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Everything posted by TXUT

  1. I’m disappointed in that black bear’s climbing abilities. He needs to hit his local indoor climbing gym. And I’m disappointed the brown bear didn’t eat Dax Sheppard
  2. Thank you! I spend way too much time looking at seats options.
  3. A tip to winning in the tournament: don’t find your basketball players at your engineering school
  4. Drew is a straight shooter with upper management written all over him
  5. I am absolutely shocked by this. I don’t follow AD’s or know whats going on at most schools but having a general knowledge and looking at what AM has done I could not think of a worse leader of a company/athletic department. His failures are staggering and if AM was a company it would be bankrupt because real business don’t have the luxury of donations. I’ve only seen him in action once watching the press conference after they fired Jimbo and he was a stumbling, bumbling, drinking water as a crutch, over his head, afraid, searching for words imbecile.
  6. Squeeze your nut when talking to him. Whoop when he finishes a sentence. Ask him if he wants to go to a rally tonight.
  7. The US Armed Forces boycotted Aggy first … about 100 years ago
  8. Brazil being Brazil. I love that fing country!
  9. Kids these days will never understand the hustle.
  10. A&M did it! They’re in the top 3rd of the SEC at something.
  11. I know it has been a while since we’ve been relevant, but even we don’t deserve all of this. It’s not fair we get to enjoy these accomplishments at the same time of such great A&M failures.
  12. Let’s do a SAT problem: A&M is to the SEC as ___________ is to the Big 12 West Virginia?
  13. The closest he came to playing football was sucking off the water boy on his high school’s team
  14. A man on a mission … an eating mission
  15. Grandpa Elko is 46 years old! Dude looks 15 years older. Wonder how much their key man life insurance on him costs.
  16. Give him a hand. He tired to stop the fire
  17. Is Surly worth one good man's life? We believed it once. Make us believe it again. He was a soldier of Surly. Honor him.
  18. Holy shit. Well done. Both cabooses have been destroyed.
  19. I wish. I climbed out/in the rear passenger door. That car had some cool stuff (like scents you could spray in the car that ran out in about a week) but did not do that.
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