had to download the obscure font before we gave up and modified the previous version
  4. Some good advice. Don't buy until you know you like it. Very good advice on the socks - you want a liner sock and then a thin outer sock. Lot's of peope get cold feet because they cut of circulation with heavy socks. Take two pairs of gloves - let one dry out and use the second on the second day. I love my Colombia ski gloves from the 90's - look forthem on ebay - they were the best I found to keep me warm. I also love my 2o year old Colombia Powderkeg jacket because it is a 3 in one so you can leave aprt of it behind if it warms up. Again look in ebay. I wore full ski underwear - like old fashioned thermal underwear and then nylon shell ski pants. If you can afford it take goggles and sunglasses. Skiing in sunglasses is a lot different than goggles.
  5. Part of my problem with that is my opinion that some companies have extended the oil change life because they offer free maintenance for x number of miles or because they want to show customers a low cost of maintenance in the sell process. In addition several companies have had issues with engines and immediatly blame the customer. After a lot of court action they suddenly offer to fix the "problem". I do mine every 5K with synthetic and know it's early but it's my vehicles.
  6. I totally agree with the 6pm deadline. The thing I really hate (yep it's SEC but I bet other contracts are the same) is that you can't have more than one game in the prime 2:30 slot. That totally ticks me off. You get one early game, the 2:30 game and then something like 5-6 starting between 5:30 and 7. You can't watch a lot of those games. On the other hand I am old enough to remember why we have a lot of these games. In the 80's Georgia and a few others sued to be allowed to market themselves and several cables companies like ESPN wanted content. Before that you were very lucky if you team was on TV 2 or more times per season.
  7. No sound on but did they just call intentional grounding on a stop the clock spike?
  8. and a one handed catch on 3 and goal from about the 20.
  9. woah - carolina with either a double or triple reverse for the score... and really bad tackling by Tampa from the 20 to end zone
  10. SNL should just go to every night - the material is there.
  11. I am left handed and had the same issue with lining to the right. So bad that at one tournament my partner started yelling at me on the range about the alignment - and he was still parking his car😗 and could see it. I started making sure I could touch my right shoulder with my chin before swinging which helped a lot
  12. I remember Utotem's but thought they were an Alabama item.. Dad used to send me into the SuperX drugstore to get his pipe tobacco - again no questions asked.
  13. In 2015 I turn my similar Sub to Dallas Rolex center since it had completely stopped. 900 or so for entire service and 2 year warranty. I am not sure how to choose an independent but make sure they can get genuine Rolex parts
  14. Did 16 hour Qantas from Sydney to Dallas once in premium economy but the last four hours convinced me never again. LA was just a better option and then connect
  15. I looked it up. More details than expected. https://www.tvtechnology.com/news/equipping-apollo-for-color-television tldr - concerns over bandwidth made them choose black and white since they knew it would work. It would have been very bad to get there and then not see anything because they chose color. They then found they had enough bandwidth for color in future
  16. Saw the launch and the moonwalk. Dad worked for Von Braun but his job wasn't essential to the launch. He grew up in Daytona and had family near the cape so we went there for the launch. I was 12 and spent the night inthe backyard in a tent and could see the launch pad across the river all night long. Cool to have been there. And everyone saw the moonwalk in black and white since a color camera was too heavy
  17. I believe a lot of the script is very detailed in order to make it more difficult for counterfeiters to make their crap look the same as original
  18. Try Sierra Trading Post - website is jot or miss but I have found serengetti's for under 50 bucks and just picked up bike gear (shorts and jacket together for about 50) If you see something grab it - it may not be there 30 minutes later
  19. I made the mistake of no glasses once at Muleshoe. Left em in the car and in the first mile smacked the eyeball with a branch. Never left em again
  20. Know that feeling. In mid 90's played Robert Trent Jones course in Hoover, Al and hated it because of blind approach shots. If I am paying a fair amount to play I want to see where I have to hit it.
  21. that was as bad a the team that lined up with everyone to the side of the center and still snapped it with defense having 2 or 3 players that could not be blocked
  22. Mine wasn't really stupid just necessity - I didn't have jack stands with me at college and textbooks worked really well. We ought to have a thread on stupid things we have done on cars.
  23. Yep a seesaw with the car would suck...
  24. I remember changing a broke leaf spring on my MGA in college using old textbooks as a jack stand
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