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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. Broadly, regulation to enforce safety and other standards is needed. Any regulatory system is going to have deficiencies. Making regulations more, "stringent" isn't necessarily going to address those deficiencies. So my answer is, it depends.
  2. The entire world is squeezing 15 pounds of shit into 10 pound garbage bags. Yes, bean counters and managing to quarterly stock reporting, JIT inventory, LEAN,....(insert business school jargon here) is a significant factor. Brain drain, short staffing and component supply shortages brought on by shutting the world down has that problem on steroids. Its everywhere, substitute components/vendors/processes are the status quo.
  3. I would speculate wildly. A bit from column A and a bit from column B
  4. maybe the pilot was communicating with a Mig-28?
  5. Yeah the difference does vary. I’m willing to endure the gas line at Costco when it’s meaningful. Then inevitably it gets close enough I just start using whatever is most convenient. Probably gone through a half dozen cycles personally in the last decade.
  6. Darth Maul You will soon be half the man you used to be - Obi Wan
  7. Airports are one of the worst places on earth. Lounge access makes marginal difference to the experience at best. Fucking hate it with a passion.
  8. I have no counter argument, nor an argument in favor of this theory. That would be a huge HOLY SHIT moment. Really hard to overstate the impact that would have on the economy and financial markets.
  9. Its way worse when you are randomly disconnected after waiting for an hour on hold. Or even worse than that is getting through, explaining the issue, getting put back on hold, then getting transferred, then explaining the issue all over from the start, then getting placed on hold, having someone else pick up, having to provide all the information again, getting told you are being transferred, then getting disconnected. That's the worst.
  10. I think the lottery is evil. State sponsored addiction. It’s the most regressive of all taxes.
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