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Everything posted by SamMan

  1. Taylor was the fucking pied piper. This is bizarre. I love it. I remember all the shit he was posting around signing day when Stewart was dragging his feet. What strikes me the most is how incredibly strong last year’s recruiting class was in the state of Texas, and outside of offensive line, the aggies cleaned up. That’s before mentioning all of the out of state talent they landed. I still can’t believe how badly they have misplayed a winning hand. If the shit continues to slide, they might look back at the 2023 class like Texas did the 2017 class where there was so much momentum and strong & co fucked it all away.
  2. I never thought I would ever see anything as chaotic and beautiful as the Kyle/Kyler saga, but it looks like I may have underestimated the aggies.
  3. I took a screenshot, but I was hoping the entire thread would be posted (my skills are lacking in that department) because it is pretty glorious.
  4. I was there. In the vast emptiness of the rose bowl, that hit seemed to echo around the stadium.
  5. I am going to go ahead and thank @texifornia in advance for the bountiful feast we are about to receive. I appreciate your assiduous work.
  6. Ah, yes. The drake maye whose father was a star qb at unc, whose mother went to unc, whose brother was a star basketball player at unc, and whose other brother is a current basketball player at unc is a portal risk. The drake maye who decommitted from bama to stay home, is putting up video game numbers in Phil Longo’s offense, has 8-1 unc leading their division, and was serenaded by his home fans with “drake for heisman” chants in the closing minutes of his most recent game there, is going to be looking to spend his final mandatory year of eligibility playing elsewhere. I’m sure there will be inquiries, but there is a pretty fucking wide gulf between his individual set of circumstances and either worthy’s or weigman’s. His team doesn’t suck, he isn’t far from home, he isn’t underutilized, improperly or irresponsibly utilized (they do run him a lot), or under appreciated. In fact, he was kinda born and bred to be exactly where he is, and he already has a cult following there. Leave it to the aggies to suggest the worst possible example to compare to their embattled savior qb who might be looking around. Btw, that “weigman chose a&m because his girlfriend is there” line is absolutely adorable.
  7. The immediate future that is currently trending toward finishing last in the division, missing a bowl, and striking out on every top skill player target in recruiting (I know it won’t happen, but they have zero skill commits a little over a month out from nsd), and any subsequent positive momentum to be gained is entirely dependent upon the notoriously imperious hc swallowing his pride, making fairly drastic staff changes, and ceding play-calling duties while somehow managing to keep most of the young talent engaged and on board as every other program in the country does its best to pry them away?
  8. As someone who kind of grew up in and around the metroplex basketball scene during the mid to late nineties and saw a lot of Chris Owens and Brian Boddicker when they were dominating (along with Tamika Catchings), I have been wondering when Texas would snag another top prospect from that program. They have been very good to Texas in the past (Justin Simmons, Tiffany Jackson (RIP), Ariel Atkins, et al.), and that place is always teeming with talent (regardless of how they got there). This is a fucking win. Great job, Beard.
  9. Gabriel, Evers, Arnold is the new King, Johnson, Weigman? Can’t wait. I’m guessing gen. booty and the human statue are relegated.
  10. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and catch a glimpse of what the prevailing sentiment was… …when Brent was hired. (Note: Looks like a parody, tweets like every other mindless sooner sap) (49-0, sooners quit on the field) …going into the season. (Luckily, his poor diction makes it seem as if he expected to see shitty football) Lincoln didn’t lose his fourth game until the cfp semis in his second season at the helm (his second consecutive cfp berth)..after he had already captured back-to-back big 12 championships. These schmendricks wanted to dedicate a paltry piece of highway to commemorate his departure.
