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Carl Spackler

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. I don't drink a ton of straight rye, so I don't have the comparison baselines that some other posters have. That said, the Frey Ranch straight rye ($50-60) has grown on me. The nose is still funky, but I've grown to like how it tastes after initially thinking it was merely okay. I get a fair amount of caramel and vanilla, which suits me. And as an added bonus, the bottle can be used as a weapon once you drink the juice. Seriously, whacking someone upside the head with that heavy bottle might kill a mofo.
  2. Wow, kudos to that dude for coming back from such a horrendous accident.
  3. Oh, it's nonsense for a variety of reasons that a shutdown would grind the prosecution to a halt. The point is that how pathetic and revealing it is for Drumpf to attempt to avoid prosecution on this basis.
  4. Trump exhorting 'Pubs to let the shutdown happen, hoping it will interfere with the government's ability to proceed with the prosecutions. Anyone surprised even the least little bit? True colors. What a POS. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-led-longest-government-shutdown-141158834.html
  5. I don't think anyone is suggesting that they're anywhere near the band now that they were then. They were at the height of their powers in the Beggars-Bleed-Sticky-Exile run.
  6. Don't know about Baylor's overall team speed, but their wideouts are pretty fast. Jackson runs sub-4.4. That little waterbug Baldwin is even faster. They're both faster than anyone in the Texas secondary AFAIK. That said, I'm not particularly worried. The secondary is playing at a high level right now in terms of assignment discipline, tackling, and angles to the football. A pass rush will certainly help. I'm reading that Baylor's right side of the OL is not particularly great. PK needs to scheme some stress on it.
  7. Aggy managed to beat both in the same season in 2019. But your larger point, i.e., that it's ridiculous for ag posters to pencil in victories this season against both Ole Miss and klan aggy given that it's a rare occurrence, remains legitimate IMO.
  8. Just got back from car camping a couple nights in the White Mountains. Dark sky was great -- the stars really popped at night. This shot is looking west at the start of the 4x4 trail heading down Silver Canyon to the Owens River valley and the town of Bishop. The mountains in the distance are the Sierra Nevada.
  9. Sounds like your will needs to be revised . . .
  10. Then there was this guy (formerly) named Ron Artest . . .
  11. He sure wasn't hyping aggy in that delicious mailbag response that I quoted. But, yeah, that comment about TexAgs is pretty embarrassing for him.
  12. From Stewart Mandel's mailbag on The Athletic website: Texas A&M keeps punishing me every time I choose them to win in my fantasy football contest. Are there any other top teams that I should avoid taking to win? — Timothy C. What is your criteria for “top teams,” and why was A&M ever in it?
  13. Other than Texas, it's definitely a down year in the Big 12 for receivers. Bradley (sand aggy) and Presley (okie lite) are legit, though.
  14. Seen on Texags: Fool me for more than 50 football seasons, and call me an Aggie..
  15. I like the song -- it's not great, but I'd rather listen to it than most of the shit that gets released these days. [Sidenote: Get off my lawn!]
  16. Almost makes me want to pull the movie back up and continue watching from where I left off. Almost.
  17. Was gonna post the link until I saw you beat me to it. That episode was tremendous. The dude who won the contest was just impervious to stuff that would put 99.9% of the population down for the count.
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