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Everything posted by BeardIP

  1. I don't like Denver and don't like Jokic. I'm also not a Denver resident or have any heritage ties to Denver or Colorado. Sue me, I guess. I say that last part, because I'm fully aware how everyone outside of DFW views Luka and I would probably hate him too if he tore me up every night and chirped a lot while doing it, if I weren't a Mavs fan. But I am, so I love him. So I get how geography can provide some cognitive dissonance, generally speaking (not saying that is the case for folks like Jokic-- I can see how he would be genuinely likable for a lot of fans who value people with his game and disposition, etc. et al.)
  2. The bigger struggle over who will replace Iran’s Supreme Leader: he's 85 and is rumored to (again) have cancer. Iran has only ever replaced its Supreme Leader once in 1989, and it didn't go smoothly. So, there are no certainties, but two names have been circulating: one was Raisi. The other is actually one of the Supreme Leader's sons: the 54-year-old Mojtaba Khamenei, who's a mid-ranking cleric with hardly any public profile, working mostly as an aide to his father. The son’s ascension would leave Iran looking quite a bit like a monarchy, which is exactly what the Islamic Revolution toppled in the first place. And that’d leave the regime with even less popular legitimacy than it enjoys now. So for now, this power struggle will play out among fellow hardliners. And unless something in the regime itself snaps, the end result is unlikely to be any imminent change in the way Iran approaches its neighbors or the world.
  3. Is Zach Bryan considered bro country or good country to you people and others? I couldn't get into the whole thing and Irish Goodbye'd out of the suite before the second song was finished. If the opening acts are any indiction of the main event, woof.
  4. Would love to punch the city in the Denver in the face by eliminating the Avs and then somehow having the Nuggets getting bounced too. That’s a dream scenario.
  5. We still going to win. Av’s goal minder has been playing out of his mind back half of 3rd and OT
  6. Nothing would make me happier than seeing the Wolves win G7. I'm not confident, but crazier things have happened (in this series alone).
  7. Probably because they've been to the Eastern Conference finals something like 6 of the last 8 years?
  8. 40.5 point fave. Who woulda guessed.
  9. In 1904, the first Olympic Games to be held in the US began in St. Louis, Missouri.
  10. jimmyjazz-- here is some cognitive dissonance for you, my favorite systems thinker-- I like you, too. Well, as much as anyone can like someone from St. Louis lol.
  11. Wow-- Ant! That iced it for me. I can go do something else now.
  12. You are doing great, brother. I love your thread and get what you are doing.
  13. Not so fast, my friend.
  14. Was at the game tonight-- weird mix of raucus at times (early and in the 4th) and nervousness from the crowd, but you could see the nerves on the players as well. Everyone here seems to hate Giddy and liked he was benched, but I think ultimately that did us a favor. Paycom is a dump and the area around it is so tiny. Reminds me of Reunion Arena. Everything about OKC is big-timed by Big D-- they are toast and will wilt in the big city and/or at home in game 7. It's been written.
  15. 100% this. When it's scarce, as the other poster mentioned, I could see it being an ironic statement piece from the upper middle class, as a funny thumb in the eye of people who hate Musk. But when it gets mass produced, it's going to be hilarious to see people driving the hunk of junk and thinking they have made a good deicison on their vehicles.
  16. Of course it's unlikeable in the sense that you don't want to buy one. But it should be something that unites us all in ridicule, not the breathless indignation seen on this pages.
  17. Definitely think that the people who bought the thing should be upset, but it seems as if they aren't really, at least from reading the viral tweets and such. It seems more that the Musk haters are mad that the Cybertruck even exists and is talked about and people dare and deign to drive one in their suburb. I agree with you-- it's a silly truck for silly people. But there are markets for that. Silly people have been buying silly vehicles en masse since whenever the Mazda Miata was produced.
  18. Everyone seems to be so upset about the Cybertruck, which I don't really understand. It seems like it sucks, so that should be good enough, but Cybertruck haters seem to be emotionally bothered that the thing even exists. You wouldn't have it to make fun of everyday if it didn't exist!
  19. ::overheard in Jester West after smoking a bowl through a toilet paper roll with dryer lint in the bathroom::
  20. Wait, are you derka?
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