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Everything posted by BeardIP

  1. This man is assaulting students! What are we paying you for? Bwaaaahahaa
  2. 1000% this. Don’t gloat and be gross and tacky about it, but don’t apologize for it either. It’s an honor to have been born on second base. At the same time it’s not a dishonor to be poor. Both can be true at the same time.
  3. Except, apparently, some performative faux humility by pretending privilege they give their kids is unfair. At least, that's what I'm hearing.
  4. But it's also not an embarrassment or shameful to be born at the top (or more appropriately for us, the middle of the mountain) and to strive to keep your family and their generations to keep from falling to the bottom, to the best of your ability.
  5. I mean, he's great. Just don't like him. There's probably a term for that dynamic, I don't know. "Sports hate" maybe? Anyways, Derka loves the guy so glad he wasn't around to espouse and celebrate him.
  6. That's fantastic, but the point still remains that you talk about privilege as if it's something to begrudgingly admit that you provide or that one should be ashamed or embarrased of, and then follow-up with "well, it's actually neutral and is not good or bad". If you believe it's inherently not bad or good--and specficially the privilege you have provided your children-- why couch your original post with the weasel words that make it sound in the pejorative? I again make the point that I think society has moved away from it being an inherently good (or neutral, as you suggest) thing and have made it something that is bad because, as you literally said: "Unfair".
  7. That's not cheating, that's privilege. And it used to be a positive thing and something to aspire to provide-- enabling your kids and their kids and optimizing their privilege-- but as your language above suggests, it's become a bad-word or something to be embarrased or ashamed of (instead of proud to provide) in today's society.
  8. Ha. I actually know a guy who was on faculty at Liberty who is BIPOC and liberal. He's also a football coach, fwiw.
  9. Yea.....on a site of adults with real jobs versus idealistic students and weirdo faculty. What exactly did you expect originally?
  10. So....is this over now? Everyone is saying it's over and Kendrick won, but everyone seems to think it ended with a whimper and both were worse for the wear?
  11. It would have been a costly loss, with the same results on the players. What do you suggest we do? Sit our players until they are healthy? That's why everyone hates Leonard.
  12. Yea-- Trump said he would give stuff to rich and O&G people for votes, Biden said he would forgive student debt loans for votes, I mean, at the end of the day, isn't all politicking and stumping a quid-pro-quo? I'm going to do ABC for specialized population group with a specific interest XYZ?
  13. No. I'm saying that the last thing you want to do in tough times is to treat people like CAPEX. In fact, let's move away from talking about people as an expense-- capital or operational-- as it's part of the underlying, toxic problem to begin with.
  14. I've heard you say this refrain a couple of times, but you do realize that CAPEX is the first investment that gets cut when times get tough, right? And of course, we can't depreciate people...
  15. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/city-with-most-millionaires-new-york-number-1/ Nearly 350,00, or one in every 24 residents of The Big Apple are millionaires, according to a new ranking from Henley and Partners. New York City is also home to 744 centi-millionaires, worth at least $100 million; and 60 billionaires. The combined total wealth of the city's residents is greater than $3 trillion.
  16. Thanks for acknowleging the 50-70s as being only great for white men (and to a lesser extent white women) in the USA, but one thing I think you are missing on which has been taught in other threads on this site in the past: the above bolded period of the creation and growth of the American middle class aesthetic (e.g. white picket fence, 2.5 kids, nuclear family, single-income earner, etc.) was artificially created and unsustainable. It was a "bubble" of a social construct and pining for those days is the equivalent of pining for the tech bubble of the late 90's as what good looks like. It's not and never was real. It was fake sugar based off WWII reconstruction + being relatively unscathed + changes in manufacturing + trends with (an aforementioned) limited populations and demographics that mainly included, again, white men.
  17. You do realize that this is a very active debate from civilized time immemorial? Just because you have a strong belief in way one doesn't mean you are correct. I know you believe you've cracked the code, but it doesn't mean you have. You are starting to smell of DK effect... Egalitarian vs Utilitarian (and vs Libertarniasm) Society academic and ethical debates out front shoulda told ya.
  18. Read this from NYT today, which a few of you have mentioned the 401k, so it's an interesting and timely read: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/magazine/401k-retirement-crisis.html?campaign 1 out of 24 NYers are millionaires. Is that a correct stat I heard?
  19. You are right that "happiness" is a very, very bad and toxic KPI to use as a north star and strive for. Happiness is a fleeting emotion. A feeling. You might as well be chasing the high of a drug. That said you are also, doubly, right in that it's systemic to us as a country. We were literally built flawed, with the "pursuit of happiness" as a fundamental tenet to our existence as a country. Is it any doubt that our society then is as warped and broken and chaotically morally relative (up is down and down is up based on my truth and what I believe) because for most of the population, one of the chief aims in life is to do what makes them happy?
  20. And you, my friend, are getting dangerously close to relating to what it's like to be a middle and upper middle class salary+benefits+taxes slave in modern times. We are being compressed by both sides and it's a stressful walking on coals for 45 years to get to the green grass of retirement, maybe. Hopefully. Potentially.
  21. A year ago a bunch of neckbeards united to boycott. What a difference a year makes, I guess:
  22. I'm kinda glad Derka is not around as of yesterday due to Jokic winning MVP. I just didn't want to hear about it. Not the biggest Jokic fan, so....yea.
  23. So does Bowen yang dress up as a worm in the cold open this weekend?
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