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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. Funny enough, New Year’s Eve 2015 was the last time I was drugged and coincidentally in Paris. I could feel it so we darted into a cab. We were staying at a fancy hotel in the 8th and I went to the girl at the counter and explained I was a guest, had been out and I believed I had been drugged and where might a clinic be. Bitch called the cops on me. Cops get there, I say the same thing and the one who speaks English says “oh yeah, that’s going on a lot right now. Ok, bye.” Couple days later I bitched out the help line operator and got my stay comped with a bunch of points.
  2. That’s what my daughter calls me when she’s really mad at me but she uses “poo poo” Interestingly, nothing has cut me deeper
  3. Yeah, Colombia is nuts and you definitely have to be careful, but mostly if you’re a woman. For men they usually just do a strong arm robbery with some dull rusty knife. See, there are no guns anywhere else in the world so if you have size and know how to return a stab attempt back to sender, no one will fuck with you. Or if they do you know you’ll be fine and just need to get the fuck out of town tomorrow.
  4. Yep. This is very relevant for the aggy thread If you’re a good looking super straight macho guy in their 20s who is out partying in the UK, Europe or the coastal large US cities and college station, you need to watch out. Getting those kinds of guys so fucked up they do gay stuff is a big fetish for some. Sexual assault is not really about sex, it’s about power and this definitely falls in that category Chicks have been dealing with being drugged for a while. Big tuff guys don’t think they need to worry about anything until they get a text of themselves getting multiple money shots on a disgusting bathroom floor.
  5. Yes, the old rohos where what we used to take in HS back in the day maybe after a trip to Old Mexico. Looking back, they were comparable to taking like 2.5 bars and having fragmented memories the next day is part of playing with benzos. Still, it wasn’t subtle if you were in mind wipe territory. If we’re drinking and took enough to blank out you looked like a fucking wreck and projectile vomiting was definitely something that was on the table. GhB on the other hand is a fucking awesome drug. Like, too much fun. If you enjoyed having sex with a 20something y/o girl with a ridiculous body on ecstasy, then you are going to love- love it. Ecstasy might be a good drug to try if you’re girlfriend is maybe interested in trying something adventurous like anal sex but may still be apprehensive. It’s great for that. GhB would be something you would want to try out if, say, you’d like your GF who’s only had sex with 3 people to suddenly and ravenously join a Zoolander style orgy. Or conversely, if youre a gay dude and what to mess around with a strait guy who has no interest in guys. It seems to be good for that too. It can cause memory blank too with alcohol but you have to take a seriously dangerous amount. More recently there’s Foxy. That shit is as close to the mythical “Spanish fly” there is. I guess the short of it is that it’s terrifically intense. Like a guy having a 8 min orgasm intense. So, if you’re in a club/ at a music festival and you see some people in a corner making out hard, face flushed, hands down each other’s pants you say to yourself “welp, people ‘round here are doing ecstasy.” If you have to watch where you step or dance because total strangers are frantically having sex right where they first started making out, then you’re in Foxy town. Damn I miss Jr. High. wait, what were we talking about?
  6. It seems like the portal is going to become a humongous part of the game, even more so than many of us estimated.
  7. Your argument makes a lot of sense, the only hook i see right now tho is that kids can still get a fat bag on NSD1 and transfer 8 months later. They’ve got to figure something better than a wink and a hand shake when you’re giving 400k to a kid who’s never played a snap for you. Hell, for 400k i probably would’ve considered aggy too. Probably…
  8. I told you guys adding that tire swing to the FB practice field would work.
  9. Sir, aggy doesn’t focus on such things because the have neither the initiative to google shit or the reading skills to fully comprehend the Kings English cuz its ghey
  10. Aren’t roofies just Mexican Xanax? I feel like the students of todays fish camp would need something a touch stronger. I’m envisioning a steamy, PnP room at the holiday inn, CS. Some gaunt, ass cheek white country bumpkins covered in sweat and skin soars. The roofies are for the sheep tied to the bed.
  11. “Psst…hey buddy… one of dem comas has a funny dot over it /aggy
  12. Yes, but fine spirits are also to be gloriously wasted. A buddy bought me a drink one time that was no doubt the best drink I’ve ever had., 2.5oz Balvenie Caribbean cask into a high ball filled with flake ice, top off with a bottle of Coca-Cola from Colombia because they were the only production plant still using cane sugar. Its like drinking pure, delicious blasphemy
  13. aggy “Pffft, hey ‘embody! Can you believe this?? This Whorne wants us to walk behind a bunch of Jewz!” /aggy
  14. All i can say is that if you showed me his pic when i was 6 and said, “this is a pic from the future, the year of our lord 2022!!” I would look at it and say to myself “yep. That makes sense” also reminds me of:
  15. Yeah, I mean im sure some people assume “dude is on TikTok so sure he’s heard that” but no, he knows the whole damn thing. That’s kinda speakeasy cool.
  16. Well, aggy does excel at having a large university that doesn’t really teach you shit.
  17. Hey guys, I gotta say thanks again for all your well wishes, it was a very nice and unexpected gesture from this community and it really meant a lot to feel like there were others commiserating with me for a moment. Cheers to you internet. this is a song that’s not really my style, but it somehow fits Craig perfectly and his mom and I were listening to it while we were packing up his stuff last night. So thanks again everyone, truly. And one last, final salute
  18. Yeah, we’ll see. It’s nothing to be counted on for sure, but the D staff getting a clue and working together seems like a reasonable expectation. The fact they brought in Pete K late after a lot of his staff had been hired for him, I thought there was a good chance our D would have a drop off. Next season should be better, I mean it would be pretty hard to be worse. Fucking 100th. JFC. Sark: “Yeah guys I hear your frustration and I’m working hard with the guys to get on track. Also, I did want mike stoops and he probably would have helped us win 2-3 games last year. Just sayin….”
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