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Everything posted by GottaB

  1. There was a reason. Duv made sure he didn’t.
  2. Never shared that sentiment. But I’m not gonna piss on your parade.
  3. no, I don't have comparative experience, but tommy dorsey's guy installed my system about 6 months ago. I haven't noticed a change in taste of the water (salt only used to clean the resin when you aren't actually using the water as I understood it). It's simple and inexpensive after the install. Huge selling point for me.
  4. Goal achieved. 40lb lost in 6 months. New goal pending.
  5. I buy a three pack of lightning cables for $5 from Vipon every few months just to sprinkle around. Work. Cars. Chairs around the house. It’s cheap issue avoidance insurance.
  6. Found out from the cashier the lane converted from regular lane to express after she was in line. Not her fault.
  7. Express lane. Used coupons. Paid by check. Bought stamps.
  8. I think vaulted ceilings make for poor execution of atmos but not sure. I say pose the question over at avsforums if you are going for overkill. Edit: good luck. A theater space is badass.
  9. I have a the small sebenza with micarta inlays. I like it better. The inkosi has contours where my fingers rest that don't feel right. That is why I am going to sell it. Both great looking knives and great craftsmanship. The inkosi handle is smaller.
  10. Posting with tapa since pics not showing on my laptop.
  11. Got this in the mail this week. It's nice, but I doubt I'll keep it. Chris Reeve Small Inkosi
  12. As a guy with 10 g-shocks, you might be surprised how easy it is to talk yourself into another. But I get it. Whomever designs a system that removes ads for things you already bought will be my hero. I hate that phenomenon. I bought it. Advertising worked. Now you are wasting money.
  13. There is actually an economic phenomenon where people subconsciously add value to stuff they own. They cannot be objective. Or one of two things happened. 1) they get a “deal” price but value it at what they were told it was worth not what they paid. 2) they paid MSRP +tax like a dope. Either way just tell them to call a gun shop that buys used guns and ask what the shop will give them. That is an eye opener some time. Red’s will tell you they will pay wholesale and then discount based on condition.
  14. Bout to go on a collection trimming spree. I’ll probably post these and other on bladeforums in the next few days.
  15. I opted for the Chainsaw method. Will follow up with roundup until it dies enough for the roots to weaken and I’ll dig it out.
  16. Loofas get gross and are excessively harsh. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5613734
  17. When I left UT in 2005 I was 191. I haven’t been in the 190s since 2009.
  18. 200.6 lb after the gym/ mowing the lawn today. Officially have lost 40 pounds over 153 days. When it drops below 200 it might get dusty.
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