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Mighty fine

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Everything posted by Mighty fine

  1. That's a separate issue. With subsidence, the consolidation is happening in the dewatered formation, so generally the elevation drop is constant across a local area.
  2. One distinction on this: El Paso is brackish groundwater desalination. With brackish desal, your going on the order of 5000 mg/l to less than 1000 mg/l of total dissolved solids typically using membrane filtration, freshwater blending, or a combination of both. With seawater desal, your looking at going from 35,000 mg/l to less than 1000 mg/l tds with your treatment system. That additional level of treatment compounds both your capital and operations cost. Corpus is looking at seawater desal, but it's some expensive water.
  3. Austin has untapped options (eg, go east and tap the Carrizo Wilcox aquifer system similar to San Antonio). This coupled with the growth of reuse and alternative technologies such as Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) will set them up well into the future. With regards to private investment, PPPs are increasing in popularity (see SAWS Vista Ridge wellfield and pipeline). I think the economics on water supply projects are prohibitive to private investment/ development unless (a) you have and can stand to sit on a shit ton of capital/assets for a 20 year horizon without making, or (b) you own a shit ton of land sitting on top of a prolific aquifer (see Temple Inland/Forestar)
  4. This is a common practice. Pretty sure a tiered rate structure is also a requirement for utilities mandated to have a Water Conservation Plan.
  5. The state passed legislation in 2013 on this, then it was set up as the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) and is administered by the Texas Water Development Board. Basically a portion of the rainy day money was set aside and allocated for low interest loans /grant funding for water supply projects.
  6. For those interested, the draft regional water plans for most of the state regional water planning groups were published recently. These are fairly interesting in how they identify future projects and provide estimates for developing each.
  7. Not to be confused with the equally impressive, albeit slightly outdated model 220.
  8. God damnit you sorry son of a bitch. One thread where I don't have to read a bunch of pussy ass bitching, and here you come. Others can correct me if I'm wrong, but that pic is likely from his cab camera setup.
  9. That was my exact thought as well. It was almost like a fleet of dozers came through and pushed up hundreds of tree/brush piles along the banks and sand bars.
  10. Seeing reports that they're planning to build a new factory in Austin. How does this compare, in terms of projected local economic impact, to say the new apple campus? https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/report-tesla-to-build-next-factory-in-austin/
  11. Ajax, I'm 32. My vision at 30 was about the same as yours is currently. Now, I'm at a -2.0 in both eyes without trying. I've had a noticeable natural improvement; eye doctor said this is not uncommon. I'm almost to the point where I don't feel that need corrective lenses (except at dusk... driving not lit roads at dusk fucking sucks now even with lenses)
  12. In the write up linked over on the airplane fanatics thread, the story mentioned that activating the ejector on one seat is supposed to auto eject the other cockpit seat. The canopy was gone, but luckily for the pilot, his seat didn't fire
  13. I'm tracking with you on that. And yeah, the development density is critical recycle operations to be feasible economically. Regulatory headwinds still pose a challenge to recycle in some areas; funny enough, I don't believe University Lands allowed large scale produced water recycle/ reuse on their leases until 2017 or 2018.
  14. But at what percentage within their operation? Upstream E&P life cycle water management has really grown in the last decade; the produced water managment subsection has really taken off since 2013-2014 or so. The stuff that PXD, DVN, SWN, etc, have been doing on the water side is pretty damn cool and innovative. But let's not pretend that every major player isn't poking new water wells to support growing ops, either.
  15. He may have been referring to the quantities of relatively fresh water being consumed as opposed to water quality/ pollution potential
  16. There's a Kipling poem called The Power of the Dog; give it a read tomorrow night. You obviously have a good one. Good girl.
  17. Never set on a jury, but how the fuck do you quantify 51% proof? How do you know it's not actually 49% proof?
  18. Yep. Seems like a pretty good group of caretakers at my son's daycare, and I'd like for him to continue going there (or maybe not have to go through the pain of finding a new place) and hope they can manage to come out the other side alright.
  19. How do electric vehicles penetrate the market during record low oil prices?
  20. In the documentary I saw about him, he has a successful (relative) launch and touchdown. That steam rocket is basically a water heater. They crank the heat up the night before, then by launch time it's built up enough pressure. As you pointed out, it's only powered on whatever energy of steam is stored at takeoff. He knew that thing would never get as high as he claimed. I don't think this guy cared two shits about the flat earth movement. He just used it as a vehicle for self promotion and funding his hobby.
  21. From what I just read, the distinction between the two has to do with how the act. In low populations, locust act the same and are generally indistinguishable from grasshoppers. However, in higher populations, their behavior changes dramatically, and this is often accompanied with a change in physical characteristics. Eta: the locust is a specific grasshopper species that has undergone metamorphosis , as described in Doc's link
  22. Just based on my observations of the water level at bastrop back when the most recent flood hit travis (October '18?), Bastrop flooding would be severe at a minimum; there's a bit of storage in the floodplain between Austin and there, so the peak wouldn't be as bad (relatively speaking). There's significant storage in the floodplain between bastrop and wharton/bay city. Not sure how bad flooding would be down near the coast, but the river would certainly be flowing full in its main banks
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