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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. The steam deck is idiot proof out of the box. Without knowing how to unlock it, you literally cannot fuck it up and it's plug and play by default. It won't even show you games that haven't been explicitly whitelisted to be verified as fully playable. You have to go into an additional menu to check "allow steam proton to run on any game" to get the full, unlocked library of steam open to you, and even then you still can't fuck it up from there. To actually fuck things up, you have to go to desktop mode, which is just plane jane normal linux, and even there, if you fuck things up, the way the steam deck handles updates and fuck ups is that valve updates are actually just entire images of the entire linux rootfs in read only mode that overlays ontop of the normal install. Meaning, unless you actually know what you're doing to do so in linux, your permissions on the file system are completely locked down so you don't trip over your own dick. The only folder you have write permission to is your home folder, which you can't do anything other than download shit to from firefox. And if you DO somehow fuck it all up, all you have to do is hold the volume button when powering the thing on, and it goes into recovery mode, which is simply it reflashing a pre-made image onto your rootfs from an embedded ROM (or USB drive if you want). When you actually interact with the steam deck outside of unlocking it, it looks exactly like a console, with big "INSTALL" buttons on the games you want to run: There is no way to accidentally fuck things up, if you want to fuck up your steam deck, you have to explicitly go into desktop mode and fuck around with a lot of non-intuitive console commands from a terminal. There are no buttons you can press that will fuck things up for you, it's impossible to screw it up unless you actually know what you're doing. To "set up" your steam deck for playing on a TV, you just buy a dock, set the steam deck on it, and plug an HDMI or display port cable into the dock and the other end to your TV. The steam deck automatically outputs to the TV when you do this, just like the nintendo switch.
  2. The opening gag in the series where she flashes Kamesennin accidentally and he squeezes his cane so hard it shatters and blood shoots out of his nose made me cry laughing when I was in middle school. So incredibly funny at the time.
  3. If you have never played Chrono Trigger before, you owe it to yourself to play through at least once. It's one of the most perfect examples of an RPG around. The story is very, very Akira Toriyama, it's like a condensed example of why he was so beloved. Every character type he would flesh out in other works is represented in Chrono Trigger. The best part of the game revolves around the rivalry between Magus, the dark lord of the demon world, and Frog, the last remaining squire of Cyrus - the royal guard who Magus murdered - who was considered so weak that Magus didn't kill him, but rather cursed him to live the rest of his life as a worthless toad instead. The tale of revenge between the two is shades of Piccolo and Kamesennin in Dragon Ball, and what makes Chrono Trigger so great is that it has so many different endings, so unlike a lot of other RPGs, your actions matter and you can take the story in lots of different directions. Chrono Trigger was considered a "dream team" game because it took the 3 biggest entities in RPGs at the time -- Akira Toriyama, Square, and Enix, and somehow brought them together to make a single game. It is the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" of RPGs. One of the most celebrated games of all time. It was an instant classic upon release and holds up magnificently. It's also perfectly paced -- not too long, not too short. You can blow through one of the multiple endings in a day. It's available all over the place, even on phones. It's so worth trying, especially if you want to see why Toriyama was beloved.
  4. The Father-Son Kamehameha is the coolest shit in the entire series:
  5. There will never be an introduction to a character as cool as this ever again. After watching Goku duke it out with Freeza for fucking MONTHS, trunks shows up and one-shots him:
  6. 1. Rocky 2. Miracle 3. The Sandlot 4. The Love of the Game 5. Goon "If we played 'em ten times, they might win nine. But not this time. Not tonight. Tonight, we skate with them. Tonight, we are the greatest hockey team in the world" makes me want to run through a brick wall.
  7. This was such an incredibly huge part of middle school for me, Dragon Ball consumed me for an entire minute. I can't say enough how much I loved this man's work. Not just Dragon Ball, but Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest and Blue Dragon and on and on. It's impossible to overstate his influence, which was wide and varied, from Street Fighter to Sonic the Hedgehog. Outside of maybe Superman and Batman, Dragon Ball has to be the most beloved comic in the world. RIP to the GOAT.
