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Everything posted by HonkeyVape

  1. Rocko went to the military overseas, got some skills, a real job, made a life for himself and doesn't think about this site or it's denizens. He won and I'm happy for him. Yawn.
  2. Trust me, I learned my lesson about not citing every single source from now on.
  3. Didn't realize Jack Dorsey was propping this guy up. From the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/28/us/politics/rfk-democrats-election.html "The money men aiding Robert Kennedy Jr.’s political surge As the 2024 race heats up, President Biden faces a persistent thorn in his side: Robert Kennedy Jr., the scion of the Democratic dynasty, who both touts an array of fringe theories and boasts surprisingly durable poll numbers. The Times notes that Kennedy is drawing support from an array of political outsiders. But perhaps his most powerful base is a group of financial and tech moguls, including the Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, who have given him money and something arguably more important: exposure. Kennedy speaks to many of their interests. That includes things like cryptocurrency — he has spoken at industry conferences and accepts campaign donations in Bitcoin. Kennedy has also embraced some of their favored podcasts, speaking with popular hosts like Joe Rogan and the venture capitalists behind the show “All-In.” And in endorsing Kennedy, Dorsey (who’s also a major Bitcoin booster) cited the candidate’s criticism of government censorship. But Kennedy’s most powerful draw may be his iconoclasm, particularly his willingness to buck institutional thinking on matters like the benefits of vaccines. (That has led to YouTube removing a Kennedy interview because it promoted vaccine misinformation.)"
  4. HonkeyVape


    It strikes me that if we started paying a normal wage for waiters and waitresses, it would be a net negative for the workers, a net negative for non-tippers today, and a net positive for those who do tip 20-25+%. The help would almost assuredly make less money, with a fixed rate and no tips, and taxes taken out of a w2 check, and they probably will only be able to work right up to the limit of whatever full time is defined as to get away with having to be given benefits or whatever. Non-tippers would be paying more as their per unit cost would be higher (because they are horrible people who don't tip) as the restaurants entire menu would necessarily be raised across the board to accommodate and soak up the upfront sunk cost by the business in having to provide a $18/hour + meager benefits. Your $10 cheeseburger is now $16 or whatever, as an example. The diner who tips moderate to exceptionally will win. We expect to pay 20-25+% on our ticket and so the final bill with the adjusted prices, unless 20-25% higher than otherwise, should be lower. But the reality is, we keep it at $2.13 because servers and bar tenders and patrons like it that way. They like making gobs of cash (in good situations, at least) that can minimized on taxes, and if made to be another rote employee that a robot could do, the incentive for good service would go away and you'd have even less people wanting to do this job than we do today. Also, just speaking for myself, but it makes us feel good to be a good tipper. I tip 100% at waffle house because that usually only amounts to like 15 or 20 bucks, and you'd think I was a hero. It makes people's day and the people working at waffle house are exactly the type who need the blessings.
  5. Not so sure about that. You might see the tide shift, it's starting in Texas: Dallas approves new rules banning short-term rentals in single-family neighborhoods: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2023/06/14/dallas-was-still-mulling-short-term-rentals-into-the-late-night-no-vote-by-9-pm/ Plano City Council votes to issue temporary ban on new short-term rentals The city has been looking into enacting an ordinance on short-term rentals due to crime concerns.: https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/plano-city-council-votes-temporary-ban-new-short-term-rentals/287-b6b6b028-3f98-43ee-aef0-89e1e9e84b5d
  6. I've seen this idea bandied about on messageboards (along with annexation of D.C. and P.R. ((shout out to Little Giants)), but is it a realistic thing politicians would do?
  7. How often did you eat at that Deli News by the school? I remember the first time I got the biggest Reuben I've ever seen, served by a bodybuilder with the biggest arms I've ever seen.
  8. Yea, I think with how much smaller the field is, this makes sense.
  9. I'm cringing to death while remembering Neighborhood Services and The Common Table and the likes. Thanks for the analogy.
  10. Yea-- I'm not talking about MD's coasting, but the manager level who moved during COVID-19 thinking the world would forever be changed, and who genuinely like what SD has to offer (e.g. weather, beach, golf and tennis almost year round-- as opposed to joining a tennis club in the City or getting out for golf, etc.) who have found that living in SD in a lot of industries and careers will hurt your ambitions outside of those few things that SD is known for, which again seems pretty limited.
  11. Super interesting points you are making Brisket. And education/higher ed is such a frankesteins monster of a mechanism that unwinding one or two things isn't going to work as a lot of the issues are interrelated (cost/tuition, student debt, % of races, preparedness for higher ed, home-life, preparing our young men, etc. et al.). I really think you have to almost blow it up and start over. I think maybe AI/tech will help with that in 20 years when only about even half of the people today from the "good side of town and schools" prepared for higher ed are even needed to be valuable to corporations.
