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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. KY shut the fuck up. Boys have been wacking off since the dawn of time. Sears and Montgomery Wards catalogs, imagination, your dad's collection of Playboys, your mom's panties, you name it, boys have used it. Porn isn't going to be the downfall of humanity. People have always been sexual. The oldest found dildo is 28,000 years old. By your bitching, humanity is lucky to still be alive. This law if fucking bullshit. Any attempts to rationalize or both sides this shit is fucking stupid.
  2. what about the erection for 2 hours when Ewers goes 17-18, 307 yards, and 4 TDs?
  3. The Rambler apartments were a week late opening. They finally opened on Friday. You, my wife and daughter, and a few hundred people were stuck in the same line waiting to get their shit picked up and moved to their apartments.
  4. Whoa. I know he's an aggy but let's not insult him too much.
  5. We should just nuke the Earth so that we can start over in 500 years. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/24/world/emperor-penguin-breeding-antarctic-sea-ice-climate/index.html As rapidly warming global temperatures help push Antarctica’s sea ice to unprecedented lows, it’s threatening the very existence of one of the continent’s most iconic species: emperor penguins. Four out of five emperor penguin colonies analyzed in the Bellingshausen Sea, west of the Antarctic Peninsula, saw no chicks survive last year as the area experienced an enormous loss of sea ice, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Nature Communications Earth & Environment. This widespread “catastrophic breeding failure” is the first such recorded incident, according to the report, and supports grim predictions that more than 90% of emperor penguin colonies will be “quasi-extinct” by 2100 as the world warms.
  6. Pics are on Nextdoor. Just a few dudes holding signs and yelling at kids. One was wearing a Jesus shirt. I'm so fucking shocked!
  7. Oddly enough, I haven't heard a peep from the cycling Nazi's during this Hell on Earth summer on how we should all bike everywhere. Good thing we got rid of car lanes so that the bike lanes can be empty.
  8. I bet he was enraged after she told him that "Dad is better."
  9. It's like the Genie, after you unleash crazy, you probably not going to put it back in the bottle. Millions of people like this dumb bitch are not going to just turn off the crazy switch. They are empowered by crazy. This bitch was on a high during this show. Everyday after, I bet she masturbated with a cucumber remembering this moment, how fucking awesome she was for creating a fucking scene.
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