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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. I have the one where I can't find my cleats so I am forced to start the game barefoot. Which I then realize in my sleep can't be real so I wake up. Probably took my subconscious 20 years to stop getting anxiety when the peak summer heat is raging in late July/ early August because doubles are starting soon.
  2. tangentially to above. Nothing is quite as entertaining when a company decides that their engineering/design/technical staff needs to get out into the real world so they implement some sort of sales tag-along program. Bunch of smooth talkers those engineers.
  3. It's not just schools. Most businesses I have dealt with over the last 4 years are completely out of fucks to give. Honestly, I would say its gotten somewhat better over the last 6 months, or maybe I am just adjusting.
  4. Teacher with the boxing match ref performance.
  5. Now do McDonalds, Burger King...etc. It's commonly known that fast food labor is about 25% of sales. Cheeseburger was $4. (which is low comparatively) Labor was $1. Labor went up 25%. Labor is now a $1.25. They will have to charge more than $.25 more per Cheeseburger to maintain margins. They are choosing to boil the frog and not jump the price all at once. It will get there.
  6. one of my kids attempted to make a grilled cheese sandwich with this technique. still S'ingMDH
  7. Can we have a thread or perhaps even a forum motto?
  8. ...and all I have found tearing apart rooms to remodel is mouse shit and wall voids stuffed full of dog kibble. Darn!
  9. I understand. Its just a bit shocking to feel that when you are stopped no matter the physics/science/engineering/logic behind it.
  10. at least they wouldn't feel anything...
  11. How much you want to bet the parts to fix the problems were unavailable at any cost?
  12. nothing a little penicillin won't fix right up
  13. Several years ago I was stuck on I-5 a few miles south of the I-5 bridge. I believe several miles of that interstate is elevated and essentially bridge. I couldn't believe how much that section of road shook from truck traffic headed southbound.
  14. Spanish, Swedish and German were also mentioned so those are acceptable too...for diplomacy sake.
  15. No, but my dad does. He can't even sit on the toilet some days.
  16. alright, now we are making progress...
  17. correction: Even worse penthouse forum letter.
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