  11. Shifting gears, I love how they don’t mind claiming success by association with Texas if it allows them to distract others from their 8+ decades of absolute futility. Keep in mind, they haven’t sniffed a national championship game (in any major sport) since their last one. Note also the idiot quoted below that post offering a conspiracy as to why Texas was #24 in the cfb playoff rankings. In the past two decades, Texas has won one national championship and played for another in football, made a final four in basketball, and won two national championships + finished runner-up twice in baseball. Those are seven things that the aggies have not done in a literal lifetime, but here they are saying “oh heavens, Texas AND a&m have only won one championship in fifty years (forget those THREE in the decade prior)..they are just as incompetent as we are despite the vast resources.” I know, no ag tag, but that guy is definitely not a troll. A sampling of schools who have achieved more (played for or won a NC) in the last 30 years than the aggies have in the last 80—Rice, Texas Tech, Baylor, Virginia Tech, UVA, Maryland, Syracuse, Ga Tech, South Carolina, Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Oregon State, Utah, Fresno State, Pepperdine, Gonzaga, Butler, Wichita State, Coastal Carolina. To quote a man who has a futility streak somewhat similar to the school he was once associated with, they really are “ass, my dude.”
  12. I’m perplexed. Does the vet school not have enough ivermectin on hand to handle the flu outbreak?
  13. They were advocating Venables sending in a goon to injure Quinn when he was shredding the Sooners in Dallas. I think the quote was “they can’t win with Ewers in the game. It’s worth 15 and a half to take him out.” And to think these are the same people whining about their players being “cussed” at by an opposing coach after they feigned injury and returned the very next snap and what terrible sportsmanship he displayed. Those same people who joke to this day about “cart mccry”…really just a bunch of fucking losers who have never won anything and somehow the only explanation they can come up with for why that is is some vast conspiracy (refs, media, sips, libs, big 12, sec, etc.). Case in point (note possibly the most lucid response ever on texags, posted by a user literally named “aggie” with an ag tag, who was later accused by someone of being a “sip”):
  14. Least self-aware people on the planet. First off, jimbo is 0-4 vs leach + kiffin over the past two seasons, so there is absolutely no blame necessary (we’ll set aside jimbo’s massive overcorrection from crowing about nil on nsd1 to totally denying knowledge of any financial agreements whatsoever and casting aspersions on other coaches when people started asking questions). That second statement is akin to jimbo saying “yeah, my wife cheated on me with some hot shot wide receiver in our own bed, so what? She also brought home a hobo a few weeks back and fucked him too. It ain’t like it’s difficult..” and then six other idiots cheering him on saying “yep, your wife is a total whore. That receiver is a loser.” Aggie wisdom—the best way to score points is to dunk on yourself.
  15. I was busy this morning, and I know it has been addressed, but I thought I would share a screenshot I got from those knobs before the thread was deleted (SIAP):
  16. I laughed at what happened below that post. Some guy sarcastically asked if he was a contract attorney. To which the OP (feeling himself) just boasted that, no, he was just really smart and business-savvy..to which the guy clarified that he was being sarcastic and he shouldn’t quit his day job because the entire write up was, in fact, impractical and very stupid. It was sarcasm. That guy was ridiculing this post about what galls him the most about Jimbo..which is the quintessential aggie sentiment: Sure, the last time they won a championship in any major sport the man whose presidential library graces their shitty ass campus was a fifteen-year old popping zits in his dorm at Phillips, but goddammit, the walk-ons have to get on the field! They are better anyway..especially the qb.
  17. Both of these galaxy-brained aggies have been texags users since 2003: An OC hire suggestion (apparently didn’t bother to note whom he was working under in that directory) A simple question about how the ball is put into play and why on earth the team with the ball gets an advantage
