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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. That's off the chain! (Was the deer chained or not?)
  2. Only reason not to throw Wolf is that you mailed it in and rather your senior not pitch the last game of the year, save his arm for whatever professional future he has. With the BP, KU stands to score more than just 5.
  3. Dewey

    2021 NCAA Baseball

    Aggie has been beating the dead horse of delusion for so long, that they have people on the outside believing it. That is, until the outside visits, takes in a game, sees the culture, then you have videos like the GameDay crew leaving CS laughing at how overrated and delusional they are.
  4. Dewey

    2021 NCAA Baseball

    That would be the perfect scenario for a&m, Rice hires their former coach, staying away from a coach a&m most likely will have to land on.
  5. Dewey

    2021 NCAA Baseball

    Guess aggie has some competition
  6. Dewey

    2021 NCAA Baseball

    Baseball doesn't give a fuck if you play in the SEC. Hilarious that they mention their "strong history" (6 CWS appearances in 72 years) and then mention the SEC countless times. Outside of that conference, no one gives a fuck.
  7. He truly is, check out what he puts in his coffee. This wasn't some fluke, got lucky and on a hot streak win. He earned it.
  8. He had the foresight to know he better start taking care of his body and man it paid off. Damn near 51 years old and he still reaches back and rips his drives. Still able to handle difficult stances and has good enough energy to grind out a major. Only thing to top this would be him winning the US OPEN
  9. Insane, haven't seen a crowd react like that.
  10. Was just thinking that, say adios and take the cart back to the parking lot
  11. Brooks doesn't like par 5s? Or the greens...
  12. Lol at Phil telling Brooks to go ahead and hit
  13. Brooks looking at being 3 or 4 over on the par 5s today, ugly
  14. Dewey

    2021 NCAA Baseball

    Have to feel bad for any coach dumb enough to take any coaching gig at a&m, doesnt.matter the sport. They have 100% fanbase that thinks they win at the highest level. In football, they think they're Alabama, in basketball... they think top 10. In baseball they think they are right up there Texas and LSU. On one hand it's great, they keep throwing good money after bad, but on the other hand, it sucks, because you have to recruit like you're a powerhouse when you're not. Recruits don't buy that delusional bullshit. You can by some of them, but not all of them. Eventually as a coach, you have a season like this and you're out, everything is your fault, bye. Hope Childress ends up somewhere with a chance to build a team for Omaha. If he does, he will and he'll be in Omaha while aggie is sitting at home, most likely.
  15. Hell no, I was just talking to my brother and told him this could very well be Phil's last major at the top. What Phil is doing at his age, I don't have words. He has committed himself to better shape, a sounder mind, this major and how he still stripes it is all amazing. All good 👍
  16. I wish, I tell you I haven't put Rory in any of my major pools the past 2 or 3 years.
  17. Phil doesn't have a problem with distance, he still hits it a long way, in fact, he poked a drive late yesterday 330. Couple that with his short game. Final group, in the lead, not shocking.
  18. That 50 year old hits his drives 330.
  19. It's not bullshit at all and I do follow golf, damn near every week. You can throw stats out there, but this final group is not that surprising. This was a wide open field, Rory being the odds on favorite to start the week is.more bullshit than these two being in the final group. Oh, he won a tour stop, he must be back to his 2014 form. Rory is still going through swing changes, that's a real struggle still for him... in my opinion. People in this thread have talked about Brooks being a robot, no one can deny Phil is an all-time great, but yes, let's be surprised that a guy who has had many poor showings in majors isn't in the final group on Sunday. And let's be shocked that Phil is, since he went off at 200-1.
  20. Just me, I guess, but I'm not shocked to see it's Phil, not Rory. Phil has been playing good golf, more consistent good golf than Rory. I just can't believe Rory is still a poster boy for top dogs in majors, he isn't, hasn't been for a while now. Its.more surprising to see Rory at the top of a leaderboard on Sunday at a major than it is to see him barley make the cut. I know he won recently at Quial Hallow, but that doesn't negate 5,6,7 years of up and down golf in majors. If you told me on Monday that Phil would be in the final group on Sunday, I would not have been surprised.
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