  12. The people celebrating today aren't racist whites. They are the South Asian and Asians who have been discriminated against for being excellent student candidates for the last generation and being held to subjectively higher standards. I saw it with UT from when I went to UT and what the student body looks like now. You see it with the UC schools. Now prepare for it at the ivies.
  13. I think it just highlights how subjective we humans take things based on our underlying and pre-existing feelings about people. Like I said, in a vacuum, a 70 year old doing push ups and doing incline bench press is pretty dang impressive. Just having a cut/fit body like that at that age is-- we've all seen the pics of Arnold once he hit old age. But RFK sucks, so we need to find an angle to pretend it's not impressive. It's just human psychology, people try to do it with Biden too who is legitimately funny and doing a good job as President, they did it with Obama (tan suit), etc.
  14. Career-wise, it's hard to live in SD if you are serious about your career and are not in a) Life Sciences b) Military/Federal work and/or work at Qualcomm? I don't know I just get the sense that there isn't a critical mass of much else and from some of the consultants I've worked with in the Big 4 and Tier-2 firms that during COVID-19 moved from major markets (NY & Boston) to SD, their career path / personal brand / visibility has suffered. So in that way it's the Dallas of California if you remember the book Liar's Poker and how being put on the team in Dallas was such a demotion like being sent to Career Siberia.
  15. I once stayed in Point Loma for a week and ate here every day: https://www.yelp.com/biz/its-a-taco-shop-san-diego
  16. Anyone seen a good, short, primer video of professionals narrating how this happened, like a youtube video? Curious about the physics of the implosion.
  17. All they have to do is call your representation and bingo, bango, I'd re-subscribe just to watch your show and flame you on here (even if I liked it).
  18. That last minute, as those gun shots were LOUD, and walking into that willingly, to help people. It is nothing short of heroic. And it's nothing short of being a civilian soldier in a war setting. It's pretty crazy to see that, impressed with this officer and left me very, very sad.
  19. I see we have 2 pages of perfect, holier than thou people, so I'll be the first to admit this is a problem for me and one that I'm actively working on. Like many of you, I have a job that provides me with too much to do and too little time to do it, so sometimes in an effort to be helpful and involved (e.g. picking up kids from school, taking one to get a haircut or the gym or get some food, whatever) I will find myself on my cell while driving. It starts with just typing out texts at a red light. Then it goes to where you can respond to slack messages while driving as long as the roads aren't crowded. Full blown addiction is typing out full bodied emails, in gridlock or on the highway doing 70, and realizing you've only been peripherally paying attention. The good news is twofold: I am aware of my problem (and actively working on it) and I have shame about it. My kids have been deputized to yell at me from the back if I do anything on my phone-- and they love to do it. So that's fun for us all. I've even started pulling over to gas stations or empty parking lots to respond to emails/texts that are urgent instead of using the phone and driving. Now talking on the phone and driving, I can't get rid of that. And my kids have grown up the last decade and a half being commuted with the phone on speaker and on so many conference calls around finance/deal-building and deal-making, legal calls, and internal calls about deal flow that I joke they should be grateful they are getting a pre-MBA.
  20. Different market (but similar idea), I had a buddy get his car stolen he was renting out on Turo. The renter just never returned it and never was heard from again and he had to file a stolen car, it was a huge pain in the butt, etc. All over a Jeep Wrangler.
  21. Dallas did last month I think, and Plano is either thinking of it or doing it as well. It's a nuisance in neighborhoods is the idea. Personally, I never saw the value in AirBnB's but it does make sense the way Brisket said it-- if you are traveling with a large group and need 3 beds, etc. My personal calculus was always use Marriott/Bonvoy in order to stack points that my company pays for, with all my business travel, and then I turn around and use points for free stays for family/personal vacations. I've gone to Disney World 3x with free rooms at the Marriott property (Dolphin/Swan) on site, multiple trips to the beach in San Diego and LA for free, free stay in Ft. Walton / Destin, etc. Couldn't get that if I were using AirBnB's.
  22. Is this for litigating against someone infringing upon your trademark? If so, I am listening and observing this thread. If it's just to file/register and own a trademark on the USPTO, anyone can do that for like $250 through the e-portal.
  23. I believe your dad was a Green Beret because he is probably in the 1 percentile of people 70+ who can do what you just described, especially at 80. RFK Jr. is probably in the top 5%. Just think about your average great-grandparents or grandparents (or parents, for some of us in middle age) and imagine them lifting any amount of weight off an incline bench or doing push-ups half push-ups (what we used to call "girl push ups") at 70 years old.
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