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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. I wouldn’t take that too seriously, that’s pretty much a standard 3am for their Embassy
  2. There’s a joke by Chris Porter that goes something like “if you put pussy on the other side of an obstacle, men will find a way. If all the lady’s of the world said they would stop fucking us until a cure for cancer was discovered it would take us 3 weeks: “Found it! It was mustard and carrots. Who woulda believed it?!?!”
  3. Oh, don’t worry the war hasn’t been going on too long. They’ll have them for tonight at least. Certainly, I haven’t been drinking as much for a bit (trying to lose some lbs) but I’m raising a glass tonight I feel strangely connected to the Ukrainians. This has the same flavor as Texas’ Independence story. God Speed and Give ‘‘em Hell boys.
  4. meh, it’s kinda like the “don’t snitch” rule on the playground. If you’re honorable and just doing shit some people don’t like, it’s not acceptable to turn them in. If you’re a dick who’s bullshit is going to get everyone in trouble however…
  5. Tread slowly.You cannot truly understand aggy without losing a small part of yourself.
  6. This is true. And those motherfuckes and mercs are the real deal. Lots of good training and leadership guys. Some of those guys are also the type of guys who dress up and walk around the worst parts of Chicago hoping to get mugged so they can kill somebody with their hands.
  7. Oh, I’m sorry when I re-read my post you responded to when I said they would die for him, I was definitely oversimplifying. A more accurate way to say what I meant would be that through Putin’s shrewd maneuvering the oligarchs have been entangled into all of the evil shit that he does. Whether willingly or not. So regardless of their personal feelings, they are tied to protect him as their lives depend on him thru his design.
  8. When he took power is much different than now. They have helped him rape the country and are much richer than is public as well as supported the murder of his rivals. They are just as guilty as he is and they know it
  9. Russia would have to be on fire for that to happen. Most of those oligarchs would die for Pootpoon.
  10. Lol. You will be forever disappointed if you think you can tell a German what to do. We don’t need to go CR, but this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone
  11. Nevertheless, it’s incorrect. They think we are as unstable as they are and that one or 2 major US losses will plunge us into Civil War. I’d put money on it bring us together the tightest in 80 yrs
  12. Oh, they will worry plenty and still not care what the Slavs do to each other
  13. This thing could explode across Europe. They’re trying to display level headed thinking. Also, we haven’t told them what to do yet.
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