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Everything posted by BeardIP

  1. Thought it was interesting he was visiting China and if he's as smart, he's seeing where the puck is going and not where it is right now, and working an angle. And agreed about protecting the GM and Ford's of America in their attempts to go EV, but also, like climate advocates are saying-- at what climate cost? That's a moral and ethical angle to consider (which is probably more appropriate for the Climate thread, to be fair).
  2. It's been said a lot, but bears repeating: You can course correct by going to grad school and going "upmarket" if you don't get into a great school from the jump, like your buddy who went to Tech undergrad and then Jones MBA. What is kind of a blackeye however, is the opposite. I know many people who have ivy undergrads who "only" went to UT law or SMU law or UGA law or Goizueta MBA, etc. Those schools would be great for most people, but when you are the elite undergrad it's viewed as "wait, why did you have to go "downmarket"? what's wrong? do you kind of suck?" and we all know exceptions and there are reasons (e.g. full rides, close to home to a sick parent, etc.) but that's the view.
  3. I went to a middle school game at Greenhill and it was the same way and I was wearing gym shorts and a paint stained tee shirt, thinking it would be unemployed alcoholics and some housewives for a 5pm weekday game for 12 and 13 year olds whose helmets are bigger than their bodies. It was like my Varsity days from a stupid public high school.
  4. This kind of take grosses me out, tbh. I’m sure my take(s) do the same for you. What a weird life we choose to lead when we first are conceived, to turn an aphorism on its head.
  5. Weird how the US Govt props up Musk so much: https://www.wsj.com/economy/trade/biden-to-quadruple-tariffs-on-chinese-evs-203127bf? The Biden administration is preparing to build a towering wall of tariffs to block Chinese EVs from coming into the country and eating American automakers’ lunch. On Tuesday, the US government is set to announce that tariffs on Chinese vehicles will quadruple from the existing 25% to 100%, making it almost prohibitively expensive to sell them in the country, the WSJ reported. The Biden administration will also raise tariffs on other clean energy goods sourced from China, such as batteries, minerals, and solar cells, to protect American manufacturers that make those items. These jacked-up tariffs would reflect a significant escalation in the US–China trade war and highlight how the conflict has shifted into a new arena: climate technologies. Why the US is so concerned about Chinese EVs Because of their high quality and low cost (thanks to heavy government subsidies), Chinese EVs represent an existential threat to American automakers, industry journalists and execs have argued. The average cost of an EV in the US is $47,500, compared to $28,000 in China, according to Dunne Insights. And by all accounts, they’re great cars: Inside EVs writer Kevin Williams went to the Beijing Auto Show last week and was floored by the vehicles he saw. His conclusion: “Western automakers are cooked.” Tesla CEO Elon Musk agrees. In January, he said Chinese EVs “will pretty much demolish most other car companies in the world” if countries don’t slap tariffs on them. President Biden is happy to oblige. He heard complaints from the devastated US solar industry when cheap Chinese products flooded the market—prices plummeted 50% over the last year—and does not want the same thing to happen to Detroit automakers. Chinese EVs could face challenges expanding into other markets, too. The EU is investigating whether the cars received unfair subsidies from Beijing and could place higher tariffs on them. The pushback: Critics of Biden’s upcoming tariffs say they’re counterproductive to reducing emissions. If the US wants to increase EV adoption—and a main barrier is the high cost—why block cheaper models from entering the US market? Meanwhile, in Europe, top execs at BMW and Volkswagen came out against tariffs, which could threaten their substantial sales in China. “We don’t think that our industry needs protection,” BMW CEO Oliver Zipse said
  6. Feel like I should have known it would be Sarah Sherman. That’s on me:
  7. For Sure! Luck is most of it, if we are truly honest.
  8. America is the land of fortune and fame and the American Dream is literally the idea that you can be a nobody poor and strike it rich. From literal gold rushes to modern day metaphorical gold rushes (if I have to hear the analogy of nVidia being a picks and shovels company again, I'll pull what's left of my hair out), the idea is some mix of risk, moxie, balls, skill, meritocracy, ideas/foresight, and execution can create generational wealth for you and yours and you can enter the strata of rich that the other countries that the early Americans fled from could only dream and it wasn't a real possibility.
  9. I didn't mean streaming, I guess I meant the thoughtpieces I was reading from the likes of the aforementioned Charles Holmes and The New Yorker and NPR where folks acknlowdge this was the last great rap beef that would capture mainstream attention and have cache as they were artists from the pre-streaming era, but that they went into some dark and unsubstantiated areas that was wildly silly (e.g. "you have a daughter you are hiding which isnt actually true" and "you beat your wife and it's been covered up, but that's likely untrue" and "you are a pedo and epstein conspiracy theory" "Your boss is actually the father of your daughter, which is dumb"). It's Bossip and dragging family into it and it's silly. Anyways, I like the songs for the most part, will need to relisten to Not Like Us because I'm hearing that is the new Back to Back (e.g. a summer hit that doubles as a diss track), because I thought euphoria was the best record of this entire beef and that Not Like Us was mid, but I might have been thinking of 6:16.
  10. This strikes me as the complete opposite of what America was built upon and stands for. You’ll get less political support for this than most anything else you can think of to solve this issue
  11. No, none taken. You know what really chaps my hide though? I spent my life savings turning my van into a dog. The alarm alone cost me two hundred.
  12. Hello McFly! Thats the joke! Anyone home, McFly?
  13. This guy from 3 years ago gets it.
  14. It’s in the middle of nowhere, has a crappy on campus scene, but solid liberal arts school and fantastic pre-med (and growing pre-law) program. Have a nephew who is a Kangaroo. Net net, not even a decent school for social and college experience and well-roundedness, but good grad school incubator.
  15. This man is assaulting students! What are we paying you for? Bwaaaahahaa
  16. 1000% this. Don’t gloat and be gross and tacky about it, but don’t apologize for it either. It’s an honor to have been born on second base. At the same time it’s not a dishonor to be poor. Both can be true at the same time.
  17. Except, apparently, some performative faux humility by pretending privilege they give their kids is unfair. At least, that's what I'm hearing.
  18. But it's also not an embarrassment or shameful to be born at the top (or more appropriately for us, the middle of the mountain) and to strive to keep your family and their generations to keep from falling to the bottom, to the best of your ability.
  19. I mean, he's great. Just don't like him. There's probably a term for that dynamic, I don't know. "Sports hate" maybe? Anyways, Derka loves the guy so glad he wasn't around to espouse and celebrate him.
  20. That's fantastic, but the point still remains that you talk about privilege as if it's something to begrudgingly admit that you provide or that one should be ashamed or embarrased of, and then follow-up with "well, it's actually neutral and is not good or bad". If you believe it's inherently not bad or good--and specficially the privilege you have provided your children-- why couch your original post with the weasel words that make it sound in the pejorative? I again make the point that I think society has moved away from it being an inherently good (or neutral, as you suggest) thing and have made it something that is bad because, as you literally said: "Unfair".
  21. That's not cheating, that's privilege. And it used to be a positive thing and something to aspire to provide-- enabling your kids and their kids and optimizing their privilege-- but as your language above suggests, it's become a bad-word or something to be embarrased or ashamed of (instead of proud to provide) in today's society.
  22. Ha. I actually know a guy who was on faculty at Liberty who is BIPOC and liberal. He's also a football coach, fwiw.
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