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Everything posted by HonkeyVape

  1. With Biden off at Camp David, the cat's away, so the mice will play. Looks like some of the interns had a 4th of July party: https://apnews.com/article/white-house-suspicious-substance-cocaine-bd7a792357a85453cf55b6c955ff1b4f WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House was briefly evacuated Sunday evening while President Joe Biden was at Camp David after the Secret Service discovered suspicious powder in a common area of the West Wing, and a preliminary test showed the substance was cocaine, two law enforcement officials said Tuesday. Secret Service agents were doing routine rounds on Sunday when they found the white powder in an area accessible to tour groups, not in any particular West Wing office, the officials said. The officials were not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
  2. She's right, I am not very sharp and I went to UT. You have already gone through it, but I do wonder now that my kids are getting to the college prep and admission age. It's a different world and time. Schools we routinely make fun of are as strong academically as UT was when most of Surly went there from the 70's to early 00's. Or at the very least, about the same admission standards. A poster above said it best, and I think we can all relate to it with UT: Public, state schools-- no legacy admits. They don't need it and you can easily legislate it. Private schools- Let them do what they want, that makes sense to their university mission and vision (which, a lot of times, seems consistent and even early-moving to this kind of stuff).
  3. We recently abandoned Dreft and went back to scoops of Tide. The OG.
  4. Can't websites just do what beer websites have done since the late 90's and just have the user put in a birthday or a click box self-describing themselves as 21+"?
  5. Regardless, not only are you wrong, you are egregiously wrong and borderline insulting to the smart people who are correct and patiently trying to explain it to you, with TwiceHorn being the most patient in trying to deal with a fool like you. Most people don't throw pearls at swine, but his interaction with you is very gracious.
  6. Thanks for your patience and graciousness on this thread @TwiceHorn
  7. Someone in the industry last week told me that 53% of all automobile claims are fraudulent. I've been trying to verify that, but this person is generally reliable and knows this industry-- I'll keep digging for the source. But if that's even remotely true, that cost of "shrinkage" is being passed on to the end customers bigly. -- ETA, looks like he might have been way wrong: https://www.valuepenguin.com/auto-home-insurance-fraud Insurance fraud statistics There is an estimated $45 billion in property and casualty insurance fraud per year, according to Colorado State University Global’s White Collar Crime Research Task Force (WCCRTF). This includes home, auto and business insurance. Life insurance fraud is the most widespread type of insurance fraud, costing companies $74.7 billion each year. Between 10% and 20% of insurance claims are fraudulent. Policyholders commit $35.1 billion in fraud that lowers their rates each year by lying on their insurance applications to get a better rate. American families pay an additional $400 to $700 per year in insurance premiums to help cover the cost of insurance fraud, according to the FBI.
  8. You misunderstood me. I don't mean the art needs to be couched in reality (my favorite genres and some of the more interesting ones generally aren't), but that emotional reaction to when there is criticism of said art and it's couched in reality e.g. The Atlantic article posted or various posters mentioning that this show fell off substantially from S1, etc. and not off the wall, absurd or insane criticism that is unrealistic e.g. "Ted Lasso never once poops!" or "This show sucks because I hate England!"
  9. It's maybe a testament to drama/comedy and acting as an art form that people get so emotionally invested in something that they can't take reasonable and rational criticism in something that is inherently subjective. That's the only thing I can think of to defend dorks who will defend a television show as if they wrote it, acted in it and produced it, against minor to moderate criticism couched in reality.
  10. Even now, it's hard to read because I know how much effort this took and generally how much effort you make and yet you still consistently confuse yourself and matters.
  11. Do I just turn the game off and enjoy my weekend?
  12. Ben Thompson said: "It does seem notable that Ford, GM, and Rivian all had to announce agreements with Tesla, not just adoption, and that various reports say that the adapters they will send to current owners are locked to their vehicle. That definitely suggests a licensing regime. Which, I would note, fits with Tesla’s patent pledge, which explicitly rules out directly competing designs or products, of which the NCAS adapter surely is one."
  13. Dude I'm the worst: Immaculate Grid 91 3/9: ⬜️⬜️⬜️ ⬜️⬜️🟩 🟩🟩⬜️
  14. I literally just saw it today when I went to post something. I didn't see it because you didn't use the reply or @ function, but sure, simmering about it if it makes you feel even one ounce better today Do Biden hosted him for a stage dinner? I don't know, because I don't speak Cro-Magnon man and even if I did, I don't even think you know what you are asking there.
  15. Dwight Powell is not an NBA player. Why do we keep pretending he is?
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