  18. Sir, that is a feline phallus..makes perfect sense why they would be impaled by such an implement.
  19. The thing that gets me is that I believe roschon got one carry after his td run (I might be wrong about that). Sark talks about being a run-first team. He talks about being able to run the ball when the defense knows you are going to run it. If that is the case, particularly when you have a young qb who is clearly struggling, in a game where you knew the wind would be a factor of some sort, why does your undeniable team leader, and most physical runner, not run the football? Did I miss something? In the Herman era, the maddening tendency was—unsuccessful 1st down pass, 2nd down extremely predictable run to try to salvage some yards/possession time, then screen/draw on 3rd and long. Now it’s the opposite. Sark seems to pull the ripcord if the 1st down run doesn’t gain at least five yards and resorts to airing it out the next two downs. Going into the game, I thought the idea would be about 50 carries to about 25-30 passes given the wind,the vulnerability of osu inside, and sheer number of snaps they’ve played over the past couple of weeks. I mean, the only fucking road game the man has won at Texas came when he abandoned the pass game and let bijan win the fucking game. You’d think with a bye coming up, they could weather a few more hits. Now, I’m going to go straight off the deep end here and give some psycho babble bullshit because I honestly am unsure how Sark’s game management can be so poor. The way he manages these second halves strikes me as the same sort of insatiable desire to chase the thrill that you see in addicts. The lack of impulse control a drug addict has chasing a high or a gambling addict has chasing a big payoff. I know it is a classic case of confirmation bias, but watching him continue to go to Quinn time after time after time reminded me of a degenerate gambler doubling down thinking his luck was about to change. In that way, I suppose Sark is certainly leaning heavily into his “all gas, no brakes” philosophy. Theoretically, the calls could have been the optimal choice, maybe the throws were there to be made, but that is only half of the equation. At some point you have to adjust your decision making when additional information comes available. It doesn’t matter how many people are in the box if your qb cannot deliver the ball to the open receiver. All you are doing is giving the opponent more time to find a way to beat you. You wanna stick with Quinn despite his considerable struggles? Fine, let’s ride the running backs, shorten the game, maybe throw in a couple wildcat sets if need be and manage the field position battle. Willing to give card a shot with the full allotment of plays? Cool, get him in there. Maybe work some shorter timing-based plays that he is confident running. I know we hated seeing so many hitches or stick routes in the Strong era, but I think we could maybe tolerate a few more these days. To me, the easiest throw to make in a windy environment is one to a stationary target who can have both eyes on the ball and maybe actually shorten the distance between himself and the ball. Put it right on him. Granted, if everything is sailing, hitches ain’t gonna work either. What bothers me the most in all of this is the fact that you know this is the last time you are going to have bijan and roschon. They have a handful of bullets left in the chamber in their time at Texas. To not fully lean on those two veteran guys in the second half of games where you have a lead seems like malpractice. You think bijan isn’t getting enough national attention? Feed him the fucking ball in a premier matchup against a top 25 opponent. Especially when the passing game, for whatever reason, just was not working. You have the best tandem in the country and roschon gets one carry after going 52 yards virtually untouched? I don’t understand how something like that happens. Heart and soul of your team.. Relegated to watching a freshman in his first true collegiate road game (first ever start out of state?) having possibly the worst day of his sporting career, struggle all the way to the finish line. I know he helped the rbs out a week ago when sark handed him the keys on 4th down, but those guys got it down there. Help the kid out. There is a way to win ugly, sark seems utterly repulsed by the idea of having to endure such torture. I don’t care if you are one play away from putting the game out of reach. It was evident early on that the likelihood of that play being made in the passing game was very slim. Scrap the haymakers, work the jab, move your feet, and win on the cards. Before the season, when considering what happened last year, I wondered if it was possible that Texas could go from one coach who was virtually identical to Scott Frost in terms of outward demeanor, to another coach who was virtually identical to him in terms of mental toughness/ability to finish..and which would ultimately be worse. I’m still unsure. I didn’t enjoy watching a fucking asshole get to 7-8 wins by consistently winning rock fights, but watching a more likable guy go .500 with these inexplicable second half collapses is fucking brutal. Like Mike Sherman brutal. Anyway, rest up, longhorns. Plenty of time to get right and still make a run down the stretch in spite of my tepid view of the head coach’s ability to win close games. Quinn, whatever the fuck you’ve been doing the past two weeks, for god’s sake, please stop fucking doing it. You’ve got people calling for Hudson to play, and it is seriously causing the very few people not pissed off by your own poor performance to lose their fucking minds and heap effusive praise upon 5-star backup Cade Klubnik, who went 2-4 for 19 yards and was helped out by a dumb personal foul on 3rd and 25 and another dumb penalty later in the drive which led to Clemson cutting the Syracuse lead from 11 to 5, then handed off to a guy who ran 50 yards for what was ultimately the game-winning td, as if it was some heroic effort that mere mortals (or measly third year 4-stars) could not possibly replicate (to say nothing of the head coach who made an executive decision to pull his struggling starter and lean heavily on a superior run game to grind the game down). It’s as ridiculous as the length of this screed.
