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Everything posted by BeardIP

  1. He’s quietly had a really bad ALCS if you can call it that. The angle he took on the triple was so bad, he was killing us in the field and at the plate, so drawing that walk was both the least he could do and pleasantly surprising when it happened
  2. Especially when he’s having to be magical and drop 49 points against a horrible team like the Nets to win.
  3. 7 minutes to first pitch. What are the Astros doing tonight? Maybe take their wives out to bowling? Maybe a nice little Cinemark date to see a nice movie?
  4. Answer the question. Or are you just full of shit? I thought that was rhetorical of you. Like I said, whether I think the Astros are tainted goods and forever get to be jeered as cheaters is my personal preference, but there is a stink on the team fair or unfair, post-getting caught cheating. 2017 is for sure an asterisk and a cheat-gained WS. Nobody doubts that. 2022 I think isn’t, but people still, fair or unfairly, associate the Astors winning with cheating. That’s why I used the words I used. Here is an interesting article which touches on both sides of the perception issue (and touches on the dynasty debate): How Will History Remember the Houston Astros? The Astros who won the World Series this season aren’t the same as the team that cheated en route to a 2017 title. But will history draw a distinction? https://www.theringer.com/platform/amp/mlb/2022/11/7/23445246/houston-astros-world-series-sign-stealing-legacy
  5. What time do the Astros play tonight?
  6. Yea from that same article I linked it is discussed the "cooling of demand" by consumers for EV's.
  7. Just spoke to KPMG today and reminded me of this conversation. You get any further along with those guys? What's the process looking like (how many rounds, technical round or just qualitative rounds, final panel presentations, etc.)?
  8. My first thought was the $3mm basketball practice court or whatever it was he had built on campus. I'm sure he's done a lot as he's made a lot of money on investments (was an early investor in Coinbase when they had a pretty good IPO back in the day, I'd hope he sold at a high, etc.) https://texassports.com/sports/2018/1/24/kevin-durant-basketball-center.aspx
  9. Experts appear split on the contract’s effect: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/business/dealbook/ford-uaw-labor-electric-vehicles.html
  10. If this is true, this should be a war crime in and of itself.
  11. You can think it's stupid that most of the baseball world not located in Central-to-Southern Texas thinks of the Astros as having cheated their way to at least one championship and generally stigmatizes the organization all you want, but it doesn't change much. One person is smart, people are dumb, and this was a national, non-stop story that left a black mark. Sorry the Astros got caught cheating in a comical and absurd way (which helped to propel the story and fired up everyones imaginations and theories to an 11) and people cared to make it a huge deal compared to steroids in the 90's. Ask Barry Bonds if it's fair.
  12. I think most organizations strive for what you describe as an ideal state for optimal output of the workforce/labor. Last I heard it was still being taught in business schools at least, under the AMP framework, Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drive:_The_Surprising_Truth_About_What_Motivates_Us
  13. I really hope we haven't been using this down time off to sniff our own farts. I think Bochy will have the team ready to come out and play today. If we take Game 1 against Gallen, I think it's smooth sailing. Of course it all depends on the offense. A prolonged time off might have been a cooler for this offense that was heating/heated up and it might take a few at bats for these guys to get warm again. I hope not, but with streaky hitting teams that get hot on a tear, time off usually isn't great.
  14. So they don't think these people were actually massacred and kidnapped and it's just propaganda?
  15. I don't understand the indignation to having kidnapped/photos up. Why are people so agitated by seeing it that they have to rip it down instead of just walking by it? What point do they think they are making?
  16. I think this was posted as a bad thing, but this actually seems, well, awesome? It's leveraging advanced technology and having it work for you. Leveraging AI to make learning more fun and real (e.g. The Einstein and MLK avatars) and having the ability to more objectively teach to a kid's level by taking a body of data that is repeated results and dynamically feeding their difficulty level seems way more efficient and productive than a blanket approach of teaching at the same level across all students. It's the difference between custom tailored and off the rack, one is obviously better than the other. And I get the dog whistle was "only 1 adult teacher and AI is doing the heavy lifting", but they have adult "coaches" who are providing guidance and acting as that teacher role, seems like a semantics thing. I would consider something like this if I had younger kids; it seemed like half Montessori school and half magnet school. The only problem I see is that this is a privilege ($40k private school) and I don't think you could scale this for gen pop. Well the other thing that seemed weird was having the kid put together the teacher's IKEA desk.
  17. Right, which is why I mentioned the dark cloud of the cheating scandal, I think that colors people outside of the 713/281/832's subjective perception of dynasty in this case.
  18. Houston has had a great run and a couple of titles, a lot of LCS games, all under the dark cloud of cheating (fair or unfair). Personally, I think it's fair to call the Astros cheaters for the rest of my days, every chance I get as you guys have witnessed here. But even those who don't feel that way and think it's unfair to carry that label around forever, you have to admit that the perception of that stigma exists and will be part of the conversation anytime you talk about Astros of this era. For baseball standards, it was just that scandalous and ground-breaking news that captured the imagination and attention of baseball and wider sports fans and had lasting power.
  19. Otherwise known, to me and my kid brother, as Crusty Rear.
  20. Elvis Andrus for me. I know, I know, die a hero or live long enough to be a villain and he sort of wore out his welcome as he wasn't well liked at the end due to his contract and play (and attitude) at the end, but he was our wunderkind.
  21. You should read this book: https://www.amazon.com/Company-Owners-Maximizing-Employee-Engagement/dp/1942557345
  22. I don't understand. The point being, don't mind if you piss your pants?
  23. I think a 6-8 spot is likely. If that's the case, it's probably a short playoff run and a disappointment for everyone involved and Luka's discontent meter is further filled.
  24. Hey slorch, what time are the Astros playing tonight?
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