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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. Oh im no trying to piss contest with that one. I’m trying to keep it light. Ive got stories about vicious gang rapes, murder and kidnapping, gang wars between factions from all over the USA/world, counterfeiting rings tied to the N. Korean gov., teen prostitution rings, my adventures with our HS police officer who was a former SMU LB and ran drugs at our HS, I could go on and on but you wouldn’t believe it.
  2. Yup. ok, CSB about how I went to battle with my Honors Chemistry teacher and the administration. Me and my principal were on first name terms after this one. Chem teacher failed everyone but my friend and the starting QB who sat on either side of me, both of whom were dumb as fuck and copied my shit. It didn’t mathematically add up and was clear it was malicious. Because they were my friends i could take their returned work nd unquestionably prove it. Of course the admins and teacher slandered me, called me a fuckup, brat, entitled, yada, yada. Then we did a background check on Chem ‘teacher’ and it turned out that he didn’t have a teaching certificate and had forged one because he had felony sex crimes with juveniles conviction (this was adjudicated before sex offender registry started in TX). Whoops. So, the admins allowed me to switch classed for “my own good” then a week later gave everyone still in the class a passing grade because of the scandal. So everyone passed, except me. I was in fact probably the only fucking student who legitimately passed that class. Most peoples family would stick up for them, but my dad is a bit of a coward when it comes to his kids. So, i was ordered to drop it. Well, shit didn’t end there of course. Endless bullshit started to roll down hill like, I was constantly given false tardys and absences, I was the only Sr out of 750+ to be punished for Sr. Skip day, shit like that to the very last day of school. They even tried to fuck up my admission to UT by not mailing my transcripts. My ace in the hole was my buddy from 4th grade was the son of the attendance lady, so i got all the low down info. i heard what they were planning to do and was able to go into the office and get multiple copies printed out (so i could sue if they lied on them). I then drove to Austin that day which was also the deadline for that record. First time i ever went in the main building and remember thinking “oh, shit there’s a Natural science library in here too?” I mean, i had a couple AP and TAG teachers who stood up for me and even threatened the principal to call out some of his past, worse bullshit to other students after the Sr skip day thing. I don’t know why, but that one really pissed off some of the facility. I never complained, just took whatever on the chin so the admins would get mad and according to my buddy it worked. They hated me. I haven’t thought about this in years and it brings a smile to my face.
  3. Lol. No. Like I said, I was all down hill from there. Tired out nerd was a juvenile murderer who had just beed released in the summer. I’m just telling that story because you literally wouldn’t believe most of my others.
  4. Hmmm… I mean, I guess. CSB alert: See, my HS at the time I went mid 90s was the most diverse HS in the country and was huge. My graduating class was 750+ and the FR class that year was over 1200. It was an interesting experience, there were a small group of some of the best students in the state/nation side by side a much larger group of legit psychotic and connected criminal sociopaths. Honors/AP/TAG classes were a necessary tool for the Administration to insulate students that produced scores necessary for state excellence grants from the violent, horrific, and (at least in relation to the HS) worthless humanity in the hallways. My first week of HS, I came in and sat down in my Honors Biology class which was a hodgepodge of mostly middle class kids from FR-Sr classes. A guy who thought he was a badass swanked in looking like he belonged in a Genuine video. It’s still the passing period and people are still wandering in so he’s making jokes, razzing some people and winking at girls. He sits behind another quiet, nerdy guy who also happened to be black and says something like “what up” and extends his hand for 5s. He is ignored. This upsets Genuine so he starts talking shit, and truth be told he’s fucking excellent at it. He is still ignored. So, Genuine started to add some heat. He says something like “Damn n——a, you brave or stupid. You need to know what the fuck is up, bitch. I’m mother fucking bad. “ Nerd turns around with a puzzled look on his face and Genuine starts a little stare thing like “you want some?” Then, nerd punched Genuine in the face- right in the nose with lightning explosive force. It was a top tier mma strike and Genuines nose exploded. Like, actually exploded. Imagine a NCAA OL punching a tangerine on a table with all his force. It actually caused his blood to form a sort of aerosol cloud for a fraction of a second that hung in the air after Genuine dropped. Nerd said with a slight chuckle “you ain’t bad. You don’t know shit,” and then just turned around and went back to what he was doing. Well, for a moment we all thought he had accidentally killed Genuine, blood was pooling behind his head and he legit looked like he had been shot in the face. A few guys carried genuine to the nurse and one of the school PD officers took nerd away who was so calm it felt eerie. We then went on with the lesson while 2 janitors cleaned up the mess. A girl I knew was sitting closer to the action and had tiny specks of blood spray on her book cover she never noticed for the rest of the year. I would see genuine in the hallways for the next couple years and he was a real good looking guy before, after he had an aquiline nose that had an almost 90degree hook. Thats not the worst story by far, just the first.
  5. It would certainly bring this discussion to a surprising full circle. But now that I think about it, I have a feeling that QE knows what’s good when it comes to burgers. And barely legal poon.
  6. Probably right, but its alcohol so the city has to at least put on a farce and pretend to try and tax it. Churchie Le’Pews will be happy, then put their football team above their values. ‘Merica, etc.
  7. Or maybe ”All Ukrainian Mail Order Brides on Sale Now!! Don’t Miss the Savings!”
  8. That fucking monster Russian hack no doubt has a hand in this. Russia doesn’t act like this unless they are sure about shit. They are either going in, or know they’ll get something they want by posturing
  9. That dude is sitting the the snow for a while
  10. Hes erasing some pretty humiliating treaties Russia signed after the ussr collapsed. We’ve been fucking foolish AF on foreign policy for 51/2 years.
  11. What a bitch. Ive suffered enough losses in the past 10 years to be fine if our guys put up a fight of some kind.
  12. “WhoopCity” is fucking stupid, right? I know I’ve got orange glasses in but that just rubs me the way that’s it’s legitimately awful.
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