  20. First off, (I hope I’m correct in assuming you are a sooner, otherwise what the fuck are you doing?) you guys have got to get off of this whole “Lincoln took all our good players” bullshit. OU fans act like they weren’t totally cool with it at the time (it’s fun to go to Twitter and type something like “Riley” “Venables” “upgrade” “soft” into the search bar and just read the results). Shit gets real and now the excuses come back in, but all we heard at the time was “we don’t need soft players, if you wanna follow your soft-ass, woke head coach, go right ahead.” Now coach “unbelievable buy-in” is actively campaigning to rid the program of more players on the roster. You cannot, in the portal era, make the argument that a coach doesn’t have his guys. You especially cannot make that argument and then advocate shipping more guys, who have ostensibly bought in, out of the program mid-season. If they didn’t fit, use the portal. It is in nobody’s interest to keep square pegs for round holes after spring ball. They are your players at that point. Doing it now makes leadership look ill-prepared and totally reactionary. Have you considered the fact that Venables came into that building with a turnaround specialist mindset when the team he took over had been incredibly successful and rather consistent? Rattler was gone regardless. The rest of those dudes didn’t leave immediately. Maybe they were already gone in their minds, but it’s not like OU didn’t have an opportunity to pitch them on staying. Second, I’m dumbfounded by sooner fans’ ability to literally call all of their defensive players stupid while bemoaning the fact that players didn’t want to stick around (considering they booed one of the guys they are wishing they still had off the fucking field). Brent had nine months to either recognize and adapt to his allegedly moronic defensive players, or do what he has been harping on since he took the fucking job—“develop those young men.” He apparently did neither. Imagine coming into one of the most stable and consistently productive organizations in the country and doing your damnedest to convince its people, who have been pretty damn successful under the prior regime, that everything is broken and a complete 180 is the only way to fix it. Especially when you and your staff (offensively at least) are fairly inexperienced and have fewer skins on the wall than the old guy. And, by the way, you also manage to find one of the most bizarre ways to run off the most seasoned element of offensive continuity on the team (who wasn’t a bad recruiter either) a month before the season. Venables and basically everyone cheerleading on the sidelines made a strategic blunder thinking you were going to convince a team that went 11-2 last year that they were “soft” and their culture was a disaster while selling themselves as upgrades to the old regime (let’s not even discuss all the petty bullshit that went on, and continues to happen, with regards to Riley. You dumb fucks put up a fucking highway sign (or petitioned to) for God’s sake..to commemorate a guy shining a giant fucking spotlight on why the state is so incredibly unappealing to live and thrive in, but whatever). You can certainly take that approach, but I wouldn’t expect much sympathy from those players when shit goes south. Third, yes, OU put up 34 on KSU, but they have not led a game at any point since Nebraska. What was the score of the TCU game when Gabriel went out? I think it was already a boat race at that point. The Arnold kid may be great. He certainly sounds good (I actually heard Hoover or Drumm say that OU may have won last Saturday if Arnold had somehow classed up and played, which was amusing. Also love how those dopes thought 1) they fooled Texas by having Gabriel warm up then running the wildcat when that is exactly what sark did weeks earlier 2) that it was a clever question to ask a real football coach whether he believed in the “concept of gamers”..what the fuck did you think the answer would be to that? “Yes, I think guys who don’t practice well or at all deserve to play in front of those who do”? I digress). However, I would caution you that Guyer has produced a lot of highly ranked high school qbs and their production in college leaves a lot to be desired. Charlie Strong himself was in a similar position to Venables with a Guyer qb who looked like a difference maker (granted it was a totally different skill set) that would boost an anemic offense. In terms of the recruiting class, I’d note that Tom Herman signed the #3 class in the nation during his first full cycle as head coach. Having hope is a good thing, but anticipating a quick turnaround, when you are allegedly beating the dog shit out of the current team during the season in an apparent attempt to break them, is a fool’s errand in my opinion. In closing, I would just like to remind you that this is a Texas message board. When you wax philosophical about all the minor inconveniences of a new coach in year one—how the pieces don’t fit, but the new guy is gonna get it turned around despite the ghastly results (outside of #9 