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Everything posted by SamMan

  1. I like how they spent the first part of the year minimizing “sliced bread” as some loser with an agenda to get aggies investigated and now they are treating him like a martyr who started a fucking movement in which all other schools realized that paying players was the prudent path to winning recruiting battles. Which is notably the opposite of what jimbo claimed in his bitchfest re “sliced bread”. Typical aggie—once you fall behind, immediately resort to claiming to have been the “first” to do whatever it is that you are now failing at.
  2. After 82 years, it’s not a narrative, it’s reality—you are mediocre. The narrative is that you dumb fucks don’t live in reality..and you affirm that narrative every goddamn day.
  3. One time fsu commit. I’d just like to point out to anyone who thinks our 9.95ers are the worst that those guys (Elliott is fine) have had two colossal fuck ups in the past 9 months. They had absolutely no idea a flip was even possible with #1 player Travis Hunter (slightly understandable), then announced a 5-star transfer commit from uga (Texas reached out too) when it hadn’t happened, got called out on it (including the player himself refuting the report), and doubled down (I want to say the quote was “the papers are signed”)..the guy returned to uga. More recently, they were playing up the idea that the staff let their longtime ‘23 qb commit (once was JQJ’s backup @ duncanville) walk because they were about to land another (better) qb…two weeks later that other qb commits to tosu. Now it looks like they might not take a qb in this cycle. So, while some people were apoplectic after Hill chose a&m and Gullette missed his visit to austin, I was reminded that things could be much, much worse. I’m not defending all the Texas guys, and I know there were some dumb reports last cycle, but the incompetence serving some of the other fan bases is shocking. I’ve been following Bobby’s and Gerry’s work for a long time and I don’t think it is a stretch to say that they are two of the best in the industry. Texas is fortunate to have them and some of the others covering this stuff. Anyway, speaking of Bobby, I can’t be the only person that thinks he looks exactly like what a grown up Bobby Hill would look like in real life, right?
  4. Careful with that particular analogy, friendo. It triggers.
  5. A girl once told me mine looked like a jade egg from afar..I told her it could be. Anyway, great choice, Baxter.
  6. Did they benefit from the chaos at ou re gbd and uf/um with Stewart as well or was that straight bag game? I think I’ve said it before, but it needs to be acknowledged how fortunate Texas was due to the chaos last year as well. They were in a pretty precarious position going into the last week of November—no ewers, lost Miller, 1 wr, 2 ol commits, etc. Maybe Banks flips regardless, but flipping Williams, winning out on Neto and Campbell, then poaching Watts and Brooks from osu, and Brice from ou is very unlikely. Credit Sark and the staff for being nimble and in position to capitalize on their opportunities, and credit the boosters for their work to get HWH/CFC/PF up and running, but they were fucked if that coaching carousel didn’t kick into high gear. I’ll also add the last minute flip of Neyor to the list of good fortune. Needless to say, a ton has changed over the past nine months, and that’s a damn good thing. I know none of that is germane to the topic at hand, so I’ll just apologize and add that the aggies can go fuck themselves and/or their sheep.
  7. “Notice how distributed the talent is getting this year.” I’m sorry, but what the fuck is this guy talking about? The recruiting rankings look exactly like they have over the past five years with the exception of a&m shitting the bed. The most shocking revelations have been Owens picking Louisville and Tennessee overpaying a qb..plus the fact that the aggies are currently hanging around with Rutgers, BC, and Vanderbilt. These fucking dolts still don’t realize that the one massive outlier is them signing 8 five-stars and a total of 18 top 100 recruits last year despite a litany of circumstances that would tend to decrease those numbers. That single aggregation of talent is the exception, this year is the norm. “Notice how things are normal again? You see, the world of recruiting is changing..” Also, do these dumbasses really think they invented the late summer pool party?
  8. “Win and the paradigm changes on all levels” …said every aggie since 1939.
  9. Hmm, no ag tag. A man with misplaced loyalty is suddenly questioning that loyalty. Sounds excruciating.
  10. Is it wrong that I assume Gundy probably incorporated some wild gesticulations while reading the lyrics that might have further inflamed the situation? Like turning his ou visor upside down and sideways while grabbing his nuts with one hand and selecting a spare from his bag of dicks to use as a makeshift mic..
  11. If there’s anyone I am going to believe regarding the recruitment of a Louisiana high school senior in the class of 2023, it would definitely be an aggie who knew Bear Bryant (died 1983) back in the day (possibly old as fuck), was an all-American + Chicago bear (possibly cte), state champion coach (assuming in TX not LA or GA or MS), is friends with everyone in the industry (but has no problem sharing very lurid private information about the goings on of one of the most public relations-conscious families in all of sports) and is cool with his dumb fucking aggie friend blabbing about it on an internet message board (while providing several personal details that would make identifying the source of the information rather easy), but also fully believes that Cooper would entertain the idea that his younger brother could bribe his son in order to keep him from committing to a coach whom he feels was/is immature and detrimental to his alma mater’s legacy (which has been a fucking dumpster fire since before Kiffin was even hired) despite the fact that Ole Miss was never much of a serious candidate in the recruitment, regardless of nil.. In all seriousness, I’d be extremely impressed if this mystery football maestro wasn’t drooling on himself and needing assistance changing his shitty diapers at this stage in his life, much less able to cultivate and manage relationships with influential people in a number of states and football programs (none of which are Texas) well enough to gather this tranche of information, weave it all together, and share it with his starstruck friend in a simple little insider tip, made in passing one random day. I mean, it honestly sounds like the man ate a handful of edibles and watched Forrest Gump, Friday Night Lights, and He Got Game in one sitting, causing him to hallucinate this entire conversation.
