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Everything posted by HonkeyVape

  1. I posted something a few pages back, but they are going to be a battery and gas station business with a little bit of EV's. Getting GM and Ford to adopt and recognize their charging standard last month was about as hugely an underrated business move as could have happened-- I think the adults running the show probably are stewarding Tesla as well as they can while Elon is goofing around with Twitter and cage fight memes, even though most think that Elon is still involved.
  2. Watched National Treasure for the first time in 19 years (2004): What a crappy movie. I kinda liked it though.
  3. Fall Out Boy with a pretty good Billy Joel impression:
  4. I don't mean this thread to be for true hippies, but reading the Costco thread and hearing people talk about it, it seems a big deal and it gave me an idea for a fun thread. Apparently 1/4 of America has a CostCo membership (~66mm people). Probably 80% of this board has one. 99% of my demographic has one. I do not. I am countercultural in that respect. Also, I have never and refuse to ever set up a Spotify account. Not out of spite or any real reason, I just don't want to. People will send me links from time to time and I can't do anything with them. I'm literally the only person I know who can say they don't have a Spotify account in my social/family group-- at some point it became a point of pride.
  5. Talked to someone last week who basically said since Alice, it's not worth the effort, time or money to file a patent, not sure if that extends to trademarks.
  6. Funny you said that me saying he's accused of anti-democratic actions is "hitting my knees...", but no comment on the lavish state dinner and heroes welcome that Biden/USA gave him? -- In other news (link at bottom): Has India reached peak Russian oil? India is hoovering up discounted Russian oil that’s been shunned by Western buyers. But there’s speculation this spree might be maxing out. India gets nearly all its oil from abroad. And traditionally only around 1% has come from Russia, or around 43,000 barrels per day (bpd). But post-invasion, India now gets almost half its oil from Russia, or 2.3 million bpd. So why are folks saying India might’ve reached its limit? Infrastructure: Few Indian refineries are equipped to process the Urals crude that Russia produces. And fewer seem interested in building the new infrastructure needed to handle more Urals. Currencies: India-Russia negotiations over longer term contracts recently collapsed, in part because Western sanctions prevent India from paying in US dollars, but Russia doesn’t want Indian rupees. Geopolitics: India’s purchase of Russian oil not only irritates the West, but potentially also India’s long-time suppliers like Saudi Arabia. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/indias-russian-oil-buying-scales-new-highs-may-trade-2023-06-21/
  7. Agree with you as as I said in Feb; This is going to be a huge shock to the system as I have to imagine most people have grown accustomed to not having a $xxx monthly payment and have assumed that money for other parts of the budget, especially as things cost more (inflation, rent/housing, etc.) and people make same or less (wage stagnation). My theory is society got used to not having to service this debt and there will be a rude awakening.
  8. HonkeyVape


    This is why it’s an old genteel aphorism: A gentleman is never fully dressed unless he has some pocket cash.
  9. Those city connects were EVERYWHERE in the stadium. Was really surprised how prevalent
  10. I get your point, but I think if you completed your thought (which I added to, in bold), you'd see how this makes sense. Or maybe not, I don't know, you make good points. To Briskets point though, I think it's a poor and failed argument to "what about" other rules and laws in the bible to argue that it's not an inherent and obvious religious view (and is personal as well, to his point). That's all I got-- I think troph actually stated it best on the other thread-- y'all have a great long and SAFE holiday weekend celebrating this country! God Bless America and God bless you all.
  11. How can you argue that they aren't religious beliefs? I'm curious how you can argue that when the canon of the religion of which all things are governed from literally and explicitly states it in the first five chapters. I mean, it's also a religious belief to take a Sabbath day and not work on Sunday (which the supreme court always affirmed this week) along with a million other things that we find silly or ugly depending on the range
  12. Okay David, one more thing, this summer when you're being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth Of July brouhaha, don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes. I edited I guess after you submitted. Don't respect it, that's your right. But understand.
  13. You are right on. And at the same time, one must confront that believing homosexuality is a sin, while having deep empathy and love for the sinner, and not wanting to encourage sin and be complicit in the social morass and further denigration of society IS a legitimate religious (orthodox, maybe?) view, whether you agree with it or not. I think this ruling is asking demanding of the dissenting to view that the unalienable right of religious freedom here looks for them a lot like the old yarn of "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Disapprove and disagree and, heck, even mock and denigrate and vilify it and hope they fail miserably-- but respect understand the rights of those who believe it and that they operating within those rights, per the law of the land.