they fucking quit, on the field and in the coaches box, I’ve never seen anything like it), how the staff needs time to gel, etc. remember that your audience has made those exact same statements in the recent past and learned that no matter how self-soothing they are at the time, they only make you look worse when none of it is even close to reality. Believe us, you may think you have an idea of how this shit is supposed to go down because you’ve observed it from afar, but trust me when I say you have no idea what is likely coming. We’ve lived in the motherfucker for a goddamn decade. Case in point, I see a lot of OU fans are eating up the comments made by Venables (“I’ll help you leave”) and the players recently (“get off the bus”). Might I suggest you type “Texas Football Let’s Ride” into your search engine? It’s a facsimile of everything your coaches and players have said over the past few weeks, except you can actually analyze what those words actually materialized into. Anyway, while it is a source of tremendous entertainment for most people on this board, you might want to practice the power of positive thinking in silence, or elsewhere, if self-respect is something you value. Otherwise, please continue to talk to us about the vicissitudes of having a new coach trying to get the right players and change the culture of the program..we haven’t a clue what that would be like, and would love to hear you explain… Btw, I really don’t mean to be too much of an asshole. Personally, I am as shocked as most OU fans that their fate has turned so quickly, but I can’t say it hasn’t been welcomed with open arms. I’ve been awaiting their Icarus moment for quite some time, and I’m getting big Charlie Strong vibes..one can only hope. tl;dr
  21. I’m very late to the party, but I think the primary reason that guy hates Texas so much (among many others) is because I’m pretty sure he was the VTM mod making irrationally bold statements about how Beard would absolutely never leave tech for his alma mater. I’m paraphrasing here but he intimated that Beard would never in a million years leave because he was a living legend in Lubbock, and he had everything he needed right there courtesy of other local hero, Dusty Womble..Plus, it would certainly take an ungodly sum of money, and even then, he would definitely give good pal, Kirby Hocutt, a chance to match or counter. Dude spent the week leading up to Beard’s move taunting and ridiculing Texas fans as totally delusional, extolling the virtues of how loyal and committed Beard was to the program despite persistent reminders that he had bolted from UNLV literally as soon as a better opportunity arose and that there was a damn good reason his contract included a poison pill specifically meant to deter Texas from poaching him.. A poignant quote from that week (emphasis mine): ”Lastly, this is Chris Beard’s home. His family is here, he bleeds Lubbock, and he is a man who has embraced this university as his own. Anybody who thinks he sees Austin as more suited to him is insane.” ..and then it all blew up in his face—Beard was leaving, the difference in salary was negligible, a matching offer was irrelevant, and he had no interest in allowing good pal Kirby an opportunity to counter. It was over. The deal was done..consummated over an Egg McMuffin in Levelland or some shit with his new pal, CDC. The man’s pride suffered a catastrophic injury that day, yet no one was willing to let that dumb fuck forget how galactically stupid his takes were. Since then, he has been writing self-soothing soliloquies like his latest missive referencing PUF and other bullshit trying to convince himself more than anyone else that Texas (and athletic director CDC (btw, how pathetic is that?)) is evil incarnate and tech (and/or Lubbock) doesn’t suck. Frankly, I’m totally cool with this yutz and his ilk believing Texas is evil and its fans are arrogant pricks. Are longhorns supposed to be aghast at the assertion? He must not realize aggies have been proselytizing that shit for over a century. Get in line, bro. The pity party is already near capacity. Almost no Texas fan in the universe is going to be the least bit moved when you mercifully become untethered and have to get the fuck along on your own, but it is nice that you are finally getting there. Congrats, little baby, you’re all growns up! tl;dr tech fucking sucks & I’m the asshole
  22. The thing about signature wins is that you have to consolidate them afterward. They may have had some “signature wins” but they then proceeded to shit the bed in subsequent outings. That program really is the exemplification of premature ejaculation. Poor things, they’ve been afflicted for eight decades now. It’s all they know. Btw, I’m a bit weird—the last two signature wins I associate with Texas are Michigan in the Rose Bowl (beating SC was a reiteration that VY is the greatest damn player to ever grace a college football field) and Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl (would’ve been OU that year if Gideon secured that interception in Lubbock). Both were consolidated the following season.