  12. First, that list is weird. Second, I still can’t believe how badly Charlie fucked up that year. Third, Hines and Mond were probably the two most despised players by that fan base going into the ‘20 season..and not because they were bad football players or had run afoul of the law. That’s because that dolt left off two of the very best recruits. How carter managed to get ahead of jk dobbins is beyond me. It could be argued Wilson wasn’t even the best player on his team from that class. There was plenty of talent there, Liucci is just an idiot.
  13. No idea. I had the same question when I heard Gerry mention he was coaching.
  14. I’m just thankful they had a picture and a pronunciation guide for Jevan Snead (RIP) back in the day. Otherwise, I would have been very surprised to learn both. I don’t recall what the story was with the Fields kid, but could he be the one that technically qualifies? Possibly more of a character judgement in that instance than an unrefined talent issue though. Btw, that Martin squad was pretty talented.
  15. I had hoped to use this for Shelby due to the subtle volleyball reference. Still works because a freak accident will cost him his senior season. Tremendous addition to the class.
  16. Another csb: Back in 2011, some buddies and I flew out to la to meet up with an old friend/ucla alum for the game at the rose bowl (case’s first start, marquise goodwin nearly decapitated a bruin defender in the win that day). While we were out there, we decided to head over to Chavez Ravine to catch a dodgers game. Somehow we managed to score front row seats right behind home plate on the cheap. It was a blowout..like 10-0 after three. Anyway, we stuck around because we had good seats and nothing better to do. Needless to say, there weren’t a whole lot of fans left by the seventh inning stretch, but the folks in our section had been calling out to Vin from below during the monotony of the middle innings, so he made a big show about leading “take me out to the ballgame” regardless of the meager crowd (as I’m sure he did all the time). We appreciated the gesture. He definitely got the loudest applause of that game..and rightly so. He was an absolute gem. My lasting memory will be of him waving at us from up in the booth that Sunday afternoon at Dodger Stadium.
  17. Correction—was his track coach. Not that it matters. He moved. Ramonce was a freak. I remember bumping into him right before he got on stage with Mike Jones at a frat party…which happened to be the same afternoon as the spring game. That’s when I knew he wouldn’t be coming back. Still glad he put in a good word with Bledsoe and Gullette.
  18. K is a douchebag, in my humble opinion. The way they run those two sites is kind of a joke. As evident above, K is also a terrible writer. There is so much redundancy in his posts (he’ll usually say “Again,” then rewrite the exact same fucking thing he just stated..it’s as moronic as putting “let that sink in…” after a statement). Honestly, it’s as if his audience were first gra…well, sooners. /rant
  19. Congrats to Jhenna. I don’t want to upset anyone, but I believe she got a lot of undue (or harsher than necessary) criticism during her time at Texas. Okay, if that is the case, then I will finally agree with whomever it was that described this offseason as “stars aligning”. Thank you for the continued updates on these lesser-trafficked threads. ISWYDT. I didn’t understand the vitriol either..or the lack of self-awareness.
  20. I agree. It probably didn’t help that immediately after, Forbes, cnn, and the like were claiming she’d be worth a billion dollars in endorsements with every major brand from London to Shanghai. She’s a tremendous talent, but it was clear at Wimbledon that there were some mental barriers to work through..beside the fact that she was 18. Btw, didn’t Osaka fire her coach after winning b2b majors the first time..and then fire the next coach shortly thereafter? There’s a ton of pressure on these kids, and for every Lebron, there are dozens who crumble under the strain of unrealistic expectations. I was fortunate to get to watch Coco make her debut on Louis Armstrong as a fifteen year old. The reception for her was incredible. I can only imagine how intense the fanfare would have been if she had made it as far as Emma and Leylah did last year. Fortunately, if she has that breakthrough now, I think she is better prepared to handle everything that comes with it.
  21. Well, I’ve been told (by idiots, mind you) that Riley is definitely scared of competition (like arch), and, with usc going to the big 10, he will likely bolt again (despite having a more lucrative deal than jimbo)..in which case, jimbo will be there to clean up like he did with that five-star from Florida last year (probably like he did with his wife back in Tallahassee after her trainer bolted). Plus, there have been conversations on this very website in which people have espoused the opinion that damn near any place in Texas is preferable to living in Southern California, so I could certainly see those fucking dolts wholeheartedly convincing themselves that a kid born and raised in Orange County would think that College Station, TX is literally heaven on earth, and that the total experience of being a student athlete at a&m far exceeds anything usc has to offer (it’s not about the money, remember?)..I mean, who needs song girls when you have milkmen?
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