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Everything posted by BeardIP

  1. Maybe he means gardeners, as a stereotype, are racists?
  2. I'm with you bubalah, I have your back and you are doing the right things. Don't mind these haters.
  3. Hey. Mikey Day is hilarious. You leave him out of it.
  4. Toy Story 5. Really? Fonzi waterskiing out front shoulda told us.
  5. I've never seen the phrase "damning with faint praise" be self-inflicted. No offense and not that there is anything wrong with making only $190k, it's just....kinda weird to use as a brag. Especially if you live in CA.
  6. A few years ago I had the honor (lol) of having to spend weeks in Omaha for a project. Well I just so happened to be staying in the same hotel as some of the Big 12 teams in the NCAA volleyball final four or whatever their tournament is. It was whatever year the SDSU jackrabbits made it because I remember their huge bus being obnoxious (I guess other teams flew). Anyways, I was taking an elevator to breakfast one morning and in walks the Nebraska volley ball girls and I immediately knew my niece would never be a D1 volleyball player, despite her earnest desire. Each of these girls dwarfed me, and I’m 6’1. Their quads were as wide as my waists and their wingspans were impressive for any man. I’m talking 6’6 women. This was Nebraska but I’d see the same from Michigan, Baylor, and Tennessee. My assumption from that experience was the blue blood schools are getting the best breeds and stock of girls, and if you aren’t 6 foot+, it might be hard to get a look unless you are like the lone position where it’s okay to be a shortie. I say all that to say and to your point, unless your girl is going to be tall (and you can generally tell by teens) then you might start focusing your investments (time, mental, physical and monetary) elsewhere. Much like a kid who loves basketball but at 16 is still 5’9.
  7. Bro is really BROKE broke and trying to make money any way he can now:
  8. Weaver was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1996.
  9. This is crazy. And even crazier is I work with a guy who literally moved his family out of the district to who knows where, because the Cypress school district (and outlined above ^^) was "too work". Can you imagine the level this guy must be on if that stuff is considered woke? Granted this was 2 or 3 years ago-- I wonder if this sort of stuff would have made him stay, now that I think of it.
  10. I think we can all pack it up and go home now, @BevoAbysshas spoken and ruled thusly.
  11. BuT wHy aRe We BuMpInG tHiS tHrEaD?
  12. Probably because this guy got a presitigous award for doing what the obnoxious guys everyone hates, the first year analysts at the Big 4 or any bank, do on their first day of the job for clients. You know, use data as inputs married with made up facts assumptions and then create theoritical what-if scenarios in "models" and present them as savings (or revenue growth) if implemented and executed properly. You are right-- why is he going to UCF or UF engineering for that matter. Bro needs to go to Wharton, GBS or HBS, yesterday!
  13. Rule #1 of fashion and style-- be (naturally) beautiful, and you can wear anything and look good. If you can't abide by Rule #1 (most of us can't), Rule #2 is wear clothes that fit. Good on you OP for the self-awareness given your self-assessed body shape, size, height, etc and how ill fitting non-custom clothes would likely be.
  14. Headline feels deceptive. It makes you think there were some hard savings he figured out that had been proven out, but really it's a $140mm cost avoidance and savings formula; an extremely loose excel exercise based on extremely liberal assumptions. The cynic in me says, "I wonder what sort of dirt this guy had on his superiors to be able to get them to go all-in on the ROI of this use case, give him an awesome award and conviently exit him out of the military with a nice, air-tight NDA".
  15. I don't like Jokic as a basketball player, but like him as a person. I LOVE Anthony Edwards basketball game, but have a very strong dislike for him as a person. He's vulgar and lewd, etc.
  16. I don't like him or his game. That is me, thus my (dumb?) sports opinion. Which is why I said "sue me" in a sophomoric way, because arguing over sports opinions and likability is inherently objective and sophomoric.
  17. I don't like Denver and don't like Jokic. I'm also not a Denver resident or have any heritage ties to Denver or Colorado. Sue me, I guess. I say that last part, because I'm fully aware how everyone outside of DFW views Luka and I would probably hate him too if he tore me up every night and chirped a lot while doing it, if I weren't a Mavs fan. But I am, so I love him. So I get how geography can provide some cognitive dissonance, generally speaking (not saying that is the case for folks like Jokic-- I can see how he would be genuinely likable for a lot of fans who value people with his game and disposition, etc. et al.)
  18. The bigger struggle over who will replace Iran’s Supreme Leader: he's 85 and is rumored to (again) have cancer. Iran has only ever replaced its Supreme Leader once in 1989, and it didn't go smoothly. So, there are no certainties, but two names have been circulating: one was Raisi. The other is actually one of the Supreme Leader's sons: the 54-year-old Mojtaba Khamenei, who's a mid-ranking cleric with hardly any public profile, working mostly as an aide to his father. The son’s ascension would leave Iran looking quite a bit like a monarchy, which is exactly what the Islamic Revolution toppled in the first place. And that’d leave the regime with even less popular legitimacy than it enjoys now. So for now, this power struggle will play out among fellow hardliners. And unless something in the regime itself snaps, the end result is unlikely to be any imminent change in the way Iran approaches its neighbors or the world.
  19. Is Zach Bryan considered bro country or good country to you people and others? I couldn't get into the whole thing and Irish Goodbye'd out of the suite before the second song was finished. If the opening acts are any indiction of the main event, woof.
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