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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. Oh look, MLB making new procedures to fuck the Astros.
  2. Appealed and nothing will happen until next season
  3. He was telling him that altuve was going to remove their souls in the 9th.
  4. Yep, the Astros hit someone on purpose in game 5 with no outs and a runner on.
  5. Someone in the media needs to ask MLB why 2 umps that bad are calling an LCS series.
  6. No, bitter Helo is best Helo.
  7. He can have some kale and a handful of almonds.
  8. You should probably sprain your ankle first to give him a fighting chance.
  9. That was about the finest piece of base running you'll ever see.
  10. I don't ever understand making the yellow line in play. It would be so much simpler if it was like the foul poles.
  11. Yeah if Brown wants to finish the game that would be real neat. Need to not throw both Abreu and Pressly unless it gets crazy.
  12. That Pena at bat ain't his fault. It should have been 2-1. Instead of a 3 pitch K.
  13. Yeah, it's awful. You can't see shit. It's only neat when they show it on things like Abreu's home run.
  14. Is Brantley just not physically capable of playing 2 games in a row? I never see him grimace or show any signs of favoring his shoulder. He doesn't swing or field like it's bothering him. Either he is one tough motherfucker or Dusty is just being extra stupid.
  15. If they follow the Wrexham plan, they are going to bring in talented people and then give them plenty of money to get on the right track. Ryan Reynolds isn't giving money to someone unless he's pretty sure he's going to get even more of it back.
  16. Yeah, I would agree if I hadn't of watched the 2019 World Series and this years team. The Astros are capable of winning all 3 in Arlington and then getting swept at home again.
  17. Ryan Reynolds is pretty sharp, so I assume it comes with bringing in competent leadership.
  18. Alpine is trying to be Ferrari, but can't because they are out Ferrari'ing them.
  19. Which is ideal. They can go on being crazy assholes as long as they don't vote for either party.
  20. That's why you hope for the best and prepare for the worst. They just can't let him have another meltdown and he has to be pulled before it gets that bad.
  21. I couldn't' remember if it was 1 or 2, but it was still rather important, wasn't it?
  22. There are 2 ways out of this and both involve removing Trump's sway over the party. One way is the Republican party goes the way of the Whigs and a new conservative party emerges that has no obligations to Donald Trump. The faction of America that can't deal with that will either stop voting or form a fringe party that gets no say. The other is that Trump dies before the first way happens.
  23. If he gives up runs in the first inning, he gets pulled. The extra runs he gave up later in his last start ended up being a big deal.
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