  14. for the same reason that we ask, Why do caged birds sing?
  15. That's a great question and one that I think is probably the most problematic. We are now essentially saying that there needs to be a body that legislates what is a legitimate religious practice and/or come up with a framework for what qualifies. Problematic. What does that look like? # of adherents? History? Scholarship/written books and a code to follow? I do wonder if there is a globally recognized standard for religion to adopt in the short term, like what a board accredited researching agency or something would use? When you peel the onion layers back, I think the real annoyance or anger is that there are people who believe that homosexuality is a sin and others think that those people shouldn't have the right to believe that in such a way that it manifests in autonomy of action via a protected freedom of religion. At least that's how I've interpreted this thread's response.
  16. I don't think so. It's more akin to how there is a rule in soccer for not allowing headwear or safety reasons but then letting Muslims where a hijab as an exception because it's part of their religion. I think it has to follow that logic pattern: The law says always do X but you can do Y if your [recognized religion here] compels you to deviate because of the moral code that undergirds the religion you legitimately follow. At least that is how I'm reading it-- I'm not a constitutional scholar or constitutional lawyer.
  17. No way. That's not a basis in any precedented and codified religion. I think the slippery slope argument won't work here, because it's not just like you go register a spaghetti monster religion or I hate [insert race here] people religion online. It's for legitimate religious practice. The supreme court quietly (or maybe it was just lost between this and the student loans) ruled in accordance to religious practices but it also made it seem pretty rigid: From NYT:https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/29/us/politics/supreme-court-religion-sabbath-postal-worker.html
  18. True, true. But I don't think there is any religious precedence for any of that nonsense. At the end of the day, I personally think keeping religious freedoms (but not free of consequences) is good. Don't bake a cake for gay weddings and then go bankrupt, as the world turns. I've thought about this in context to sports players-- don't want to engage or wear the rainbow patch for pride because you cite "religion", that's fine, but if your owner is gay and the fans/community hate you, that's on you and can't blame anyone when you get cut.
  19. The way I read it was you aren't denying to make a website because they are gay, they are denying because they don't want to be complicit in encouraging homosexuality because it is against their religion and by encouraging it they are encouraging sin and the further downfall of society, etc etc. This is codified and well-known to be the case, by virtue of even being written explicitly for reference in the religious text that dates before case law. Just making up a religion or reason for not serving someone I don't think is going to be an on-going issue and I think the number of instances where an orthodox religious person won't bake a cake or make a website for an unabashed sinner (in their view) is so limited it's not even a rounding error. It will be in the realm of how few times transpeople will want to swim with men or whatever and the left's version of that controversy. Again, this is how I think it was interpreted by the courts.
  20. So....the $10 or $20k in student loan debt isn't happening now? I filled out the form like 6 months back and everything. From the stated requirements, it didn't look like the little grad school debt I had left was eligible due to my income anyways, but I was hoping they'd pro-rate me something along with everyone else. Now it's a no-go? Can we escalate this to the supreme court manager? #studentloankaren
  21. Also, I just read this entire thread and it's hilarious. 2 pages of middle aged white men discussing female pop divas with supreme confidence is why women hate us. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
  22. Forgive me if this brought up down the thread, but I disagree about not being anything comparable to what Madonna was. You only have to look as far as Stefanie Germanotta aka Lady Gaga: - Both are classically unattractive, especially by Hollywood/Music Business standards yet both were able to culminate a huge fan base by selling their unique sex/sexiness - Both were very provocative (e.g. Madonna's coffee table book of sex, Gaga's Meat Dress, etc. etc. etc.) and unconventional outside of their music - Both had raving fans and achieved cult status for the most dedicated (e.g. Gaga's "Monsters") - Both have a heart and deep reverence (and fandom) for those that came before them (e.g. Madonna with her adoration of Barbara Streisand and Gaga with LIza Minelli, Tony Bennett, etc.) - They both tried to get into acting with a modicum of success And I mean, Madonna literally hated Gaga for a while because she felt the "Born This Way" song was reductive and a blatant rip off of her song "Express Yourself". They have probably sold about the same and grossed around the same with touring and popularity. I mean they are the same person filling the same void in the same model just different generations.
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