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Mullet Free

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Everything posted by Mullet Free

  1. Someone was going to take a nap in their car, but had to run and take a leak.
  2. The MMT model for fighting inflation is raising taxes to reduce money from the supply. For obvious reasons it’s unpopular and unlikely to be implemented to a level sufficient to offset the money printing
  3. Defaulting on the debt would be dumb. We’re obviously going to go the soft default route of debt monetization and persistent, elevated inflation. The effects of the monetization and inflation on US currency/economic status are what’s worth following, but these moves have been tried before elsewhere.
  4. Sure they do. Institutions that hold this kind of power only tighten their grip as they feel they’re losing control. Works until it doesn’t. Gradually, then suddenly. And so on and so forth. This all started with debt ceiling talk. We can’t even allow a modest reduction in the pace of the growth of government outlays. Where’s the subtle transition there? There isn’t one. We’re putting the pedal to the metal baby. We’ll get away with it until we can’t.
  5. Exactly. It’s a debt cycle. The key word there is cycle. The last two countries to essentially run the global financial system were England and the Netherlands. People never lived in caves or had to use smoke signals while things changed. They’re healthy first world countries to this day. It’s almost like Brisket has been propagandized to think civilization ends if the current financial order is reshuffled. I mean look at this doomer shit… Classic ledge Brisket.
  6. Nobody is slinging anything. I didn’t actually bring it up. And I have bad news for you. Austin is one of the biggest hubs of Bitcoin ecosystem in the world. Must be all the Aggies. You said people wouldn’t trust each other. Monetarily they won’t necessarily have to. Also a reset of the global debt burden/financial system doesn’t mean we’re living in caves without internet. It’ll likely be rough, but not end of humanity type stuff. And it is going to happen so you need to prepare yourself mentally for that.
  7. Good news Brisket. Your ignorance of the subject matter caused you to actually agree with me. When institutional trust is severely damaged or lost, people will have the option of moving to a trustless currency and monetary system in Bitcoin. I’ll end the bitcoin discussion on this thread with a famous Satoshi quote. “The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve. We have to trust them with our privacy, trust them not to let identity thieves drain our accounts.”
  8. The global debt supercycle has to end at some point. This isn’t it. I know you’re being a dipshit, but when large sovereigns end up defaulting who will people trust?
  9. so quick update Wife was on group text with a couple friends. Subject of coach dismissal came up. One mom said she heard essentially that coach would be able to share more when the school year was over. Two problems with that. 1-I doubt that he's discussing this situation directly with parents, so he must be in contact still with student(s). 2-I'm not sure how he could paint the situation in a less terrible light, but it has to involve slandering my daughter in some way. We contacted the district office to see if he had a NDA or something or otherwise see what we could do. Learned some interesting stuff. He resigned, was not fired. The investigation didn't yield anything worthy of police involvement. Everything in his file was turned over to some state educator's board so it will be very difficult for him to work again as a teacher. Fortunately his resignation is effective tomorrow so the district will be contacting him today to let him know they're aware of him still contacting students. Also, I asked that they relate to him explicitly that we are aware of his actions and are personally monitoring him and what he puts out there. We'll see if he finally vanishes.
  10. This makes no sense to me. Of course the online correspondence of the commander of his top paramilitary unit reaches him. I'm not sure why you would think that wasn't the case.
  11. Props for the term hugbox. I’ve never clicked on the lady’s profile. Someone I follow RT’d it. Now, go back to CR for your hugs and wiener tugs.
  12. I’ll be the first to say I have no clue on Pakistani politics, but there’s plenty of videos online of protests around the world against this arrest. I share this one from Islamabad because McDonalds is featured prominently and I wanted to know what do they serve at McDonald’s Islamabad? @956 Worldwide@InkaUtexas
  13. Debt ceiling related. I didn’t want to share in CR because, it’s a terrible place you see
  14. Between this and the Senator saying that banks are Ponzi schemes, legislators are on a roll as far as saying the ugly truths.
  15. Frontal view. Is the guy behind her, her son? I think a resemblance there. He must be in charge of the gravy train.
  16. Lol. The app gives you what you want to see. That’s the point. Also Chopper, “why are all these ads for ball gags and boner pills on my computer?!” Cmon man!
  17. Nobody’s defaulting on anything. Don’t be stupid.
  18. markets like it. Looks like we think hiking cycle is over.
  19. Exactly, this stuff doesn’t even really matter. Twitter is a nothingburger. That’s why no one posts about it here. yes. Like on Instagram, just scroll down to suggested reels and it will show you what you like/want to see. My suggested reels are either hot chicks or tennis related, or hot chicks AND tennis related. My wife’s are all interior design junk.
  20. Kobe! Leading with the head is an interesting strategy
  21. The transcript is a quick read. Just a few new numbers. TL;Dr Our fiscal situation is utterly fucked. Since there’s no chance any of these assholes cut spending or raise taxes enough to matter, debt monetization and resulting high inflation are givens over medium to long term.
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