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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. Our state leadership doesn't "do" anything for it's constituents unless there's a company or a group of companies which can make assloads of money from it and there are sizable donations to those elected officials from those companies.
  2. Vermont is what happens when a state's elected officials aren't whores to O&G companies.
  3. Realtors will tell you otherwise. Prices are falling, houses are sitting much, much longer on the market. Some of it is interest rates, some of it is a surplus in supply. There are a shitton of new construction homes in Brentwood and Crestview which have been sitting unsold for a couple of months.
  4. No way Weigman comes back to play for that program. He'll get killed. Johnson got spanked raw today. They are spending all the fucking money buying D linemen but don't give a shit about O linemen.
  5. It's funny that we have to dance around topics of assholes with probable ties to politicians for fear of offending blind team politics idiots. Hey, don't point out that my politician and his friends are assholes! You hurt my feelings!
  6. I think it's easily possible that aggy spends over $300M to fire Jimbo, his staff, and hire new staff. I think it's funny to think about but I highly doubt they have the money secured to pull the trigger now.
  7. LOL. What a piece of shit. Friends at the state capitol so he thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants. "Hey, Imma build a big ass illegal dam. Here's $100k to your "re-election" fund to provide me some air cover."
  8. Texans do love themselves some train rides in Colorado.
  9. As seen and recorded on the Durango - Silverton train. That train has operated daily for decades. There are a shitton of hikers and hunters annually in that area. But now we see Bigfoot. https://www.durangoherald.com/articles/bigfoot-sighting-near-silverton-goes-viral/ Wyoming residents Shannon and Stetson Parker were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary with a trip on the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad. While departing Silverton about 3:30 p.m., the Parkers were intent on seeing an elk before leaving the high country. They had keen eyes trained on a mountainside just south of town when Stetson Parker saw something moving in the distance. “All of a sudden he's like, ‘I see something moving,’ and then he just says, ‘I think it's Bigfoot,’” Shannon Parker said in an interview Thursday with The Durango Herald. Shannon lifted her DSLR camera with a 300 mm lens and snapped two photos. Meanwhile, a passenger sitting next to them used his cellphone to take a video. They didn’t know what to make of it. Shannon zoomed in on her photo, but it was still too fuzzy. The passenger’s video showed the upright specimen a little more clearly, thanks to his 9X zoom lens and the fact that it was moving across the landscape. He said the sighting has been good for business. The trains were already packed with passengers wanting to see the fall colors, he said, and now even more people are interested in riding. “We're adding cars to the train because they want to see the leaves with bigfoot hiding in them,” Harper said. The railroad posted a link to the video on its Facebook page. “We can neither confirm nor deny the authenticity of this video but it's common to see wildlife including bear, elk, moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain lions from the train,” the post says. “Talk to any train crew or staff member and they'll have stories about strange happenings in the remote Animas River Canyon.” Shannon remains split 50-50 on whether it was someone dressed as bigfoot or it was the real thing. “I don't know. I mean, I just think we saw what we saw,” she said. “I don't know that I've seen anything that's definitive.” DeAnne Gallegos, executive director of Visit Silverton, said residents have dressed up as bigfoot in the past to entertain train passengers, but that hasn’t happened for many years. Even San Juan County Sheriff Bruce Conrad did it before becoming sheriff, she said. This is different, she said, and Gallegos thinks she knows who or what was behind Sunday’s bigfoot sighting. She said a man who identified himself as being involved with a film production crew stopped by the Visitor Center last week to ask if there had been any bigfoot sightings in the area. He said he was interviewing and documenting people who have had such encounters. “And then all of a sudden there's a video of a bigfoot, and I'm like, ‘Oh, that's just them creating their own content,’” Gallegos said. The man even left a business card – something staff members have been searching for ever since the bigfoot video went viral. Gallegos said the bigfoot video is fun for the town, but Silverton residents by and large aren’t under any illusions that they are living with bigfoot. “All of us are just like, ‘OK, who did it? Who's wearing the costume?’” Gallegos said. “Cause locals have done that before.” The town used to have a bigfoot shop and a mini museum on Blair Street, she said. Now it has Sasquatch Expedition Campers, which sells high-end, rugged fifth-wheel backcountry campers. “My logical brain says it's most likely the gentleman who said he was with a production crew who came through our Visitor Center last week asking our staff if any locals had had any legitimate sightings,” Gallegos said. “If you couldn't drum up any sightings, why wouldn't you create your own?”
