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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Collins showing this year, some at edge, is better than great.
  2. Christomighty, DH, don’t confuse me with FF.
  3. No one is arguing statistics, Bonz. Just putting out the idea that the “pretty face” of American Christianity isn’t all that perfectly pretty.
  4. Happier for now. But one might then be an asshole headed to hell.
  5. Well, we here in the richest society ever, who have built wealth via by far leading the world in cumulative emissions, we just can’t do anything if the poor societies, who have mostly nil in cumulative emissions, relatively, can’t afford to match us.
  6. Well, when we came back from overseas to the Bay Area ( San Ramon), my daughter was a to-be junior. I had to pick her up a few times, me in my old Ford Contour and the kids rolling out of there with MBZ convertibles, etc. Plenty of humility to be had.
  7. I guess they are in the same boat with “white men and white women” in general. Too many support racist attitudes and vote with hate up front.
  8. Informative update, thank you. Bonus plus onus.
  9. Read that as few years ago. Definitely super important we don’t fuck up this privileged, or over use it for various political aims. Like overusing antibiotics.
  10. Tex, your massively optimistic views really need to be reigned in.
  11. All good fun, but, they do this debt limit shit and the military promotion shit because they are political performers with no desire nor ability to govern. Yet they have to be “in charge”. Power for the sake of power.
  12. We’ve had umpteen 80 + degree days, maybe 30 since April. In 2012, when we moved up here, there were zero.
  13. Good stuff. But the poll does suggest that it is not at all clear that Biden will be re-elected. A depressing thought.
  14. Fake news, mofo. Actually, will inform those already with a certain mindset, curiosity for the truth, a group absent in the maga world. Where and how do/should the Dem side use these methods? Are they useful and appropriate for lovers of democracy?
  15. Ok, all non Democrats are fascist bat shit loon cruel bastards
  16. Currently reading Kendi’s Stamped From The Beginning. Drawing color lines within ethnic minorities is a time worn strategy. His message is, this doesn’t work in the favor of the overall group in the long run. And it’s a racist strategy.
  17. Don’t worry, the season itself puts most of us over the edge.
  18. Could not get WaPo here on Bainbridge, so went with NYT. Learned to read by reading the newspaper, first with funnies.
  19. nbmishoid


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