  23. I’m always impressed with how quick their mods are to suggest a direct conversation whenever they get the least bit of pushback. Not sure if it was mentioned before, but last week the texags host lost his shit with a YouTube poster during the show, challenged the poster to come say it to his face, later reiterated it in the comments, and then got reprimanded on air by Liucci for being thin-skinned and not moving on. It was entertaining.
  24. My (long) take 24+ hours after—If you can’t see how a few very minor outcomes could have totally changed the trajectory of that game, you are probably going to have a very different outlook on how the game transpired. Traylor had his guys ready. He’s a pre snap penalty from possibly getting a td on the opening drive on two separate occasions. He’s a couple of offsides calls away from keeping Texas out of the end zone on their first score. If that happens, you are looking at possibly being down 21-0 in the first half before you even know what happened. They moved the ball at will in the first half despite their offensive line being depleted by injury seemingly every other snap. Second half, you are two (three really) passes off the receivers’ hands away from it being a very, very tight finish. Yeah, you look at the box score and it says Texas did what Texas should have done. The more discerning observer realizes that UTSA played quite well and performed surprisingly well on both lines of scrimmage for a good portion of the game (like we gave Texas credit for last week despite the 81 yd run, the 20 yd scramble, and the late sack of Card). Robinson hitting a couple big runs, Johnson making a circus catch and generally just being the baddest motherfucker on the field, and Card having a timely scramble were the difference on offense. The secondary play was average at best. They did a better job of tackling in the second half, but both corners were beaten badly on the same double move. I thought the line play was decent, but they were getting moved in the run game early, and if there were better athletes at rb, it could have been bad. Not sure what to make of the pass rush. I liked Moro’s intensity in the second half and Murphy’s effort throughout the game. I feel like even if the edges had gotten home more, the qb would have escaped and hurt them even more. He was as advertised. Seeing Bush or Ford in coverage makes me pretty queasy. It was a damn good win against a quality opponent, and the game was closer than most would care to admit for the first three quarters. The difference really was depth (which injuries exacerbated during the game), mental focus (untimely penalties & drops), and a couple of elite backs toting the rock. Credit to UTSA for playing hard. Credit Texas with keeping their composure and raising their game in the second half. There is no need to denigrate UTSA, Jeff Traylor (if you want to make doomsday predictions for his coaching career, at least get the comp right—it’s Chad Morris (or is it Art Briles, who just lucked into Kevin Kolb flipping to UH from OSU?/s) not Charlie Strong), or Hudson Card (he’s QB2 for a reason; what’s the fucking alternative?) for that matter. I’d say they all performed admirably, but right in line with where they were expected to perform. Good game. Now let’s focus on stomping the dog shit out of tech in front of all of their syphilitic fans, and stop bitching about how the backup qb, who is playing through his own injury, and who was the same qb we saw last week and most of last year, sucks. On Card—Stop acting like you had higher expectations for the kid when you knew or should have known what to expect for quite a while now. Some of you sound a lot like the aggies last year. He’s not Ewers. Sark knows that. Everybody knows that. Ewers is hurt, that’s why Card is in. He’s still at Texas. He certainly didn’t have to be. He’s doing the best he can (while injured) and he’s not turning the ball over (btw, a QBR in the 70s isn’t bad & Worthy definitely gave up on one of the deep balls). Deal with it..or be prepared to happily watch Wright or Murphy, if he weren’t injured, play like qbs who have never thrown a pass at the collegiate level (as we’ve seen, Ewers is the exception in this scenario). It can always be worse. Card is not fantastic, particularly on the deep balls. We knew that going into fall camp. Does it limit the offense in terms of what the defense has to protect against? Absolutely. It’s not ideal. We get it. It is what it is. Let’s move on and hope Ewers has a swift recovery.
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