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Everything posted by Tom

  1. They both have played like garbage. I guess Thompson's going to get one more shot.
  2. Well.....this thread might have been about 1 minute premature.
  3. Yeah, I must have been completely preoccupied or not paying attention whenever that one came out. I'll find some time to sit down and watch it this week.
  4. Also, she's a former CFB playoff selection committee member who thinks the committee does a fantastic job and nothing about the playoff selection should be changed. She fucking sucks.
  5. Dang, Sicario and Wind River are two of my favorite flicks from the past 10 years. Not sure how I missed Hell or High Water in between, but I need to check it out. Agreed that Those Who Wish Me Dead is complete dogshit.
  6. My understanding has always been that Captain America is more his type. I could be wrong.
  7. Apparently if you don't care for shellfish or raw fish you're poor.
  8. He landed Star Trek instead of Star Wars and DC instead of Marvel, so he's as best A-minus.
  9. Yeah, but you couldn't tell because she had those glasses on most of the time.
  10. I may be in the minority but I think Aniston got hotter as she got older. She was hotter in the last season of Friends than the first. Reese Witherspoon is also still a knockout to this day.
  11. He sounds about like what I imagine everybody in Lubbock sounds like. Seems like a good fit.
  12. ITT: Anyone and everyone who isn't as big as The Rock or Tom Hanks. Also...people who were once A-listers but aren't really in much anymore.
  13. Traylor may or may not be a great hire at Texas, but it doesn't matter because we're not firing a coach after his first season. Wanna know a surefire way to keep good coaches away from the program? Let them all know they won't have a job at the end of the year if they don't win immediately, regardless of how crappy the roster is. And no offense, but continuity should not be a goal after a coach notches possibly the worst three year stretch at UT in modern history, if not ever.
  14. Not to derail, but he has a pretty funny TV series from a few years ago called Loudermilk that's now streaming on Amazon. I think it pretty much slipped under the radar because it was on the Audience Network originally, but it's a solid comedy.
  15. TCU's been playing the wrong QB all year.
  16. Agreed, but she's just not a good actress either. Maybe she was a one point, but at least the last few things I've seen her in she plays Angelina Jolie. Her default facial expression in most scenes, regardless of context, is like some blend of smug self-satisfaction and forced bedroom eyes.
  17. There are only a few reality shows I've enjoyed watching. The main one is probably Life After Lockup. I mainly enjoy it for the complete absurdity that a group of men thought they would find love by becoming pen pals or by using a dating service with inmates, followed it up by giving them a bunch of money, and then ending up shocked when it turns into a complete shit show after their release. I'm sure a certain percentage of it is scripted. I'm not sure how much but I'm under the assumption all of the reality shows are at least somewhat scripted. I can somewhat suspend disbelief and pretend it's mostly real. I still find it entertaining regardless. Really the more absurd and humiliating, the better. I've liked 90 day Fiance for mostly the same reasons -- the absurdity and the cringe/hard to watch situations people put themselves in. 60 Days In is the last one I watched. (Apparently I like shows related to jail/prison.) I guess I like the tension and build up of seeing which ones are going to succeed and fit in and do what they're tasked with doing in the jails and which ones are going to fold or get pushed around by other inmates or end up having to tap out.
  18. He nods off at work meetings just like me!!
  19. Where are you seeing that when you look at this?
  20. Can't remember if it was this board or another I post on but people seemed to be very mixed on it with some preferring the original Tim Curry version. I thought the new ones were pretty awesome, especially Chapter 1. I saw both in theaters twice.
  21. I really wasn't expecting too much going in, but this is probably the best thing I've seen in theaters in a good while. It was really well done. Loved the nuances in the acting when the story is repeated from different points of view. I'm surprised it's already down to 1 or 2 showtimes a day after only two weeks. Nobody has super powers in this and there aren't CGI villains, so I guess it's not going to be the biggest draw.
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