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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Neonmoon

  1. I hate a random fart in the wind is considered news these days
  2. I want big brother. I’m so fucking tired of doing everything. What do I owe in taxes? Bitch, you are the one charging me, you figure it out. Once you do I will review and pay. Driver’s License and Registration? Ugh, can you not just pull up my documents digitally by scanning my eyeballs or fingerprints.
  3. The only difference is Jesus didn’t light his 12 men on fire
  4. Voters are cult members that believe in Guns & Jesus. They don’t give a fuck about anything as long as the white Christian family man has all the power and doesn’t have to face any consequences from his own actions. As long as they can blame the browns/immigrants, it’s all good.
  5. The Trump agenda is the same as all Republican agenda. Transfer money to rich people, break everything and blame the Democrats
  6. Difficulty is relative. Is it difficult for you? No. Is it difficult for 80% of the general population that needs rubber corners? Yes. I routinely have to explain how to download documents to people who are supposedly gainfully employed.
  7. I can’t wait to leave this shit hole country
  8. We can just enforce the current law https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1324
  9. That place looks phenomenal (I want the ninja painting)
  10. What are you talking about?
  11. To be fair to Trump, that’s a pretty good character witness. It's not like they can actually interview a pile of shit
  12. Are you against protecting international shipping from terrorists?
  13. It’s almost as if a judge you appointed shouldn’t reside over your own trial? Nah, I’m just being silly. The legal system is working as intended
  14. Unfortunately? A car is a depreciating asset. All car owners are in a negative equity situation. It’s not luck these idiots are in the same situation. They believe Musk that Tesla owners could turn their cars into an income producing asset. It’s idiocy, naïveté, or sycophancy.
  15. Let me simplify. A cult thinks whatever they believe is true, and will kill anyone that disagrees with them.
  16. It’s not fair because it’s only one side, but interviewing people affected by an incident is standard OP. Is it something to be concerned about? Ha, I wish that cracked that top 20 issues with today’s “news” providers
  17. PPI came in a little cooler than expected. This should help with PCE on the 26
  18. Money = power And power magnifies a person's strengths & weaknesses. These people are weak pieces of shit and they lash out
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