  8. Again, your reading comprehension sucks. I never said Arch was close to $6M in NIL value. I said his collegiate value was estimated near that, as in all his NIL deals throughout his college career are estimate to approach that figure alone. Before the season started, he was getting valuations of upwhere near $3.5 million. Now, since you completely suck at reading, that is not to say he took $3.5 million in NIL money. That means that's what people with money were estimating he could earn if he went full whore and started tricking himself out like you're suggesting for $600 a pop. And I definitely understand how game budgets work. How many titles have you shipped again? My budget for an attraction at the toyota center that ran for 4 fucking months was quadruple that. $1 million is fucking nothing in gamedev.
  9. I mean I guess its no wonder that's so hard for you to grasp considering your slack-jaw awe at a 2 year time frame. Here's a clue, though: A million dollars is honestly not a lot of money. $6.6 million is chump change for a project like College Football 24. Your audio recording budget for the game is larger than the player cut.
  10. There will be single players who will have much larger deals than $6.6M, it's a guarantee. Brony James is already close to that. Fuck, Arch is valued near that alone. The number of people involved means fuck all. And again, "all time" is 2 fucking years. Get over it.
  11. I agree, him not opting in isn't really a big deal. Except it is, because he's arch manning, and we're Texas, and it's not a conspiracy to say there are more people rooting for someone like him, on a team like ours, to fail, than basically anybody else in college football. For better or worse, he's got a spotlight on him that makes every normally no-brainer decision deserve pause and reflection. I think it's pretty damn mature of him, and I'd actually think that goes to the team of people around him.
  12. I think it's incredibly savvy for a player like Manning, who is clearly in bitch eating crackers territory with people begging for his fame to become a cancer, to opt out when he's the backup QB. Opting in, with his spot light, just invites all sorts extra comparisons to Quinn. Imagine when the stats drop and the endless sports talk radio discussion it would generate. Imagine how irritating it'd be to see people tweet to the team account videos of themselves benching Quinn after he throws an int in real life or some shit for Arch. All for just $600. Manning already has the clout to make millions in NIL. He'd be stupid to give ammo to people looking for any in to tear the team apart and generate controversy for less than the price of an RTX 3080. Plus saying shit like "Biggest NIL deal of all time" is really dumb when "all time" is 2 fucking years. The NIL is a goddamn toddler. $600 per player is only the "biggest of all time" because the NIL is still brand fucking new.
  13. After hearing for many years that Arch was just riding his last name to success and money from dickheads just like that, who gives even half a shit? No matter what Arch Manning does, there will always be some prick out there bitching up and down.
  14. NBA Live was never as big of a deal as NBA Jam was in its prime. Shaq had a stipulation in his contract that an NBA Jam TE arcade cabinet was required to follow the orlando magic to every hotel the team would stay at because he was legitimately addicted to the game. Shaq recalled that they would have NBA Jam tournaments before the finals with guys like Penny Hardaway and Reggie Miller showing up just to play. NBA Jam was an actual phenomenon that bled over into the sport. Since EA's college football game is the only one in town, it has to be compared to the NBA top dog. Of course Jordan wouldn't appear in a lesser basketball game if he was opting out of the king at the time. Jordan avoided all video games (except ironically Michael Jordan in Chaos in the Windy City, which isn't even a basketball game). But it's only really noteworthy that he skipped NBA Jam, because players would reach out to Midway themselves and beg to be included, because being included in NBA Jam TE was seen as a huge honor (remember: in NBA Jam, only 2 players per team got on, in in NBA Jam TE, only 3 players per team. It wasn't until Showtime, aka NBA Jam 4, that nearly every player in the league got in). One of my friends was the digitizing artist for NBA Jam TE, and he said they had to turn away big name players at times because they could only include so many players and everybody wanted to be in. Of course, the flipside is the director of NBA Jam, Mark Turmell, absolutely loved that Jordan wouldn't let them put him in, because he was a detroit pistons fan. He famously included a hidden easter egg in the game -- in any game between the bulls and pistons, if the pistons have the ball on the final shot with a chance to win, their shot percentage goes up to 100% and they will hit automatically from anywhere on the court. Similarly, the opposite is true, if the bulls have the last shot and can win on a buzzer beater, their shot percentage will drop to 0 and they will brick any shot on the court. I got to do a project for the Houston Rockets a few years back, and the NBA itself co-owns much of the NBA Jam brand. I was allowed to use any of the NBA Jam iconography and audio clips in the game I made for them at the toyota center. Within the NBA itself, NBA Jam is still a really, really big deal.