  10. Seriously when I think of Republican voters, I think of the stupidest fucking people on Earth, people who haven't read a book without pictures since 8th grade, people who would take it up the ass with a hot cattle prod if their idiot religious leader on the pulpit said it's what Jesus would want. edit: When I think of Republican voters in this state, I think of aggy: backwards redneck, fake christian, racist idiots.
  11. Oh fuck yea. In the guise of publicity stunts to raise the fear in their fucking dumb as fuck voter base, they are freely giving out taxpayer money to their buddies and whomever will give them the most money under the table. It's fucking sad that their voters are stupid fucking lemmings who overlook everything as long as their team leaders do shit to hate on immigrants and LBGTQ.
  12. He is an emotionally abused man. She always seemed like a controlling, manipulative cunt, and he allowed himself to be played and owned by her. He prob did that hoping to win points with her. Damn, knowing this makes what he did even more sad and pathetic.
  13. This is an interesting and sobering article. Long story short, really smart Cali kid who scored a 1590 on the SAT was rejected by 16 of 18 schools. He did get into Texas and Maryland. He was rejected by MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UC Davis, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cornell University, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, Georgia Tech, Caltech, University of Washington and University of Wisconsin. He's Asian so that may or may not have had anything to do with his rejections (that's definitely for another thread). College admissions has gotten absolutely fucking stupid. Good news is that he was offered a job at Google. Looks like he turned down Texas to be employed by Google. https://abc7news.com/stanley-zhong-college-rejected-teen-full-time-job-google-admissions/13890332/
  14. Texas paid a private company $75.5 million in taxpayer funds over the span of a year to transport migrants to sanctuary cities across the U.S. https://abc13.com/texas-bus-migrants-bussing-to-other-cities-wynne-transportation-sanctuary/13889625/ "Governor Abbott launched the border bus mission in April 2022 to provide support to our overrun and overwhelmed border communities as the Biden Administration dumps thousands of migrants in their towns. Texas has since bused over 54,000 migrants to self-declared sanctuary cities, providing much-needed relief. In recent weeks, border officials and NGOs in border communities have requested additional support to respond to the unprecedented surges enticed by President (Joe) Biden's reckless open border policies. Until President Biden steps up and does his job to secure the border, Texas will continue busing migrants to sanctuary cities to help our local partners respond to this Biden-made crisis." Migrants have been transported to Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver, and Los Angeles, according to a news release from Abbott's office. Let's do that math. $75.5M / 54k migrants = $1399 per migrant. That's a non-first class round trip plane class ticket to most anywhere in the world. FUCK THIS STATE!
  15. 12 yr old dipshit found guilty. Sentencing is later this week. https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/texas-sonic-murder-18417395.php A 12-year-old boy from Texas has been found "the equivalent of guilty" of murder for the shooting death of a Sonic employee in Keene, according to officials. The Johnson County Sheriff's Office shared the verdict on social media on Sunday, October 8. Officials said the jurors deliberated nearly seven hours before finding the young boy "delinquent" on Thursday, October 5. The boy, who's from Fort Worth, was arrested on May 13 after police received multiple calls about a shooting at the Sonic Drive-In in Keene, about 40 miles southwest of downtown Dallas.
  16. Sark made the comment during a presser that both rushers rushed the same lane allowing a dude to block both. Our D had a giant fucking brain fart on that last series. Not an ideal time to shit the bed.
  17. I go every Tue to get tee times at one the local munis: Lions, Mo, Kizer/Clay. There are always old fucks in line before me. On weekends, I always see them walking in groups in front of me. They usually play faster walking than the bros later in the day who ride. That's just fucking sad and another reason I try to avoid teeing off later than 8AM, if I can help it.
  18. He probably sees what assholes are doing in the name of his teachings and said, "Fuck them, they deserve what they do to themselves."
  19. Were there any reported sightings of Anakin Skywalker? Too soon?
  20. My high school soccer hazing involved getting dragged and dragging Freshman through the natural drainage ditch by the practice field whenever it rained. I guess I missed out on the suppressed homosexual hazing stuff with buttholes and other magical orifices. I must be the poorer for it.
  21. Most of us grew up in the burbs. Most of us do not want to repeat that and want to live in the city, close to downtown. We have kids who share this view. And this is how we got here. It is what it is. I'm ambivalent to it. Yeah congestion is going to suck more but in theory, housing should be less expensive which is good for everyone, well except me who wants to sell in 4 years to move to Colorado so if the market will again just for that short time, it'll be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Real Estate God.
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