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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. I would probably have him throw right-handed instead of bringing in Chapman.
  2. Liz Cheney isn't a moderate, she just hates Trump. She is not someone I would trust on anything that doesn't involve him.
  3. or looked as lost at the plate in the playoffs as he did.
  4. Maybe they should read the part of the Bible where it talks about sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind.
  5. Was dumb to let Glasnow start another inning. Siri is a spas and sometimes it comes out, usually it's just at the plate though.
  6. Not sure why they brought Glasnow out for another inning. He promptly got in another jam.
  7. I like that the Trop is so shitty that it doesn't even have decent lighting. It looks like they're playing at sundown.
  8. McCarthy proved pretty thoroughly that you can't work with the Magats because they refuse to compromise on anything and aren't serious about governing. The Republicans can try it again, but it will end the same way.
  9. Got the crab stuffed portabellas at La Playa, they did not disappoint. This is the 2nd year in a row we just walked in off the street and sat down to a table there, which was awesome. The weather was a little hotter than normal, but I got to watch the UT game while drinking in a pool so no complaints.
  10. I guess he turned it around after that meltdown
  11. He's such an asshole that no one cared enough to give him the benefit of the doubt. Also, he sucks now so teams aren't going to be beating his door down.
  12. Pollard is not a great short yardage back. They need to find someone that is.
  13. Jones looks like he's trying to get benched.
  14. That was one of those plays were the players call it if they see a certain alignment I think.
  15. I hope the hangovers from last night were worth it.
  16. Get shutout by a team with nothing to play for. Never change Rangers.
  17. Really glad it wasn’t his knee. The way he got rolled up is how lots of torn acls happen.
  18. He is faster than Bijan. His speed is the most surprising thing to me. I had no idea he was this fast.
  19. I looked up the ground rules for Chase Field and it doesn’t mention that left field line specifically.
  20. You could get very rich betting against the Astros on reviews. That home run getting overturned was the worst one in a long time. It was clearly a homer.
  21. Jimbo had shitty OL at FSU also. It was one of the biggest complaints the FSU fans had. I don't know how he ended up not valuing OL, but it's hilarious.
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