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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. The show doesn't have the chin turrets on any of the planes, so there's at least one more version of the B-17 before the war ends.
  2. I believe there were actually more B-24's in service than the B-17, but the 17 was more famous and gets more attention. Also, there was a B-17 that had the entire top tail section shot off once that managed to fly back to it's base and land.
  3. Not many relievers have his ability to come in and get out of trouble. And then when he starts an inning getting in to his own trouble and managing to also get out of it.
  4. She lost weight unnecessarily and she was skinny to begin with.
  5. Or they own stock in private prisons there and didn't want to get rid of a customer.
  6. They had been driven out of their home territory and survived on the fringes until they got horses. Then they took out all that pent up aggression on everyone they encountered.
  7. The amount of condiments for 6 chips really lets you know they were just being assholes.
  8. I stayed at the Princess once and we didn't leave the hotel either and I was with a group who have been working in Belize on archeological digs for 40+ years. The head guy was even kidnapped and held for ransom in the jungle back in the 80's.
  9. Finally got around to watching this yesterday. Very well done and I assume they filmed in the actual museum? That really made it hit home even harder.
  10. I believe the rumor is the current investigations, not future ones.
  11. Yeah, everyone else is the problem or maybe Harbaugh is just a weird asshole who is impossible to get along with and creates conflict wherever he coaches.
  12. There isn't a lot of suspense in the book either. The trial was covered much more thoroughly and there's a lot more backstory which would probably have been hard to do in the movie. The book is a slow motion car wreck of tragedy. You largely know what's going to happen and it unfolds in excruciatingly terrible detail.
  13. Damn, there's goes his shot a blowing more games in the playoffs. Maybe a contender will trade for him at the deadline.
  14. If teams can squint and convince themselves they see Aaron Donald, it's gonna get him drafted really early.
  15. Delta cancelled a flight on us in the summer because they were out of pilots. I guess we could have gotten a room out of them if we had wanted to stand in a line the entire night. I stood in it for close to 3 hours while me and the wife found alternate flights home and a hotel room for the night. She left to try to get our bags back while I stayed in the line. Eventually she found out they would not give us them back so we went to the hotel. Delta had 2 people working the counter and had cancelled several other flights for the same issue so the line was really fucking long. One passenger took up one of the Delta workers most of the time I was in line so it was moving so slowly that I bet I still would have been waiting in it the next morning at 6:00 am when the flight we found left.
  16. July is a good bet for his first setback of the year.
  17. We went to London in 2018 and flew BA direct from Austin to Heathrow. I checked in to upgrading to first. They wanted 27k per person and that was only the Austin to London flight. It’s a 9 hour flight.
  18. No more games where pressly and abreu are unavailable and montero ends up closing.
  19. I don’t know, it’s never happened. I’m a one person department though.
  20. Just need him to post an upside picture and we’ll have proof he’s Armybrat.
  21. The only sketchy parts of Belize that 99% of tourists encounter is the neighborhood around the water taxi in Belize City and it's not a big deal as long as you don't wander off from the water taxis while waiting for your boat. Since you are flying to Placencia, you don't even have to worry about that.
  22. If they trade Pressly, they are in the same position they were yesterday. A hole in the bullpen in a high leverage role.
  23. You can't replace that kind of terroir. The fries were never the same.
  24. Hell to the no, I'm not moving somewhere that's even hotter than Texas.
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