  15. To repeat for this topic: Michael Jordan famously never appeared in any NBA Jam game.
  16. Zamfir has sold more records than the beatles. Makes better music, too.
  17. I thought they said he didnt do any drills
  18. Michael Jordan famously never was in any NBA Jam game.
  19. Just making sure everybody knows that We Own This City is secretly Season 6 of the Wire. Same cast, same writers, same city, only 20 years later, and the cast are playing new characters. But if every season of the wire has a theme, We Own This City Is about police corruption, the lens finally turns inwards. Well worth watching.
  20. 100%, by the end of the show, Marlo was straight up in checkmate and Avon ultimately won. Marlo's "victory" was something he didn't give one shit about, he was all about his name on the streets. By the end of the show, he'd achieved Stringer's victory, not Avon's. He's in the world of politics now, if he fucks up at all his ass is going to federal prison for life, and as the final scenes show, that dude just could not help but fucking up. And Avon set it all up from within prison. All his "West coast love" shit was bullshit playing marlo like a fiddle, he knew if he set Marlo against Prop Joe and the collective, they'd destroy themselves easily. And that's exactly what happened, by the end, the collective has no ties to the Greeks anymore and Marlo can't touch the streets or he's gone for good. All Avon has to do is wait out his term in jail and when he gets out, he has everything lined up to take all he lost back. Marlo was a dumb punk who got played by Avon in every scene they interacted in.
  21. they should straight up make The Wire required viewing for highschool students in america.
  22. The main limitations of the steam deck with modern games is the shader unit count. At only 512 shading units vs, say, an RTX 2080 having 2944 shading units as a mid-range card, you are mainly bound by special effects heavy vertex and fragment shaders. But in terms of pixel throughput and threading, the Steamdeck stands up to modern consoles well. The reason people like to hang around 720p resolution is because for some special effects that use the entire screen buffer as an input, you can choke your shader units because they have to work on every fragment (read: pixel) of the screen. But quite a few modern games will let you lower the resolution of special effect buffers, while the final output image of the game is still 1080p. So you might have a 1080p image, but, say, the buffer that shadows are rendered at, which uses a stencil shader, will be at a lower resolution. That get hidden in game menus as "low quality shadows." You basically have to get a feel for what options in games tend to most heavily stress your shader count, but beyond that, the resolution can be pumped up just fine. And, again, capping the framerate with the built in options on the steam deck really helps -- framerate responsiveness works on an exponential curve, so the jump from 30 fps to 40 fps feels bigger than the jump from 40 fps to 60 fps. Anything that can divide evenly by the framerate is ok, so any 120hz TV can cap at 40 fps with no screen tearing just fine, and it'll feel much more responsive than 30 fps while providing a huge performance boost. At 4k, however, things indeed do get pretty hairy because at that sort of resolution, you really are running up against the pixel throughput limit of the steamdeck. You can use FSR 2.0 if a game supports it to us ML to upscale the image to 4k in games, but not every game supports FSR 2.0, so it's sort of hit or miss (and FSR doesn't perform as well as nvidia's proprietary solution anyways). The very best thing about the Steam Deck is the individual thread performance of the APU. Only 4 cores/8 threads (SMT), but each core runs fast and is performant. So on the CPU side of things, it can keep up just fine with any CPU heavy application, especially things like emulation. The Steam deck can run Yuzu to emulate the switch pretty well, for example.
  23. I played Cyberpunk 2077 on my steamdeck at 1080p just fine. Same with Final Fantasy VII remake, same with Crash Bandicoot 4, same with God of War, same with Spider Man: Miles Morales, same with Baldur's Gate 3, same with Horizon: Zero Dawn. It is definitely not for "lower end" games, and resolution is not at all the deciding factor in how well the games run. When *NOT* docked, you have to carefully manage your graphics setting vs your TDP because if you crank it too high, you'll eat your battery in 30 minutes, but in a dock, that doesn't matter at all. Let the Steam Deck eat all the electricity it wants, and you can push it to 1080p just fine, so long as you aren't trying to run everything on ultra graphics setting. Fact is, PS5 and Xbox Series games already run in a mix of low to medium settings, matching them with the Steam Deck and capping your framerate at, say, 40 FPS on a 120hz monitor, they play just fine.
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